2019秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 9 Food for Sport课件(新版)北师大版.ppt

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2019秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 9 Food for Sport课件(新版)北师大版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 9 Food for Sport课件(新版)北师大版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Food and Drink Lesson 9 Food for Sport课件(新版)北师大版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3Lesson9 FoodForSport Saythewordsout noodles Brainstorm fish Brainstorm Saythewordsout rice Brainstorm Saythewordsout vegetables Brainstorm Saythewordsout bananas Brainstorm Saythewordsout cheese Brainstorm Saythewordsout pancakes Brainstorm Saythewordsout cookies Brainstorm Saythewordsout butter Brainstorm Saythewordsout bread Brainstorm Saythewordsout sugar Brainstorm Saythewordsout eggs Brainstorm Saythewordsout salt Brainstorm Saythewordsout anapple Brainstorm Saythewordsout Putthewordsinthecorrectcolumn apple banana bread butter cheese cookie egg grape noodles orange pancke rice salt sugar apple banana cookie egg grape bread orange pancke noodles butter cheese rice salt sugar Canyousaymore Warm up apearanapple pearsapples someany 可数名词 表单数 表复数 不可数名词 表数量时 apieceofworkaglassofmilk 相同点 既可修饰可数 不可数不同点 some肯定句any疑问句否定句 Lookattheexamplesinthetable andtrytofindouttherules 1 Arethere grapes 2 There s orangeonthetable 3 Iusuallydrink glassoforangejuice 4 Therearen t pancakesforbreakfast 5 There s milkinthefridge 6 Weusuallyhave riceandmeatfordinner 7 Isthere cheeseathome 8 Thereisn t butter 9 I dlike banana any an a any some some any any a Completethesentenceswitha an someorany 1 WhatdoesMichaelPhelpseat 2 Whyotherpeoplecan teatlikehim Hecaneatthreepancakes threecheesesandwichesandlotsofotherfoodatonemeal Otherpeoplecan teatlikehim Theygetveryheavy Readagainandanswerthequestions A Whatdoyoueatornot B Ieat Idon teat A Whatdoyouusuallyeateatornot B Iusuallyeat Idon teat Speaking MypartnerisXiaoMing Heeats Heusuallyeats Buthedoesn teat Hedoesn tusuallyeat Heeatshealthyfood Writing Theb sareplayingwiththeirt s They reson sy They reshoutinginaloudv cewithgreatj oy oy oi oi oy Pronunciation FinishP90exercise2 3 Homework

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