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A trip to the countryside or to the cityGreetingHello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you again. Are you happy today? Thats great. I am so happy to hear that. 1. Lead inFirst of all, I would like to ask you a question. Please listen to me carefully. What do you think of when you see the words the countryside and the city? How about the countryside? Flower, blue sky. Anyone else? Chickens, sheep, cattle, ducks, so many animals. The city, what do you think of? Oh, I heard. High buildings, many cars, traffic jams. Thats great. Today, we will have a writing class about a trip to the countryside or to the city. 2. Pre-writingNow, I will divide you into two groups. One represents the countryside and the other represents the city. Both of you should find out the features of the countryside and the city. Are you clear? Perfect. Here we go. What a heated discussion. Stop here, please. Would you like to share the discussion with me? Thank you. Catherine, please. Which group are you in? Ok, the countryside. Please go ahead. In the countryside, people can swim and go fishing in the river. Wow, it sounds interesting. Anyone else? Jason, please. The vegetable and the fruits are fresh and cheap in the countryside. How about the city? Mabel, its your turn, please. Thank you, sit down please. The city has many entertainment places like malls, movie theaters and parks. Also, there are many people and many cars. People often are stuck in traffic jam. Good point.Ok, guys. Here is a table. In the table, you can get some information about the countryside and the city. Lets see it together. We see the first feature of the countryside is relaxing. As mentioned just now, when we have a trip to the countryside, swimming and going fishing in the river makes us relaxing. While going shopping in the city makes us exciting. Next, the air in the countryside is fresh. But, an inconvenience is not easy to take public transportation. Ok, guys, we have gotten the information in the table. Now please think of the question: which trip is better, to the countryside or to the city? I will give two minutes to think about it, then tell me your answer and why. Ok? Good. Lily, whats your opinion? Which one is better? You prefer the countryside to the city. Because you like to get close to the nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the countryside.Who would like to go to the city? Hanna likes the city. What brings you to the city? There are large public libraries and many bookstores in the city. I see. You must really like reading. 3. While-writingStep1: outlineOK, guys, we are going to writing a composition about it. The first sentence has been given. In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city. Now, please design your writing outline according to the discussion. Five minutes for you. Clear?Step2: writingTimes up. Have you finished your outline? Good. Now, You have 15 minutes to write a composition to introduce the trip. Please remember that all the information in the table must be included in your composition. Ok, lets go. 4. Post-writingStep1: self-checkTimes up. Have you finished your writing? Show me your hands. Ok, almost all of you have finished. Now, please check your own writings. You should pay attention to the spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and the coherence. Clear? Ok. Have you finished? Good.Step2: group-checkNow, exchange your writings with your partners and check for each other. You should check it from the above aspects we have mentioned, ok? Good, do it now.Step3: show Ok, have you finished yet? Good. Have you found some good writings? Can you recommend some for us? Oh, Jackies and Catherines writings. Ok, can you read your writings? Jackie, welcome, come to the front. Wow, your pronunciation is so good. How many paragraphs are there in his composition? Three paragraphs. The sentence given is the first part. And the second and the third one introduce the countryside and the city respectively. Now, its Catherines turn. Come on. How many parts? Four. In the forth part, Catherine expresses her view. Which one do you like best? Yes, Catherines is more complete.5. Summary and homeworkSo you all did a good job in this class. At last, lets review what we have learned. Who wanna try? Shino, please. Great, we learned how to write a composition based on the available information. Well, after class, Id like you to finish the exercise book and make a presentation to introduce a place in the countryside or in a city. Are you clear? Ok, great! Thats all for today. Goodbye class. See you next time! 6. Blackboard designA trip to the countryside or to the CityCountrysideCityRelaxing, fresh airNot easy to take public transportationExcitingCrowded, expensive5

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