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万 全 小 学 电 子 备 课 教 学 案 (20102011第二学期)年级 :三年级 学科 : 英语 备课人:孙运升教学课题Lesson 22教学时间2011.4.19教学目标1.知识与能力目标:1. Learn the dialogue. 2. Learn the new words and letters.2.过程与方法目标:Ask the pupils to do more practice.3.情感态度与价值观目标: Ask the pupils to be polite.教学设想1.教学重点:Learn the new sentence patterns.2.教学难点:Master the knowledge freely. 3.教学方法:. Talk about the pictures.4.教具媒体 A tape recorder, pictures 教学过程Step 1: Warming up1.Sing the English song :Do you like grapes?2.Ask and answer: Do you like fruit?Hello!I like fruit. Do you like fruit?Yes,I do.I like apples.What about you?I like bananas.I like mangos.I like oranges.3.Listen to the tape and read after it.4.Say the words about fruit.Step 2: Presentation1.Just speak: Hi,Peter.Do you like grapes?No,I dont.I like bananas.What about you?I like grapes.You like grapes.I like bananas.(1) look at the picture about text in lesson 22(2) Listen to the tape.(3) Ask and answer in pairs(4) Read after the tape.(5) Act out the dialogue2.Just read:grapes hamburger honey Gg Hh(1)Look at the word and the letter cards(2)Ask the pupils try to say(3)Read after the teacher.(4)Read one by one.Step 3: Practice1. Practice the new words and the new letters.Do groups work.2. Practice the new dialogue.Make up a new dialogue in pairs and act it out.Step 4: Summary1.Ask the pupils to say what did they learn in the class.2.Give the price to the pupils who did well in the class.3. Listen to the tape of Lesson Twenty-two.Writing on the blackboard.Lesson Twenty-twograpes hamburgerDo you like grapes? No,I dont. 教学环节设计的依据及反思通过课前的问答练习,引入新课,符合语言知识的认知规律。通过学生自己尝试去说一说,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,也减轻了老师的负担。教后反思教师为学生制定自学任务。让学生以小组为单位,在组长的带领下自由制定学习数字的内容。可学习任意一个或几个数字,但要求每位组员都会说。教师可让学过英语的学生做组长工作,每组并设一名声音监控员。整节课下来效果还可以,以后要多尝试这种做法。万 全 小 学 电 子 备 课 教 学 案 (20102011第二学期)年级 :三年级 学科 :英语 备课人:孙运升教学课题Lesson 23教学时间2011.4.20教学目标1.知识与能力目标:1. Learn the dialogues. 2. Learn the new words and the new letters.2.过程与方法目标:Ask the pupils to do more practice.3.情感态度与价值观目标: Ask the pupils to be polite.教学设想1.教学重点: Learn the new sentence patterns.2.教学难点:Master the knowledge freely. 3.教学方法:. Talk about the pictures.4.教具媒体 A tape recorder教学过程Step 1: Warming up1. Sing togetherSing the song: Do you like fruit?2.Free talk3.Review the dialoguesDo you like grapes?No,I dont.What about you?I like fruit.I like grapes.Step 2: Presentation1.Just speak: Yang Ming,do you like juice?.No,I like ice cream.OK.An ice cream,please.All right.Here you are.Thank you.(1) Listen to the tape.(2) Ask and answer in pairs(3) Read after the tape.(4) Act out the dialogue2.Just read:ice cream juice jam(1)Look at the word cards and letter cards.(2)Ask the pupils try to say(3)Read after the teacher.(4)Read one by one.(5)Read together.Step 3: Practice1. Practice the new words and letters.Do groups work.2. Practice the new dialogue.Make up a new dialogue in pairs and act it out.Step 4: Summery 1.give the price to the pupils who did well in the class.2. Homework: Listen to the tape of Lesson Eleven Writing on the blackboard.Lesson 23Juice jam ice creamDo you like juice? No,I dont.教学环节设计的依据及反思课前的对话表演既巩固了以前的知识,又为新课做好铺垫。英语作为一种语言,学习的目的应该是交流,因此创编对话并表演是非常重要的一个环节。教后反思教学内容贴近学生生活,加上教学环节设计合理,学生学习兴趣高,课堂气氛活跃,充分调动了学生的积极性。学习过程中再根据学生情况,适当扩展单词量,并把单词的图、形、意三者结合在一起,逐层逐步的听说、认读单词。万 全 小 学 电 子 备 课 教 学 案 (20102011第二学期)年级 :三年级 学科 :英语 备课人:孙运升教学课题Lesson 24教学时间2011.4.22教学目标1.知识与能力目标:1. Review the new words and letters. 2. Review the old drills.2.过程与方法目标:Ask the pupils to do more practice.3.情感态度与价值观目标: Ask the pupils to be polite.教学设想1.教学重点: Grasp the drills.2.教学难点:Master the knowledge freely. 3.教学方法:Talk about the pictures.4.教具媒体 the objects of fruit.教学过程Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings 2.:Review the drills:(1)Ask and answer: Do you like fruit? Yes,I do./No,I dont.(2)Review the words and letters.Step 2: Presentation1.Fun story:Grandpa, lookIts time to go.What time is it?Two oclock.Hi, welcome.Mimi. Heres some fruit for you.Oh, thanks.Do you like fruit?(1) look at the picture about text in lesson 12(2) Listen to the tape.(3) Ask and answer in pairs(4) Read after the tape.(5) Act out the dialogueStep 3: Practice1.play the game 2.check: listen and number3. In groups, the pupils draw beautiful letter cards Step 4:Summary1. Ask the pupils to say what you learned in the class.2.Give the price to the pupils who did well in the class3. Homework: Listen to the tape of Lesson Six and dictate the words and dialogues of Unit Two.Writing on the blackboard.Lesson Twenty-fourCN: banana apple mango grape egg candy doughnut ice cream tUCN: bread jam coffee honey教学环节设计的依据及反思通过复习引出新知,使的重点知识在不知不觉中就被学生学会并掌握。通过各种游戏来操练本课的重点知识,符合孩子们的认知规律。教后反思学习歌谣的目的是活跃学习气氛,教师把本单元的知识点变成歌谣,让学生来说,通过各种形式的练习,达到熟练掌握。最后,可以进行比赛,看谁唱得最好;激发他们的学习积极性,取得更好的学习效果。


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