凸轮 A4.dwg
凸轮连接杆 A4.dwg
小车后轴 A3.dwg
带轮 A4.DWG
机架 A3.dwg
装配图 A0.dwg
触碰开关 A2.dwg
销轴 A4.dwg
摘 要
关键词: 温室大棚 自动 除雪 机器人 凸轮机构
This paper first introduces the meaning, background and current situation and future trend of snow removal in greenhouse. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the snow removal methods that have appeared on the market, the author has obtained the automatic snow removal robot in greenhouse. The paper mainly elaborates the working principle, structure and design of the automatic snow removal robot in the greenhouse, and the selection and design of the key components Three parts. One of the innovations of this design is the snow removal agencies use centrifugal hair dryer to produce air flow blowing snow, while the hair dryer motor drive cam mechanism rotation, through the connecting rod to control the opening angle changes, so that the snow blower can be blowing to the greenhouse Angle of the snow surface, has reached the goal of completely clearing the snow. The snow removal robot combines the cam rotor structure with the snow blower into a compact structure, making it efficient, fast and accurate to clear the snow in the greenhouse to complete the complicated snow removal work.
Key words: greenhouse automatic snow removal robot cam mechanism
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 概述 1
1.1 温室大棚除雪目的 1
1.2 常用的温室除雪方法及不足 1
1.2.1 人工除雪方法 1
1.2.2 融雪方法 1
1.2.3 机械除雪方法 2
1.3 发展趋势 2
第2章 本温室大棚除雪装置工作原理及结构组成 3
2.1 除雪装置工作原理 3
2.2 除雪装置的结构组成 3
2.3 除雪效果表 4
第3章 除雪装置结构的设计 5
3.1 底部支撑机架的设计 5
3.1.1 机架稳定性计算 6
3.1.2 机架强度校核 8
3.2 横向移动平板小车的设计 8
3.2.1 移动小车的设计 8
3.2.2 触碰开关及防撞设备 9
第4章 设计关键部件的设计及其部件选择 11
4.1 吹雪机的设计 11
4.1.1 吹雪机的电动机的选择 11
4.1.2 吹雪机壳体及扇叶设计 12
4.2 减速器的选定及联结 13
4.2.1 减速器的选定 13
4.2.2 联轴器的选择 13
4.3 凸轮机构的设计 14
4.4 小车轴承设计和校核 16
4.4.1 主轴的结构设计 16
4.4.2 主轴的校核 17
4.5 键的选择与校核 19
4.5.1 键的选择 19
4.5.2 校核键的强度 19
4.6 平板小车变频调速电动机选择 20
总 结 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23