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四年级英语连词成句练习班级 姓名 1.a I May have ruler (?) 2.that notebook have I May (?) 3. Thi s for is pen you (.) 4. David book for Thi s is (.) 5. monkey, nice, a, thats (.) 6, I a look have can (?) 7. is thi s a cat (?) 8.the too nice is lion (,.) 9.too your bear like I toy (,!) 10.his that school is bag (.) 11.that desk the whats on (?) 12.rabbit is you this for (.) 13. like panda thi s Id big please (,.) 14. t hink I her lion t his is (,.) 15.her rabbit thats t hink toy I (,.) 16.that desk whats on (?) 17.for this is you school bag (.) 18.Helen have for I this may copybook (?) 19. perhaps the your storybook is bed on ( . ) 20. is your new balloon where ( ? ) 21. you do t his toy like panda ( ? ) 22.that is purse your (?) 23. over whats there that (?) 24. Yang Lings perhaps is it(.) 25.my is storybook this excuse me(,?) 26.at not all(.) 27.classroom the in is perhaps umbrella your (.) 28.that what is English in (?) 29.puppets you do like (?) 30.like do this you kite (?) 31.is for here puzzle a you (.) 32.my is where umbrella (?) 33.for kite is a Mike here (.) 34.do like swimming you (?) 35.clean lets car the (.) 36.on chair is the it (.) 37.t hink that her I rabbir is (,.) 38.t his panda Id please like (,.) 39.have I may for Miss Li a pencil (?) 40.red is for Mr Green card this (.) 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。sit_ swim_ go _make _run _ write_ cry_ study _watch_ wash_ say_ play _二、用do does填空1、_ you ride a bike after school? Yes, I _.2、_ your sister like PE? No, she _ not.1、 What_ the students have? They have some pens.2、 How_ Linda go to school? She goes to school on foot.3、 He _ not speak English. He speaks Chinese.4、 _ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they _ .5、 My father and mother _ not read newspapers on Saturday.三、用一般现在时填空。1、 What _ he _ (have)? He _ (have) a toy plane.2、 My mother _ not_ (like) English. She _ (like) Chinese.3、 _ you _ (go ) to school by bus? No, I _ (go) to school by car.4、 Miss Wang _ (swim ) every day.5、 I _(like) English . Tom _ _ _(not like ) English.6、 The moon _ (go) around the earth.7、 When_ you _ (go ) to school? I _ (go) to school at five every day.四、写出下列动词的现在分词。sit_ swim _ run _ jog_read _ watch _ sing_ do_ski _ stop _ write _ dance_go_ come _ smoke _ make _五、用进行时填空。1. I _ _ (read ) English now.2 . He _ _ (go) to the park now.3. We _ _ (have ) an English class.4. What _ they _ (do ) ? They _ _ (sit) in the park.5、 My mother _ _ (clean ) the room now.六、写出下列动词的过去式sit_ swim_ read _ make_watch_ sing_ do_ has _go _ watch_ clean_ are _study_ stop_ is _ come _wash_ jump_ get _七、用一般过去时填空1I _(go) to the cinema last Saturday.2He_ (is ) ill yesterday.3We only_ (have ) a lesson yesterday.4What _ your uncle _ (do) yesterday morning?He (get ) some friuts.5. She _ (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon.八、用动词的适当形式填空。1、 My mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2、 Please _ (have) some oranges.3、 Its seven oclock. I _ (get) up now.4、 School is over. The students can _ (play) games.5、 _ you _ (go) to school every day?6、 Dont _ (run) in the school now.7、 We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)8、 Let me _ (go) to the cinema.9、 “Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now?” Yes.10、 My hands are dirty. Let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them.11、 Look, Miss White _(have ) an English lesson.We _(like) English.12、 The workers _ (want) some tea. They are thirsty.13、 Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park?14、 The old women _(run) every morning.15、 I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.

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