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高中英语第一册单元考点精讲精练(1)Unit 1:Rock music is OK, and so is skiing. 考点 so句型用法归纳。归纳 “so+谓语+主语”是倒装句型,表示前边肯定情况也适合于后者(注意否定情况应用neither或nor代替so);“so+主语+谓语”是强调句型,意为“主语的确如此”;“主语+谓语+so”是陈述句型,表明“主语按照吩咐做”;“So it is with.” 相当于 “It is the same with.” 表示两种以上情况适合于后者。精练 单项填空1I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!_. (广西2004)ANor am I BNeither would I CSame with me DSo do I2Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast._. (辽宁2005)ASo it is BSo is itCSo does itDSo it does3Mary never does any reading in the evening, _. (全国2005)Aso does John BJohn does tooCJohn does tooDnor doers John4Maggie had a wonderful time at the party._, and so did I. (安徽2005)ASo she had BSo had she CSo she did DSo did she5Father, you promised!Well, . But it was you who didnt keep your word first. (湖北2005)Aso was I Bso did ICso I was Dso I didUnit 1:15 BADCDUnit 2:In China students learn English as a foreign language except for those in Hang Kong. 考点 besides, except, except for等用法比较归纳 besides用作介词,意为“除以外”,表示除去的内容包括在内;用作副词,表示“此外;而且”;except用作介词,意为“除以外”,表示除去的内容不包括在内,但与句子的主语是同一类。常与不定代词all, everything, nothing等以及疑问词连用,后接名词、代词介词短语或动词不定式(若前边有动词do时,不定式省略to,反之,to不能省);except for表示“除去的内容与主语不是同一类”, 被用来引出理由或细节,修正主要的论述;except that后接从句,意义相当于except for,二者可转换;except when/what表示“除非在什么时间/什么内容”,后接从句。精练 用上述单词或短语填空。1The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter2There are many others _ me who disagree with what you say.3The last bus being gone, we could do nothing _ stay the night in the mountain village.4The building is wonderful _ being far away from the city.5I know nothing about it _ I have read in the papers.6Most of the Chinese people usually go to work on the bike _ it rains.Unit 2:1except that 2besides 3except 4except for 5except what 6except whenUnit 3:How are you getting to the airport?考点 现在进行时典型用法归纳 现在进行时的典型用法有:表示此时此刻正在进行的动作或状态;表示现阶段正在进行的动作或状态;表示按计划或打算将要发生的动作,主要限于go, come, leave, return, get, arrive等动词。精练 单项填空。1Ive won a holiday for two to Florida. I _ my mum. (NMET2001春)Aam takingBhave taken Ctake Dwill have taken2Because the shop_, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. (浙江2004)Ahas closed down Bclosed down Cis closing downDhad closed down3Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ to ask how I am going to spend the money. (湖南2005)Aphone Bwill phone Cwere phoning Dare phoning4Are you still busy?Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long. (浙江2005)Ajust finishBam just finishing Chave just finished Dam just going to finish5Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _? (全国2005)Adid they speak Bwere they speaking Care they speaking Dhave they speakingUnit 3:15 ACDBCUnit 4:Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 考点 which用法归纳归纳 用于名词性从句连接词,表示特定范围内的选择,“哪一个(些)”;用于定语从句充当主语或宾语(更多见于非限制性定语从句)或是“介词+关系代词”结构;后接不定式构成不定式短语。精练 单句改错。1Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, I cant remember where.2Therere so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant make up my mind what to buy.3Anyway, that evening, that Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place.4There are two buildings, the larger of them stands nearly a hundred feet high.5Whom of your parents do you feel closer to?Unit 4:1where改为which 2what改为which 3that改为which 4them改为which 5Whom改为WhichUnit 5:Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children 考点 owe用法归纳及拓展归纳 owe用作及物动词,意为“欠债;对负有义务;感激”,多用于owe sb. sth.句型;oweto意为“把归功于”;owing to表示原因,意为“由于;因为”。类似地:referto指派(某人)查;归功于;directto对准(某一目标或方向);把(邮件等) 寄到preferto喜欢胜过limitto把限制在(范围内)increase/reduceto把增加/降低到leadto带领某人到(地方)explain/announceto sb.把给某人解释/宣布。精练 完成下列句子1She is now, (由于身体差), not so active in the movement. 2The young writer (把他的成功归于老师的鼓励).3I was told that my speech (被限制在15分钟以内).4The teacher (叫我去查字典). 5Can you (指点到火车站的路线)?Unit 5:1owing to ill/poor health 2owed/referred his success to his teachers encouragement 3was limited to 15 minutes 4referred me to the dictionary 5direct me to the railway stationUnit 6:Having good table manners means knowing, for example how to use knives and forks考点 mean用法归纳及拓展归纳 mean用作及物动词,表示“意思是;意味着;打算;有价值”等。mean doing sth.“意味着做某事”,起解释说明作用;mean to do“打算做某事”;mean much/ a great deal“关系重大”;be meant to do 按道理应该;Do you mean to say?“你难道是说?”meanfor“准备让干”What do you mean by? “你这是什么意思?”。mean用作名词表示“平均数;平均值”,用作形容词表示“吝啬的;卑鄙的”。名词means 单复数同形,表示“方法;方式”。习语有:by means of通过by any means在某种程度上by no means完全不是,绝不by all means一定;务必。精练单项选择1Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. (上海2000春)Ais usedBare usedChas been usedDhave been used 2You should have thanked her before you left. I meant _ , but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.(上海2000春)Ato doBtoCdoingDdoing so 3Why havent you bought any butter?I _ to, but I forgot about it. (NMET2001春)Aliked Bwished Cmeant Dexpected4In some parts of London, missing a bus means for another hour. (上海2002春)Awaiting Bto wait Cwait Dto be waiting5You are so lucky. What do you mean than? (NMET2002春)Afor Bin Cof DbyUnit 6:15 DBCAD Unit 7:Perhaps this is not always true. 考点 部分否定与完全否定归纳 英语中否定词not与all, both, every, each, always, often以及everyone, everything等连用,不管其位置如何,都构成部分否定,常译为“并非所有都”,“并非每一个都”;若表示完全否定,应用no, no one, nobody, nothing, none或neither等表示否定意义的词。精练 单句改错。1I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with anything. 2Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?Im afraid any day is possible. 3Mr. Alcott, headmaster of the school, refused to accept neither of the three suggestions made by the Students Union. 4The driving test wasnt very difficult, was it?No, but I dont think somebody could pass it.5 One weeks time has been wasted. I cant believe we did all that work for something.Unit 7:1anything改为everything 2any改为neither 3neither改为none 4Everybody 5something改为nothingUnit 8:New buildings and sports will be built. 考点 被动语态的用法归纳 英语中不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者时用被动语态,by短语有时可以省略。焦点在于通过特定语境确定使用被动语态以及具体的时态。精练 动词时态语态填空1The number of deaths form heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _(persuade)to eat more fruit and vegetables. 2All the preparations for the task _(complete), and were ready to start.3Whats that unpleasant noise?Oh, the road before the main gate (repair).4After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment (damage). 5The window is dirty.I know. It _ (not clean) for weeks.Unit 8:1are persuaded 2have been completed 3is being repaired 4was damaged 5hasnt been cleaned Unit 9:Having a cellphone also makes us feels safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency. 考点 case用法回顾归纳 case用作名词,表示“情形”,“情况”,“病例”,“案例”,“箱;盒;容器”等;与case有关的短语:in case表示“以防万一”(既可以单独使用,位于句末,又可以用作连词,后接从句);in that case表示“既然那样的话,假若是那样的话”(用来承接上下文);in any case 表示“无论如何”,“总之”;in no case表示“无论如何都不”;in case of表示“假如发生”,“如果”(后接名词、代词、或动名词);in the case of表示“就来说”,“至于”;as is often the case这是常有的事(as引导非限制性从句)。精练 用上述短语填空。1_ fire, dial the number 119.2_ shall I forget the favour he has done for me.3Theres no coffee left. _ Ill have tea.4I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some just _.5John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _ he phones.Unit 9:1In case of 2In no case 3In that case 4in case 5in caseUnit 10:repair them when they break down , and do everything Q12 tells them to. 考点 “break+介词/副词”短语归纳归纳 break away from突然逃掉;脱离break down(谈判)破裂;(机器、车辆)抛锚;(身体)累跨;分解break in突然进来;打岔(不接宾语)break into破门而入;勉强动用break off中断(谈判);解除(婚约);突然停止break out突然发生(争吵、疾病);突然(大声)break through突破;取得重大成果break up驱散(人群);(中小学)学期结束;分开。精练 用上述短语的适当形式填空。1Sentences can _into clauses, and clauses into phrases.2Scientists hope to _ soon in their fight against heart disease.3As she was talking, he suddenly _, saying, Thats a lie.4They were arguing but _ when someone came into the room. 5News reports say peace talks between the two parties have _ with no agreement reached.Unit 10:1be broken up 2break through 3broke in 4broke off 5broken downUnit 11:Professor Stevenson, who has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer考点 devote用法回顾及拓展归纳 devoteto 意为“献身于;专心于”,devote 的宾语是oneself, ones time, ones life等,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。注意devote后边没有宾语时,应用be devoted to形式。devoted adj. 忠实的devotion n. 专注;忠实。精练 单句改错。1Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to set up some schools for poor children.2Her son, to whom she so devoted, went abroad ten years ago. 3Although the working mother is very busy, she still offers a lot of time to her children.4She has devoted all her energies for the care of homeless people.5We appreciated his devotes of time and money to the project.Unit 11:1set改为setting 2she后加was 3offers改为devotes 4for改为to 5devotes改为devotionUnit 12:If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall. 考点 if用法归纳及拓展归纳 if表示“如果”,引导真实条件句(主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替)或虚拟条件句(从句谓语含有were, had, should时,可将if省略,采用倒装语序);if表示“是否”,引导宾语从句,一般可以与whether替换;as if相当于as though, 意为“仿佛;好像”,后接动词不定式或引导表语或方式状语从句;even if相当于even though,表示“即使”,引导让步状语从句;What if?意为“如果怎么办?”;if only表示假设,意为“要是就好”,“但愿”。 精练 单项选择。1_ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. (上海94)AWere BShould CWould DWill2When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _.(NMET95)Abreaks Bhas broken Cwere broken Dhad been broken3The WTO cannot live up to its name _it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. (NMET00)Aas long asBwhile CifDeven though 4What would have happened _, as far as the river bank? (上海2001)ABob had walked farther Bif Bob should walk fartherChad Bob walked farther Dif Bob walked farther5Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _ your advice. (上海2003春)AfollowedBwould followChad followedDshould follow Unit 12:15 BCCCC

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