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PEP 5 Unit 4What Can You Do?教学设计第一课时一教学内容分析:本课时紧紧围绕PEP人教版五年级英语上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part A Lets learn 中关于做家务的五个动词短语展开教学,其内容与学生的日常生活密切相连,用动作表演的形式组织教学,进行语言交流,能让学生体会到做家务的乐趣,并从中感知语言,习得语言。但在教学中要注意学以致用,鼓励学生能简单介绍自己能做些家务劳动。二学生情况分析 本次任务型活动课适合小学五年级的学生。五年级学生具有贪玩、好动、好奇心强,爱表现自己的特点。他们已经学过了四年的英语,已经具备了一定的基本知识和技能,对基本的课堂用语,教师的指令已经基本掌握,在图片或多媒体课件的帮助下能听懂、读准英语单词和句子。在教师的指导下能做一系列任务活动。并在四年级学生已经学习过一些动词短语,如:water the flowers, sweep the floor, set the table, make the bed等,为本课时的教学做了很好的铺垫。 三教学目标:1.知识目标:(1).能够听、说、读、写动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.(2).能听说、认读本课时动词词组empty the trash和句子“Im helpful! I can sweep the floor.”2.能力目标:(1).能听懂有关家务劳动的动词词组的指令,并做出相应的动作。如:sweep the floor, cook the meals.(2).能够掌握I m helpful! I can在实际情境中使用。3.情感目标:渗透学生热爱劳动,讲究卫生,自己的事情自己做的思想。四教学重难点:1.教学重点:有关家务劳动的动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom.2.教学难点:所学词组的正确发音以及句型 Im helpful! I can在实际情境中使用。教学准备:录音机、磁带、教学图片、实物教具(一个拖把,一个垃圾筐,垃圾两筐,抹布,锅,两盆花)教师准备部分的动词词卡、CAI课件、奖品小旗若干。五教学过程(一) Warm-up1. Greetings: Good morning! How are you? What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? .2.Lets do.(四年级上册) CAI 课件呈现四年级上册第一单元A 部分page4 Lets do的图并放录音,学生边说边做动作。Open the door/clean the window/sweep the floor/put up the picture/water the flowers.(设计意图:通过TPR活动,活跃气氛,是学生轻松进入学英语状态。) 3.导入:T:(指四年级上册Lets do图)Oh, they are helpful, (拿出helpful的单词卡) Chen Jie can open the door, Amy can sweep the floor. Wu Yifan can clean the window. Miss Yang is helpful, too. I can read books, I can draw pictures, I can sweep the floor, , I am _ (学生填单词helpful)师板书Im helpful, I can .4.I want to know what you can do at home .After the new lesson, please interview your classmates. 板书课题:What can you do? (设计意图:一开始就设计任务,让学生带着任务去学习新知识,为后来的学习活动做铺垫。)(二)Presentation1. 教学clean the bedroom (1)学短语:(课件呈现一副乱七八糟的 bedroom) T: Look! The bedroom is dirty, but Im helpful. I can clean the bedroom (边说边拿一块抹布擦桌子)。师举起clean the bedroom的教学图片给学生看,并手指着图片下面的单词读clean the bedroom, read after me,学生齐读两遍。找学生个别读。T: Who can spell it? S1:c-l-e-a-n,t-h-e,b-e-d-r-o-o-m,clean the bedroom. 对拼写正确的学生给予适当表扬 e g: Youre so great! 对拼写有误的给予鼓励 e g: Work hard!Then T: please show your fingers . lets write it together。Ok!one,two,begin.全体悬空与老师一起板书:. clean the bedroom.(2)Lets chant: clean, clean, clean the bedroom.Im helpful, I can clean the bedroom. (边说边做)2. 教学empty the trash(1)学短语:Look, oh,The trash bin is full, I can empty the trash too. (师边说边拿起一个垃圾筐,并同时做倒垃圾的动作。) 师举起empty the trash的教学图片给学生看, (教学同上)在带读empty the trash时强调trash中字母a的读音a is pronounce /. 学生齐读两遍。 (2)Lets chant: empty, empty, empty the trash.Im helpful, I can empty the trash. (边说边做)(3)练习:T:Now The back of the classroom there is some trash. 找两名同学倒垃圾到教室前面的筐里,看谁的速度快。在他们倒垃圾的同时Others say empty the trash. 3. 教学sweep the floor ( 刚才在学生倒圾时不小心将垃圾倒在了地上。)(1)学短语T: The floor is dirty .Who can sweep the floor? 任选两名同学拿扫帚清扫。T: What can they do ?Ss:They can sweep the floor. 师拿出sweep the floor的教学图片举起给学生看,(教学同上)在带读sweep the floor时,让学生注意sweep中ee的发音/ i: /。 (2)Lets chant: sweep, sweep, sweep the floor. Im helpful, I can sweep the floor. (边说边做)(3)练习:What can I do? ( 巩固三个短语环节:老师做动作,学生猜,复习所学的三个短语) T:Im helpful, I can4. 教学water the flowers(讲台桌上摆着两盆花)(1)学短语T: The floor is clean now .But The flowers need some water. Look! Im helpful. I can water the flowers. Can you? Ss: Yes, I can water the flowers. 找两名学生来浇花。师出示教学图片,带读并与老师一起板书:water the flowers(教学同上)。(2)Lets chant: water, water, water the flowers.Im helpful, I can water the flowers. (边说边做)(3)练习:接龙游戏make a long long sentence(师伸开两臂且作出两臂之间越来越短的手势)T: I can sweep the floor.S1: I can sweep the floor, water the flowers.S2: I can sweep the floor, water the flowers, clean the bedroom 依次往下说,看谁说的多.T: Youre helpful, Super! Now,this sentence is very long ,lets say it together.( 设计意图:“接龙游戏”将新知在游戏中进一步巩固,避免了机械操练的枯燥性。在学生说的过程中培养了听力的练习。)5. 教学cook the meals (1)学短语T:oh, I am tired, a little hungry, I can cook the meals. (CAI课件出现老师在做饭的场景) Look! I can cook the meals. 师边说边做动作(手持一个锅)师出示cook the meals的教学图片,(教学同上)强调cook 中字母oo的发音为短音/ u/.(2)Lets chant: cook, cook, cook the meals.Im helpful, I can cook the meals. (边说边做) (3)听录音环节,0pen the books,listen to the tape and repeat.(设计意图:在教学五个短语时,始终是在情景中进行教学的。利用CAI课件和一系列实物来设置情境,通过学生的体验参与来激发学生的学习兴趣;每一环节都渗透了词汇的书写|、发音,体现了整体教学目标;并及时运用不同的鼓励性语言体现了注重过程评价,促进学生发展的教学理念。)(三)Pratice 1. 小小神枪手过程: CAI 呈现上飘的气球,上标有刚学的五个短语,找一学生读,另外一名学生用鼠标去点击相应的短语, 点击成功后气球就会爆破,祝贺学生取得成功。(设计意图:给学生具体的任务让学生亲自去讲台点鼠标,体现了倡导体验参与的理念.)2. Work in pairs.(合作学习) 让学生两人一组利用所学的内容自编对话,可以让学生自由发挥。 S1:Hello,Tom.What can you do? S2:I can How about you? S1: You are helpful. I can(设计意图:带着明显的任务目标,以小组形式,在教师的引导下,充分结合自己的已有知识和生活经验,通过实践、思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式学习和使用英语,积极主动地去完成学习任务。在完成任务的过程中掌握新知识,并能将所学知识融会贯通,运用到自己的生活中去。)3.Guess:课件分别呈现几个人物的头,但他们的动作被掩盖,让同学们猜。T: Look at the cards head. Guess, He can .看谁能猜对,猜队的从事先分好的组桌子上拿一面小旗作为奖励。(设计意图:培养学生的想象能力,体验成功的愉悦,体现注重素质教育的理念。)(四)Consolidation Group work 小组以采访的形式进行调查并汇报What can you do? ,做出总结看看全班哪个学生的本领最大。(设计意图:设计调查性任务体现小组合作学习。并与开头老师布置的任务相呼应。)(五) Homework1.我是家务小能手Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.Sat.Sun.sweep the floor先填写表格,然后进行句型操练, 例:Im helpful. I can sweep the floor. I can sweepthe floor on Mondays.2. 帮助家里及自己周边的孤寡老人做写家务活,对学生进行思想教育。(六)Design Unit4 What Can You Do?A Lets learn clean the bedroomempty the trash Im helpful!I can sweep the floor.water the flowerscook the meals


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