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Unit4 重点知识点1. in on under behind in front of near2. on the table3. under the chair4. in the drawer5. near the plants6. they are = theyre7. where is = wheres8. on the floor9. some CDs10. take sth to sp11. take her son to the park12. bring sth to sp13. bring your dictionary to school14. I dont know.15. She is our math teacher.16. There is an alarm clock on the desk.17. These are some tapes.18. Those are some video tapes.19. They are some tapes.20. My computer is in the room. Is your computer in the room? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. My computer isnt in the room. Where is your computer?21. The plants are under the chair. Are the plants under the chair? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. The plants arent under the chair. Where are the plants?22. There is a TV on the desk. Is there a TV on the desk? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. There isnt a TV on the desk. 23. There are some keys in the drawer. Are there any keys in the drawer? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. There arent any keys in the drawer.24. I can see some keys in the drawer. Can you see any keys in the drawer? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. I cant see any keys in the drawer. What can you see in the drawer?25. in bed on the bed26. on Sunday on May 11, 200927. I know a lot about China.28. There is a window in the wall. There are some pictures on the wall.29. There is a bird in the tree. There are some apples on the tree.30. bring the book here take the book there31. 作文:我的客厅很大。客厅里有一个电视。电视在窗户旁边。电视上有一些照片。房间里有一个桌子。桌子上有一些录像带。房间里有一个沙发。沙发在门旁边。 My living room is big. There is a TV in the room. The TV is near the window. There are some photos on the TV. There is a table in the room. There are some video tapes on the table. There is a sofa in the room. The sofa is near the door.

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