2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark Monday星期一 SectionA1a 2d 一 核心词汇humorous silent helpful score SectionA1a 2d 二 重点短语beafraidof beafraidtodosth害怕 usedtodosth 过去常常做某事 getgoodgrades取得好成绩 beinterestedin 对 感兴趣 fromtimetotime时常 有时 SectionA1a 2d 三 经典句子1 Iusedtobeafraidofthedark 我过去怕黑 2 It sbeenthreeyearssincewelastsawourprimaryschoolclassmates 从我们上次看到小学同学至今已有三年了 SectionA1a 2d 3 Shewasneverbraveenoughtoaskquestions 她从来不敢提问题 SectionA1a 2d 四 基础复现天天练 珍惜时间 SectionA1a 2d Losttimeisneverfoundagain ThisissomethingthatIhavelearnedveryclearlyinthelasttwoyears Iusedtospendsomuchtime1putergames sometimesathome sometimesinthenetbarsinmyneighborhood It seasyforpeopletoseemebreaking schoolruleseveryday SectionA1a 2d AndIneverstudiedhardorgotgoodgradesinexams Fromtimetotime Imademyteachersandparents2withme What smore Ididn tusetobeafraid 3anybodyoranything DidIusetohaveatrytochange4 Yes buteverythingwastoodifficultforonewhohas5heart SectionA1a 2d IkeptsilentinclassandIhadnofriendatall Luckily ImetMissWang whowassuchagreatandhumorousteacher6mademebraveenough tofacealltheproblems Ibecameinterestedinstudy I7realizedthatsomethinghadtobedoneanditwastimeforachange SectionA1a 2d ThemostimportantthingIshoulddoischerish 珍惜 everyminute NowI8anewplanonhowtousemytimewisely Ihavesetmyalarmclockaheadhalfanhour Thiswillgivemea9startontheday Ihavealsodecidedtokeepalog 正式记录 ofwhatIdoandwhenIdoit Inmy10 SectionA1a 2d lookingbackonwhatI vedonewillgivemesomeideasonhowtoreorganize 重新组织 mytime SectionA1a 2d 1 A doingB makingC playingD handing 2 A sadB happyC interestingD angry 3 A onB ofC withD at 4 A myselfB yourselfC ourselvesD himself 5 A brokenB savedC lostD missed C D B A C SectionA1a 2d 6 A whenB whoC whichD that 7 A slowlyB quicklyC finallyD firstly 8 A edownB catchupwithC eupD eupwith 9 A goodB badC directD helpful 10 A wordB eyeC ideaD opinion D C D A D SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d 谢谢观看


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