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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语6月中考模拟(二模)试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)We should work hard and do _ best to realize our dreams A . usB . ourC . oursD . ourselves2. (2分)Whats that the building? A bird? A . overB . aboutC . atD . to3. (2分) Maria, do you exercise? Oh, we organize the “Sunshine Sports”, so we do sports once a day.A . how oftenB . how longC . how manyD . how far4. (2分)Do you know China is one of countries in the world?Yes, I do. Its much than the USA.A . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . the oldest; elderD . the older; elder5. (2分) Is David coming by train? He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.A . canB . needC . mayD . must6. (2分)Which skirt do you_, the blue one _ the red one? I like the red one.A . like; andB . prefer; orC . prefer; andD . like best; or7. (2分)_Jim often _to school?Yes , he does.A . Is; walkingB . Does; walkC . See ; lookD . See ; watch8. (2分) Is Jack still live here? No, he _to London already.A . had movedB . movedC . will moveD . has moved9. (2分)Abraham Lincoln _ in 1865 by his enemy and died _ his wounds.A . shoot; ofB . shot; ofC . was shot; fromD . were shot; from10. (2分)Could you please tell me _?Yes, go along the road and youll see it on your right.A . what I should buy for my motherB . where can I wait for the busC . how I can get to Shangdong UniverstyD . that I can go to the library二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) A teenage girl couldnt stand her family rules , so she left home.She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and1years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still2her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she 3a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes,“I still love you Come back home! ”One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldnt believe her 4.“Is that me?” She moved 5and read the words,“I still love you” She cried. She couldnt wait6back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She 7her mother up,“Its me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “ 8is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly,“The door has never locked 9you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that youll come back some day.”As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents. 10 this way, both parents and children can be happy.(1)A . a little B . a few C . much D . more (2)A . looking for B . looking after C . looking at D . looking up (3)A . sets on B . puts up C . cuts up D . makes up (4)A . eyes B . ears C . nose D . head (5)A . farther B . further C . closer D . away . (6)A . going B . go C . to gone D . to go (7)A . wake B . wakes C . woke D . waking (8)A . what B . who C . when D . why (9)A . since B . for C . before D . unless (10)A . With B . In C . By D . On 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12. (8分)阅读理解Take Action for a Better World:Volunteers Needed Six months preparation in Denmark:Africa studies, team work combined with social work with risk group teenagers. Six months community work in Malawi in People to People Projects:Child Aid, HIV / AIDS. Fights and Teacher Training. Qualifications(条件):18 years, hard-working and social engagement. Please contact us by email:takeaction betterworld.com Part-time Work with Exchange Students YOUTH International is a non-profit high school foreign exchange student organization. We welcome teenagers from over 80 countries worldwide and provide host families. The Community Representative is a part-time position designed for people with a strong desire to do something rewarding in the community and earn some extra money. Applicants(申请人) best suited for this work should enjoy teenagers, have a strong interest in cross-cultural communication, and feel comfortable networking. Full training and support will be provided through branch offices throughout the U.S.Positions available in most states. If interested, please email staff youth.org or call 888-123-9872.Call for Native Speakers of English I am looking for native speakers of English to join in an experiment. This experiment is carried out over the Internet. You dont need any specific knowledge other than understanding and speaking English at a native level. The first task will take you around 15 minutes. After this task, you can decide whether you want to continue the experiment. The tasks involve reading texts and designing questions and answers. If you are willing to help me, then please email me:club3864 hotmail.com1. (1)Who isnt suitable to work as a Community Representative in YOUTH International? A . A person who enjoys working with teenagers from different countries.B . A person who hopes to take action in fighting against diseases.C . A person who has a strong interest in cross-cultural communication.D . A person who wants to earn some pocket money in the program.(2)Where will Jack, a volunteer, receive the training before he is sent to work in Malawi? A . In some local offices in the US.B . In an ESL organization in China.C . In a preparation program in Demark.D . In an exchange student center in Africa.(3)What are volunteers for an experiment over the Internet supposed to do?A . To interview people online.B . To do some housework.C . To offer advice on Child Aid.D . To provide language exercises.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A . If you want to be a volunteer for an experiment , you need some specific knowledge.B . The first task need 15 minutes.C . YOUTH International is an organization without making a profit.D . You can connect Take Action for a Better World by emailing club3864 hotmail.com.13. (6分)阅读理解As a little boy, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfathers farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded by miles of winding stonewalls, the house and farm provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me.I can still remember one afternoon when I was eight years old. Since my first visit to the farm, Id wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stonewalls surrounding the farm. My parents would never agree. The walls were old; some stones were missing, others loose and falling into pieces. Still, my wish to climb across those walls grew so strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I summoned (鼓起) all my courage and entered the living room, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.I, uh, I want to climb the stonewalls, I said hesitantly. Everyone looked up. Can I climb the stone walls? Immediately a chorus went up from the women in the room. Heavens, no! they cried, Youll hurt yourself! I wasnt too disappointed; the response was just as Id expected. But before I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfathers loud voice. Now hold on just a minute, I heard him say, Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself.Go, he said to me, and come and see me when you get back. For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventure. Ill never forget what he said. Fred, he said, smiling widely, you made this day a special day just by being yourself. Always remember: theres only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you as you are.Many years have passed since then, and today I host the television program Mister Rogers Neighborhood, seen by millions of children throughout America. There have been changes over the years, but one thing remains the same: my message to children at the end of almost every visit.Theres only one person in this whole world like you, the kids can count on hearing my say, and people can like you as you are.(1)Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage? A . As a city kid, Fred was unwilling to go to his grandfathers farm.B . Fred helped his grandfather build the stonewalls to protect the farm.C . Fred was sure that his parents would agree with his climbing the stonewalls.D . Fred grandfather encouraged him to do things for himself.(2)Why wasnt Fred allowed to climb the stonewalls at first? A . Because he was too young to climb the stonewalls on his own.B . Because his parents were very strict with him.C . Because his family thought it was dangerous to climb the stonewalls.D . Because his grandpa didnt like him going out.(3)What can we infer from the passage? A . The TV program Mister Rogers Neighborhood is popular with children in America.B . Freds grandpa wanted Fred to be a host of the TV program.C . Theres only one person in this whole world that likes Fred as he is.D . When Fred was young, he didnt take his parents opinions seriously.14. (8分) Now scientists have discovered that the dogs behave like their masters, too. Just like children, they use a “ look and learn” ways when they go about their tasks.Scientists at Oxford universities designed an experiment to test if the dogs have the ability to copy humans actions by using a simple wooden box. 10 owners showed their dogs how to open the wooden box .Sometimes they use their heads to push it and sometimes they use their hands.10 dogs were divided into two groups-Group 1 and Group 2. In the first part of the test, Group 1 were rewarded with a piece of meat for copying their owners actions. Group 2 were rewarded with food for not copying and using other ways. With each dog the experiment was repeated hundreds of times. Scientists recorded the time to see which group was first to get 85% right. They found that Group1finished the task much sooner than Group 2.In the second part of the test, all the dogs were only rewarded for copying the way that their owners used. Group1 reached the 85% mark more quickly than Group 2.So the scientists draw a conclusion: “Like humans, dogs can copy actions that they see. Dogs imitative(仿效的)behavior is shaped more by their interactions(互动)with humans than by evolution(进化).”Scientists said,“A dogs behavior is influenced much like that of a child; they look and learn similar behavior. We hope that owners understand the importance of their actions and use this knowledge to set good examples and therefore have a good effect on the behavior of their pets.”(1)The scientists believe dogs imitative behavior mainly comes from_.A . proper rewardsB . domesticationC . human-dog interactionsD . evolution(2)The best title may be “_”.A . Dogs can finish their tasks quicklyB . Dogs are interesting animalsC . Masters always set good examplesD . Dogs behave like their masters.(3)From the experiment, we know _.A . It took the two groups of dogs the same time to finish the required taskB . The dogs that copied their masters finished the required task much soonerC . The dogs that were encouraged to copy their masters finished the task more slowlyD . The dogs that were encouraged not to copy their masters finished the task more quickly(4)According to the last paragraph, we can infer _.A . a cruel man can raise a cruel dogB . dogs can be influenced by anyoneC . dogs always behave positivelyD . dogs are the best kind of pets15. (10分)根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案, 并在答题卡上按要求作答。DHi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favourite food, but youd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质) your body needs.Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When youre really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙)your body needs to grow strong bones.Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.Fourth, limit(限制) screen times. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise, such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You cant watch TV for more than two hours a day.Fifth, be active. One thing youd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.(1)You should eat different foods especially _. A . meatB . junk foodC . hamburgersD . fruit and vegetable(2)Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium? A . Milk.B . Juice.C . Cold water.D . Cola.(3)According to the passage, you should follow _ rules if you want to be healthy. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(4)Which of the following is True? A . We should try to live in an active way in our life.B . You can eat your favourite food as much as possible.C . When youre eating, you dont have to notice how your body feels.D . Dont limit screen times.(5)Which is the best title of the passage? A . How to be activeB . How to make yourself importantC . How to make your parents healthyD . How to be a healthy kid四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 What Would You Do? is a TV program on American ABC. The program which is hosted by the news reporter John Quinones is popular with many people. It tests what people will do when they see someone is in trouble so as to remind us to stand up for the people in need. Here is last weeks program. In a cake shop, two actors acted as a blind woman named Pamela and a man clerk who looked down upon the blind. Hidden cameras were recording what would happen. The blind woman came into the shop and bought a box of twelve cup cakes. The clerk treated the woman badly at first. Then he cheated her when he gave her the change. He only gave her 6 single dollar bills instead of 34 dollars. Would someone be brave enough to stand up for the blind woman? Yes! A customer(顾客) in the cake shop stopped the clerk from cheating the blind and treating her badly. And other customers joined in soon. John appeared in the end and interviewed the first customer who helped Pamela out. She said it was necessary to give a hand to the people in need. A psychology(心理学) professor once said, she said, Its difficult to take the first step to stand up. It needs courage. Information CardThe name of the TV program_The purpose of the TV program_The place the blind woman was in_The person who treated the blind woman badly_Something we need to stand up for the people in need_五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)任务型阅读Recently,a very simple question became widely spread online: What China should be proud of?_Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada.She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo UniversityNow she has 120,000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing.Lanlan loves China._“It is the easiest country in which to find a jobIf you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believe therere more job chances here than in any other country in the world.”“_About 400million Chinese are studying EnglishIf they can speak good English in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non-English speaking country.”“The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1, 365kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 595yuan.”“Its public security is great._I have travelled in many countries,and I think China really is very safe.”“There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often complain about China. At first, I believed that they didnt like China or that they loved western countries. But later, I realized that they just set a very high standard for China._Actually, China must be much better than other countries.”AThe foreign language level is surprisingBThis country of 1.4billion people makes me feel safeCA foreign girl living in China gave a very touching answerDThey believe that its not enough to be number one in the worldEShe believes China will be the strongest country in the world in future六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18. (5分)假如你是刚踏入中学校门的学生Anne,请根据提示信息,写一封邮件给你的笔友Peter,介绍你的校园生活。80词左右,可以适当发挥。提示信息:1)在七年级三班学习,家离学校很近,每天步行上学。2)最喜欢的科目是英语和科学。很喜欢校园生活。身边有许多好友。老师们都很友好。3)擅长唱歌和游泳,课后经常参加(take part in)各种各样的活动(activity)。4)学习很努力,梦想是当一名老师。Dear Peter,Im writing to tell you something about my school life.Best wishes,Anne19. (5分)写作你校将要开展雷小锋在行动的微公益活动,上周在九年级做了一个问卷调查,了解同学们参与校内外的微公益活动的意愿,调查结果如下图(百分比是想参加该活动的同学人数比例)。请根据图中提示内容完成调查报告,补充完整活动内容和是否想参加的理由。注意:1不得出现真实的人名、校名;2词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;3请不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。We are going to have a Micro-publicWelfare named Lei Xiao Feng in Action in our school and we did a survey lastweek.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 七选五 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18-1、19-1、

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