2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Monday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla Monday星期一 SectionA1a 2d 一 核心词汇whose truck picnic rabbit attend valuable pink anybody SectionA1a 2d 二 重点短语belongto属于 atthepicnic在野餐 anythingvaluable贵重的东西 therestof其余的 剩下的 pickup捡起 SectionA1a 2d 三 经典句子1 ItmustbelongtoCarla 它一定属于卡拉 2 Well wheredidyoulastputit 那么 最后一次你把它 书包 放在哪里了呢 SectionA1a 2d 四 基础复现天天练 智斗抢劫犯 SectionA1a 2d Therewasarobbery 抢劫 atCityCentralBanklateyesterdayafternoon Twomeninblackgotoffatruckandenteredthe1atabout4p m Theytoldthebankteller 银行支票员 ondutythatallthemoneybelongedtothemfromthenon Theytoldhertogivethemallthemoneyandvaluable thingstheyhad Therobberswerecarryinggunsandwearingblackmasksto2theirfaces Therobberstoldanybodyinthebankto3onthefloor SectionA1a 2d Peoplewhosawtherobberysaidthateveryoneinthebankwasvery4anddidwhattherobberstoldthemto Thetelleragreedtogivethemthe5buttoldthemthey dhavetowaitforafewminutes Shesaidthebankmanagerwasattending animportantmeetingandshehadtoaskhimforthepasswordsothatshecouldgettherestofthemoney6thesafe 保险柜 SectionA1a 2d Astherobberswerewaitingforthemoney thetellerwasabletopressanalarmbuttonunderthecounter Itwasa7alarm sotherobbersdidn tknowitwhenitwentoff Afewminuteslater ten8enteredthebank Therobbersweresoshockedthat theofficerscaughtthem9 ThepolicepraisedMissAlston thebankteller forher10act ThebankmanagersaidthathewouldgiveMissAlstonaweek svacationtothankher Howluckyshewas SectionA1a 2d 1 A bankB libraryC supermarketD hospital 2 A showB coverC putD take 3 A standupB jumpupC runaroundD liedown 4 A surprisedB excitedC frightenedD worried 5 A bagB boxC moneyD coin A B D C C SectionA1a 2d 6 A intoB outofC upD down 7 A silentB loudC noisyD small 8 A doctorsB policeofficersC workersD bankers 9 A unluckilyB badlyC easilyD happily 10 A braveB weakC strongD annoyed B A B C A SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d 谢谢观看

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