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Book 5Module 9FeelingsUnit 1 Are you feeling sad? 教学设计教材内容:Amy: Whats the matter, Lingling? Are you feeling sad?Lingling: NoAmy: Do you miss China?Lingling: NoAmy: Are you feeling bored?Do you want to play chess?Lingling: NoAmy: Are you feeling angry?Lingling: Oh, no! Of course not.Amy: So whats the matter?Lingling: Nothing. Im thinking.Amy: What are you thinking about?Lingling: Its a secret, Amy.Amy: Tell me, please.Lingling: Okay. Im going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday!Amy: But now its not a surprise!Book 5Module 9FeelingsUnit 1 Are you feeling sad?坊安街道南流小学刘娟一、教材分析:Module 9的主题是“Feelings”, Unit 1 Are you feeling sad?的语言功能是Talking about feeling(谈论感觉),主要通过“表达感觉的话题,依次呈现词汇:sad, bored, angry, secret, surprise及主要句型:Are you feeling.?询问他人的情绪状况。二、学情分析:本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们的英语知识已经有了一定的积累,英语听说读写方面的能力有了一定的基础,具备了初步运用英语做事的能力。而且学生在合作学习以及在真实的任务中运用所学语言进行交际的能力等方面都较低年级时有了很大提升。在教授新语言点时,要尽可能多地联系实际生活,创造生活化的语言环境,让学生在语境中更好地理解课文,同时采取小组合作学习的方式加强生生合作与互动,通过任务驱动,鼓励学生在真实的情景中运用所学语言,让学生在大胆实践和积极参与的过程中,培养其积极的情感态度和自主学习能力。三、教学目标:1、 知识、技能目标:词汇:能够听说读写feel, sad, miss, bored, angry, nothing, secret, tell, surprise.语言:能够用英语询问他人的情绪状况和感受。如Are you feeling.?能够强化运用新单词。 2、过程、方法目标: 采用情景教学结合学生喜闻乐见的寓言故事龟兔赛跑将新单词进行统一贯穿。 通过学习课文及相关练习,理解,运用重点句型。培养学生在课堂上进行自主评价的能力。 3、情感目标:关注学生的内在需要,在活动中培养学生学习英语的积极情感态度并学会正确排解不良情绪同时懂得关心他人。四、教具:多媒体课件,CD,图画,表格五、教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up :T: Hello, boys and girls! Are you ready? Lets begin our class.T: First lets listen to a song“If you are happy.”You can sing together and do the actions. .(看Flash动画,唱歌曲,做动作,让学生既得到美的感受,又能参与其中,可以激发孩子的学英语的乐趣。)T: Do you like this song ? Are you feeling happy today? This class well learn Module 9 unit 1“Are you feeling sad?”Read after me please. (板书课题)T: Ihope you canfinish our survey andexpress your feelings after we learned this class. (提出任务,学生要完成会即将发给他们的调查表并且表述自己的感情。让孩子知道后面还有一个任务要完成,会更加认真的学习此节课。) 出示一张多媒体图片T: Look, whats this? Guess.T: Oh, its a happy face.T: Today, well have two groups. Youre Group1. And youre Group2. Lets come to the PK stage, if you answer the questions correctly you can get a happy face.Lets and see which group will be the winner. Boys and girls, come on!设计意图:通过歌曲预热,激发学生学习兴趣并迅速切入本课话题,并相应对学生进行分组说明具体评价方式。Step 2: Presentation and practice1. Leading-in: T:Do you like stories?Today Ill tell you an interesting story“The tortoise and the hare”.出示幻灯片:Mr tortoise: Im feeling very sad. Because my friend Diandian (dog) went to Beijing. I miss him! Miss hare: Im feeling so bored. I have nothing to do. Ah! Mr Tortoise? Are you running? Ha ha, you are too slow.Miss hare: Lets have a race(比赛). Mr tortoise: Im feeling very angry. Ok! Nothing can beat (打败)me. Ill try my best.A surprise result(结果):Mr Tortoise is the winner. Whats the matter? Can you tell me?The secret:Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind. (谦虚使人进步 骄傲使人落后)教读的同时板书新单词(红色字体为本节课的新单词,在教学单词的同时注意音标教学。)设计意图:通过学生喜闻乐见的寓言故事龟兔赛跑将本节课所要学习新单词放在统一情境中,更便于学生理解和识记。同时将新单词的音标呈现在课件中,注重语音教学。整个故事以现在进行时的时态讲述与课文重点句型不谋而合,做到词不离句,句不离篇。而且此处达成情感教育目标,让孩子们懂得谦虚使人进步的道理。2、Teacher reads the new words and asks students to repeat.3、 Play the game “Magic Eye”. 设计意图:领读单词让学生对新单词有一个整体把握,接着以游戏的形式对新单词进行巩固。在这一环节始终贯穿Group 1 与Group 2 两个小组的比赛与评价。4、Presentation:(1)Task1:“Are you feeling? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.”T:Look here, there are so many feelings. (展示自己画的表情图) Ill choose one and please guess it. You can use the sentence structure“Are you feeling?” Teacher chooses one feeling and students guess.T: Now who wants to come here and do this task?Some students come to the front ask and answer.设计意图:以师生、生生活动为载体,结合图片对本节课的重点句型Are you feeling?进行练习,学生能正确回答并积极参与到活动当中,既可以锻炼孩子们的自我展示能力又为下一步的课文学习打下坚实的基础。(2)T: Are you feeling happy now? How about our friend Lingling? Lets have a look.T: Listen to the tape and try to answer three questions:Is Lingling feeling sad?No, she isnt.Is she feeling bored?No, she isnt.Who is going to have a birthday?Amy is going to have a birthday. 设计意图:先引导学生思考,旨在激发学生好奇心,培养学生发散思维能力,让他们带着探究的欲望去认真倾听和观看对话。(3)Listen and repeat.(4)T: Read the text in groups and try to know the meaning of it, when you finish, please sit straight.【设计意图】:学生听录音跟读、模仿,有助于学生标准语音、语调的形成。学生能整体感知课文,初步理解对话的内容。(5)T:Lets act the text. Group 1 is Amy and Group 2 is Lingling. I read the title. Are you ready? 【设计意图】:了解学生对课文的掌握情况,随时给予指导和纠正,使学生能尽快熟读课文。 Step 3: Consolidation and extension1、 T: You do very well. Lets do a survey. Each group has got a paper, please work in pairs. Practice(用Are you feeling ?提问。)Show their surveys by groups.Nametiredsad angry boredhappyMiss Liu【设计意图】:通过suevey活动调查,小组互相问答既结合学生生活实际又练习了本课的重点句型,让学生了解知识的情境运用,极大激发了学生积极性。2、Present some pictures and practice ( The students look at the screen carefully ,then ask and answer.):“Is he/ she feeling ” “Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isnt.”【设计意图】:针对课文重点句型进行拓展练习,学生不但会询问他人的情绪感受而且能准确描述他人的情绪。表情图片稍纵即逝既考查学生的掌握情况也能集中学生的注意力。3、Lets say a chant and do actions:Sad, sad, are you feeling sad? No, no.Bored, bored, is he feeling bored? No, no.Angry, angry, is she feeling angry? No, no.Happy, happy, are you feeling happy?Yes, yes, we are feeling happy.【设计意图】:根据本节课重点单词与句型自编chant, 师生边做动作边说,再一次对本节课知识进行拓展和巩固。Step 4: SummaryEncourage Ss to tell us what they have learned. Then see which group is the winner.T: Boysand girls, you did a very good job in this class. Lets see what weve learned in this class. Read the new words and sentences.T: Now lets see which group is the winner. Clap for them.Step 5: Homework:Ask your parents or friends how they feel and try to make a dialogue according to the text.(询问你的父母或朋友的感受,参照课文做一个类似的对话)Bb designingModule 9Unit 1Group1 Group 2 Are you feeling? Yes, I am./ No, Im not.Is he/ she feeling? Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isnt.

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