2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party Monday(复现式周周练)新人教 新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit9Canyouetomyparty Monday星期一 SectionA1a 2d 一 核心词汇prepare exam flu available until hang catch SectionA1a 2d 二 重点短语preparefor为 做准备 haveto不得不 havetheflu患流感 anothertime别的时间 其他时间 SectionA1a 2d gobikeriding去骑单车 hangout 常去某处 闲逛 gotothe adoctor去看医生 SectionA1a 2d 三 经典句子1 I msorry I mnotavailable 对不起 我没空 2 IhaveanexamonMondaysoImustprepareforit 我周一有个考试 所以我必须认真准备 SectionA1a 2d 3 Oh butSamisn tleavinguntilnextWednesday 哦 但是Sam会一直待到下周三才离开 SectionA1a 2d 四 基础复现天天练 英美聚会礼仪 SectionA1a 2d Studentsindifferentcountrieslikekeepingagoodrelationshipwiththeirclassmatesindifferentways Somewillmeettheirfriendsatacoffeeshop somewouldliketogobikeriding andsomemaygotoapartyorhangoutwiththeirfriends SectionA1a 2d SomestudentsinBritainorAmericaliketoinvite their1todinnerathomeafteranexam Whenyourclassmateinvitesyoutoaneveningmeal the2thingforyoutodoistoanswerit Youhavetotellhimorherwhetheryouare3ornot Thenyoucanaskyour SectionA1a 2d classmatewhatyoushoulddoforitandwhattimeyoushould4 Itisveryimportantthatyoumakesureyoucanbethereontime Don tarriveearly5theymaynotpreparewellfor it Andonethingyoushouldknowistodress6 Inthiswayyoushowyourrespecttoothersandthehostfamily SectionA1a 2d Ifyouhaveafluandyoucan t7it youshouldtellyourclassmateonedaybeforeit Besides otherstudentsmayliketo8withtheirclassmatesintheshoppingmall Theydosomeshopping playgames9eachother Thatwillbegreatfunforthem SectionA1a 2d Sometimestheyplaysohappilythattheyforgetthetimeandehome10verylate Theymaymissthelastbusandhavetocatchataxihome SectionA1a 2d 1 A teachersB friendsC doctorsD pilots 2 A firstB secondC thirdD fourth 3 A surprisedB sadC availableD excited 4 A wantB shopC sleepD arrive 5 A becauseB thoughC butD and B A C D SectionA1a 2d A 6 A wellB casuallyC easilyD differently 7 A takepartinB getalongwithC givebacktoD gotosleep 8 A giveoutB hangoutC takeoutD eout 9 A onB toC forD with 10 A whenB sinceC untilD if A A B D SectionA1a 2d C SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d 谢谢观看

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