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新理念英语初中6教案15.句子种类(一)教学内容:句子种类(一)教学要求:能理解并熟练掌握陈述句、一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的常见用法教学重点:陈述句、一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句的常见用法教学难点:反意疑问句的答语教学步骤:(共计100分钟)一、复习(5分钟)Task 1: 让学生用12分钟做上次所学语法项目“非谓语(二)”的练习题,检查对该项目的掌握情况,做完题后,快速收集学生的答案,并作简单讲评。下列试题供参考(教师也可自行命题):1. You must help me _ the cooking this afternoon. A. do B. doing C. does D. will do2. Mother asks me _ computer games before finishing my homework. A. not play B. to play C. not to play D. to not play3. What about something _? A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drank4. Its really kind _ you _ me so much. A. for, helping B. for, to help C. of, helping D. of, to help5. Listen! I hear a boy _. A. sang B. to sing C. singing D. singsKey: 1-5 A C C D C二、导入(25分钟)采用练讲结合法,分陈述句、一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句等部分分别导入。第一步:先让学生做题,然后让学生归纳用法。第二步:教师梳理、讲解用法。I. 导入陈述句的用法:Task 2: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. Hes worked there since the shop opened in 1998, _? (6) A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. doesnt he D. wasnt he 2. Hed gone home before you came, _ he? (30)A. hadnt B. wouldnt C. didnt D. hadKey: 1-2 BA教师解释并归纳如下几点:1.s不一定表示is。陈述句中的系动词和助动词常采取缩略形式,要注意其不同意思:m = am(Im = I am)s = is 或 has(Hes = He is 或 He has, Theres = There is)d = should, would 或 had(Id = I should, I would 或 I had)re = are(Theyre = They are, Therere = There are)ll = shall 或 will(Ill = I shall 或 I will)Task 3: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. She _ any storybooks. (7)A. hasnt gotB. has C. doesnt have gotD. havent got2. She _ comes to work by bus, does she? (9)A. doesntB. never C. / D. always3. There _ birds in the tree. (10)A. isnt any B. arent any C. isnt some D. arent some4. I _ finish the work today. (11) A. havent to B. dont have to C. dont haveD. havent got5. There are _ eggs in the fridge. Go and buy some, please. (12) A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little6. _ of us has seen him before. (16) A. NoneB. AllC. No oneD. Both7. He _ lunch at school yesterday. (18)A. didnt have B. doesnt have C. hasnt D. hadnt 8. _ of his parents was able to help him with his lessons. (25)A. NeitherB. BothC. AllD. None9. As you dont look well, you _ come to the meeting this afternoon. (26) A. havent to B. dont have toC. not have toD. not need to10. I havent _ money with me. He hasnt _, _. (32)A. some, some, too B. any, any, too C. some, any, either D. any, any, either11. They _ finished the work yet. (46)A. haventB. didntC. hadntD. havent beenKey: 1-5 ABBBB 6-11 AAABDA 教师解释并归纳如下几点:2.陈述句的否定形式:(1)谓语动词为be时,在be后加not,如: He is not a student. (2)谓语动词为作“有”讲的 have时,用dont have(美)或havent(英),如: I dont have a watch. 或 I havent a watch. 现代英国英语中常用have got表示“有”,其否定式为 havent got,如:“Have you got a watch?” “No, I havent got one.”(3)have to作“不得不”讲时,否定形式一般用 dont have to,如:“Do I have to finish the work today?” “No, you dont have to finish the work today.” (4)谓语动词为行为动词时,用“dont(doesnt) + 动词原形”的形式,如: She doesnt know him. We dont have supper at five.(have 不作“有”讲不可用 havent) (5)除了用 not 表示否定外,还可以用 never, hardly, little 等否定词,如: He hardly knows how to read or write. 3.主语为both, all等不定代词的陈述句,变否定句不可简单地在动词前加not。肯定句变否定句,一些词语要作相应的变化:(1)如句子主语为 all, both, everyone, everything 等不定代词, 应将它们变为 none, neither, no one, nothing 等,如: Both of them are Chinese. Neither of them is Chinese. (他们两个人都不是中国人。) 如果直接用not否定动词,则是部分否定,意思不同,如:Both of them are not Chinese. (他们两个人不都是中国人。)(2)some 变any, something 变 anything, already 变 yet, too 变either,如:I have bought some bread already. I havent bought any bread yet. He has some paper, too. He doesnt have any paper, either.II. 导入一般疑问句的用法: Task 4: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考: 1. “Would you like to go to the cinema with us tomorrow?” “Yes, _.” (1)A. I would B. I like C. I would like D. Id like to 2. “Is there _ in the box?” “Yes, theres _ in it.” (3)A. something, something B. anything, anything C. anything, nothing D. anything, something 3. “Did he sleep well last night?” “I think _.” (15)A. it B. yes C. soD. he was4. “_ I tell you to come earlier yesterday?” “Yes, you _.” (17)A. Did, didntB. Dont, dontC. Didnt, didD. Do, do5. “Will he come here this afternoon?” “Im afraid _.” (19)A. he will B. so C. not D. will6. “I dont think he will fail his English exam.” “I _.” (23)A. hope so B. hope not C. hope tooD. hope it7. Mary doesnt hear very well. Is there _ with her ears? (34) A. anything wrongB. wrong anythingC. something wrong D. wrong somethingKey: 1-5 DDCCC 6-7 BA 教师解释并归纳如下几点:1.一般疑问句的基本形式和用法: (1)谓语动词为系动词be时,将be提到主语前,如: Is he a worker? (2)谓语动词中有助动词或情态动词时,将助动词或情态动词提到主语前,如: Is she reading? Can you swim? Have you done your work? (3)谓语动词为行为动词时,常用do(does)提问,如: Do you want the book? Does he have supper at five every day?(have不作“有”讲时不可直接提到主语前) (4)作“有”讲的 have可将have提前,也可用do(does),但have got只能提前have: Do you have a book? ,Have you a book?,Have you got a book? (5)作“不得不”讲的 have to 常用 do(does) 提问,如: “Do you have to do it?” “Yes, I do.” (6)对一般疑问句的回答常用简略形式,如:Yes, he is. Yes, I am. No, hes not (he isnt). Yes, I do. No, he doesnt 等, 但不可说 *Yes, hes. 或 *Yes, Im. 如:“Do you know her?” “Yes, I do. / No, I dont.”(不可说 *Yes, I know.)(7)一般疑问句的答语中常可省去不定式中的动词,或用so和not代替重复部分,如: “Would you like to have some tea?” “Yes, Id like to.”(省略动词,但保留to) “Hell be all right soon.” “I hope so.” “Did they have a good time?” “I think so.” “There isnt anything serious.” “I hope not.” 肯定句变一般疑问句,一些词语要作相应变化,如: some, someone, somebody, something 要变为 any, anyone, anybody, anything,如:There is something in the box. Is there anything in the box? Task 5: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. “Isnt he a worker?” “_.” (2)A. No, he is B. Yes, he is C. Yes, hesD. Yes, hes not2. “Hasnt Jack paid for the school things?” “_. His father will pay for him.” (41)A. No, he hasnt B. Yes, he has C. No, he didnt D. Yes, he doesKey: 1-2 BA教师解释并归纳如下几点:2.对否定疑问句的回答,汉语的表达方式和英语的表达方式正好相反。 对否定疑问句的回答,英语与汉语习惯不同,如果答句是肯定的,则用yes,如果答句是否定的,则用no,译成汉语时,yes要译作“不是”,no要译作“是的”,如: “Isnt he a worker?”(他不是工人吗?) “No, he isnt.”(是的,他不是工人。) “Is he not a worker?”(他不是工人吗?) “Yes, he is.”(不,他是工人。)III. 导入选择疑问句的用法:Task 6: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. Which would you like better, tea _ milk? (4)A. and B. but C. or D. with2. “Is she tall or short?” “_.” (13)A. Yes, she is tall B. No, she is shortC. She is tall D. Yes, she is3. “Do you like grapes _ bananas?” “I prefer grapes _ bananas.” (38)A. to, orB. or, toC. than, toD. or, than4. “Would you like tea or coffee?” “_.” (20)A. Yes, I like tea B. Yes, I would C. Tea, please D. Id like to5.“Are you going to borrow a dictionary or a magazine?” “_.” (49)A. Yes, a dictionaryB. No, a magazineC. A dictionaryD. Yes, bothKey: 1-5 CCBCC教师解释并归纳如下几点:1.选择疑问句不可用yes或no回答。选择疑问句可用一般疑问句形式,由 or 连接供选择的两个部分(可以是词、词组或句子),注意这类疑问句不可用“Yes”或“No”来回答,如: “Is her hair short or long?” “Her hair is long.”(不可说 *Yes, her hair is long.)“Are you going to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “Im going to watch TV.” “Shall I do it or will you do it yourself?” “Ill do it myself.” 选择疑问句也可用特殊疑问句形式,如: “Which do you like better, apples or bananas?” “I like apples better.”IV. 导入反意疑问句的用法:Task 7: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. John is a driver, _? (5)A. is heB. isnt heC. is JohnD. isnt John2. Your brother came to see you yesterday, _ he ? (8)A. doesnt B. does C. didnt D. did3. This isnt your book, _? (21)A. is thisB. isnt thisC. isnt itD. is it4. Its getting cloudy, _? (24)A. doesnt itB. does it C. is it D. isnt it5. “You arent a new driver, are you?” “_.” (28)A. No, I am B. Yes, Im not C. Yes, I am D. No, you are6. “There is no air or water on the moon, is there?” “_.” (31)A. Yes, there are B. No, there is C. No, there isnt D. Yes, there isnt7. There will be a football match in our school, _? (44)A. is there B. isnt there C. will there D. wont therekey: 1-5 BCDDC 6-7 CD教师解释并归纳如下几点:1.反意疑问句附加部分中的主语不可用名词。 反意疑问句的基本形式是:前面为陈述部分,后面为附加疑问句。前面部分肯定,疑问部分否定;前面部分否定,疑问部分肯定。附加疑问句部分所用的动词或助动词及其时态要与陈述部分一致,其主语要与陈述部分一致,且要用代词而不可用名词,陈述部分主语为this, these等时,附加部分的主语要用it或they,如:Mary can sing very well, cant she? (不可说 cant Mary)This is a pencil, isnt it? (不可说 isnt this) These are pandas, arent they? (不可说 arent these) There are some boats on the river, arent there? (不可说 arent they)对反意疑问句的回答,也要注意英语与汉语习惯的不同,如: “He isnt a teacher, is he?”(他不是老师,是吗?) “No, he isnt.”(是的,他不是老师。)注意陈述部分动词用缩略形式时,反意疑问句的结构形式: Hes writing a letter, isnt he? Hes written a letter, hasnt he?Hes like to do it now, wouldnt he? Hes left Beijing before you came, hadnt he? Youd better stay home, hadnt you? Hed rather not go out, would he?Task 8: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. You have little money, _? (33)A. dont you B. havent you C. do you D. arent you 2. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _? (36)A. dont theyB. didnt theyC. did theyD. do they3. There was hardly any water in the bottle, _? (42)A. was itB. wasnt itC. was thereD. wasnt there4. Theres nothing in the room but an old table, _? (43)A. is itB. isnt itC. is thereD. isnt thereKey: 1-4 CCCC教师解释并归纳如下几点:2.反意疑问句的陈述部分中有few, little, hardly, nothing, no one等词时,看作否定,因此附加部分要用肯定式,如: There are few people in the park, are there?C: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. You havent changed your mind, _? (22)A. havent you B. have you C. didnt you D. did you 2. The boy has to do it again, _? (48)A. doesnt he B. does heC. hasnt heD. has heKey: 1-2 BA教师解释并归纳如下几点:3.反意疑问句的陈述部分有have,附加部分不一定用have。 陈述部分中的have如果不是助动词或不作“有”讲时,则附加部分动词不可用have,如: She always has breakfast at seven, doesnt she?Task 9: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. Dont smoke in the meeting room, _? (14)A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you 2. Pass me that book, _? (27)A. will youB. shall IC. shall youD. dont you3. Dont forget to give the bird some food, _? (40)A. wont you B. do you C. dont you D. will you 4. John, dont read in bed, _? (47)A. do you B. will you C. wont you D. are you Key: 1-4 BADB教师解释并归纳如下几点:4.反意疑问句的前面部分为祈使句时,附加部分常用will you。 反意疑问句的前面部分为肯定的祈使句时,附加部分可用will you 或 wont you,如: Open the door, will(wont) you? = Will(Wont) you open the door? 如果前面部分为否定的祈使句,则附加部分只可用will you,如: Dont be late for school again, will you?Task 10: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. Let us look at your new book, _? (29)A. shall weB. dont weC. will youD. do we2. Lets take a short rest, _? (37)A. do we B. will we C. shall we D. will you Key: CC教师解释并归纳如下几点:5.反意疑问句的前面部分为Lets或Let us,附加部分要用不同的形式。 Lets意思是“让咱们”,包括听话人,Let us意思是“让我们”,不包括听话人。因此反意疑问句的前部有Lets 时,附加部分要用shall we,前部有Let us时,附加部分要用will you,如: Lets have a rest, shall we? = Shall we have a rest? Let us have a rest, will you? = Will you let us have a rest? Task 11: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1. The driver was too careless, _? (35)A. wasnt heB. was heC. didnt heD. did he2. Jim looks unhappy, _? (45)A. doesnt heB. does heC. doesnt JimD. does JimKey: 1-2 AA教师解释并归纳如下几点:6.反意疑问句陈述部分的表语如为具有否定意义的形容词,其附加部分仍用否定形式。 unhappy, impossible, careless等单词虽具有否定意义,但担任表语时,反意疑问句的陈述部分仍为肯定式,因此附加部分要用否定式,如: Its impossible to finish the work in three days, isnt it?Task 12: 出示若干试题,让学生快速完成,下面的题供参考:1.I dont think he will come soon, _? (39)A. will heB. wont heC. do ID. dont I2. I believe he can win the race, _? (50)A. can heB. do I C. cant heD. dont IKey: AC教师解释并归纳如下几点:7.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I dont think .,附加部分要用从句中动词的肯定式。 句型 I think ., I believe ., I dont think . 和 I dont believe . 等用反意疑问句提问常常是为了证实宾语从句中的情况是否属实,因此附加部分的动词要根据从句确定。而句型 I dont think. 等中的 dont 属于否定的转移,是将宾语从句中的否定转移到了主句中,因此附加部分要用从句中动词的肯定式,如:I think he can finish the work today, cant he?I dont think he will come, will he?三、操练:(50分钟)做第7375页的练习一、二、三、四、五题,将答案写在答题纸上。做题时遇到困难可根据题目后的数码查阅相应的语法条目。四、反馈与讲评(15分钟)三大题分三步进行反馈与讲评,每大题约用5分钟左右。每大题进行的步骤是:先找水平较低的学生把答案说一下,再让其他学生说一下不同意见,然后教师公布正确答案,并针对学生做错的题进行简明扼要的讲评。三大题全部讲评完以后,将学生的答题纸收上来,由教师在课后批改,了解每个学生的学习情况。 五、总结与布置作业(5分钟)第一步:简要总结本课所学内容:1. s不一定表示is。陈述句中的系动词和助动词常采取缩略形式,要注意其不同意思: m = ams = is 或 hasd = should, would 或 hadre = arell = shall 或 will2. 陈述句的否定形式: (1)谓语动词为be时,在be后加not。 (2)谓语动词为作“有”讲的 have时,用dont have(美)或havent(英)。 (3)have to作“不得不”讲时,否定形式一般用 don抰 have to。 (4)谓语动词为行为动词时,用“dont(doesnt) + 动词原形”的形式。 (5)除了用 not 表示否定外,还可以用 never, hardly, little 等否定词。3. 一般疑问句的基本形式和用法: (1)谓语动词为系动词be时,将be提到主语前。 (2)谓语动词中有助动词或情态动词时,将助动词或情态动词提到主语前。 (3)谓语动词为行为动词时,常用do(does)提问。 (4)作“有”讲的 have可将have提前,也可用do(does),但have got只能提前have。 (5)作“不得不”讲的 have to 常用 do(does) 提问。 (6)对一般疑问句的回答常用简略形式。4. 一般疑问句的答语中常可省去不定式中的动词,或用so和not代替重复部分。5. 反意疑问句的基本形式是:前面为陈述部分,后面为附加疑问句。前面部分肯定,疑问部分否定;前面部分否定,疑问部分肯定。6.陈述部分中有few, little, hardly, nothing, no one等词时,看作否定,因此附加部分要用肯定式。7.反意疑问句陈述部分的表语如为具有否定意义的形容词,其附加部分仍用否定形式。8.句型 I think ., I believe ., I dont think . 和 I dont believe . 等用反意疑问句提问常常是为了证实宾语从句中的情况是否属实,因此附加部分的动词要根据从句确定。第二步:布置作业: 1. 整理笔记,复习句子种类(一)部分的语法条目。2. 整理做错的题,记载入“错题集”。

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