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嬉子湖中心学校集体备课教学设计第 15 周第 1-6 课时 主备人: 江帆 审核人: 江燕 审批人: 王永和 学 科: 英语 班 级: 903 上课时间: 11.28 课 题Unit9 when was it invented?授课人江帆课 型新授课班班通使用是 教学目标(知识与能力;过程与方法;情感态度与价值观)通过Pairwork 和Groupwork形式熟练掌握本单元重点句型及相关常识,理解重点词汇、句型在上下文中的作用。本单元以发明物为话题,谈论了不同发明物的历史,让学生了解各发明物发明的时间,怎样发明的,谁发明的,它的用途是什么。情感态度与价值观:通过本单元的学习,弄清楚世界上一些对人类有着重大意义的物品,尤其是中国古代的四大发明,从而培养自己的爱国主义精神。教材分析重 点mistake, nearby, island, thousand, legend, smell, century, invent, adjustable, operate, electric, sweet, salty, crispy, sprinkle, according, ancient, boil, remain, produce, specialbe used for, by mistake, according to, fall into, in the end, by accident When was it invented?Who was it invented by?It was invented byWhat are they used for?难 点1. -When was the car invented? -I t was invented in 1995.2.- Who were they invented by? -They were invented by Julie Thompson.3. -What are they used for? -They are used for seeing in the dark. 被动语态教 学 方 法任务型教学 任务型教学 先学后教,当堂训练教 具 准 备tape-recorder, flashcards a recorder 多媒体 Task-Based Language Teaching一些发明的实物学 法 指 导教学过程导入新授The First Period Step1 Revision: Check the words of Unit8The teacher asks one student to say the Chinese meaning of five words and another student say English. Then another pair. Finally the teacher says: Youre all excellent. Can you want to learn more words? Now lets learn the words of Unit9. Stept2 New Teaching1, First let the students try to pronounce the words, then ask them to read the words one by one.2, Listen to the tape and then read after the teacher. Then read by themselves and remember them. Finally check in groups.3, Find out nouns, verbs and adjectives.4, Explain the words by a flashcard.1), invent inventioninventorEdison was a great American inventor and he invented many things.2),operateoperation operate onThe doctor operated on the babys eyesCan you operate the machine?3),mistake make a mistake by mistakeI made some mistakes in the English test.4),ancient(adj.)China is an ancient country .She has a lot of inventions. We love our country.5),remain(v.) +adj./adv./n.He remained silentHow long will you remain here?6),produce (n.& v.)生产、制造,农产品-product 产品,指工业生产的物品-productionAustralia produces wool and meat.It says on the bottle Produce of France.7), notice (v.& n.) notice sb. do/doing sth. I notice him entering the office.5,Groupwork: Remember the words and check each other. Step3, Grammar FocusWhen was the car invented?It was invented in 1885.What are they used for?They are used for seeing in the park.Step4, Exercise一、 Fill in the blanks1,The heated ice cream scoop is used for _really cold ice-cream. (scoop)2,The shoes with _heels were invented by Jayce Coziar. (adjust)3,Oh,I think you have put too much salt in the spoon. It tastes quite _(salt)4,How many _can you see in the shop?(abacus)5,Do you think who the most famous _is in the world?(invent)6,What do you think is_ invention? (useful)7,The _on the tree fall in autumn.(leaf)8,The customer thought the _werent thin enough.二、 句型转换:同义句改写1,We covered the Christmas tree with lights.The Christmas tree _ _ _lights.2,His father bought a computer for him last month.A computer _ _for him last month.3,Who invented the alarm clock ,do you know?Who _the alarm clock_ _,do you know?4,People burn a lot of young trees every year.A lot of young trees_ _every year.5,Did Mr. Wu teach you English last year?_you _English _Mr. Wu last year?Step5.Summary1,Words2,Grammar:The Passive Voice: be +p. pSept6. Homework: Remember the words and do exercise 板书设计:Unit 9 When was it invented?The First Period 词汇突破,聚焦语法1, Words: invent ,operate ,mistake, ancient, remain ,notice, produce, salty.2, Grammar: The Passive voice: be +p. p The Second Period Step1.Revision1. Check the words learned last class.2. Review the grammarStep2. New Teaching 1. Show a picture of a TV and ask :What is it?Who invented it?When was it invented?Whats it used for?Perhaps the students dont know the time that was invented. Show the other flashcards, then play the tape and match the inventions with the date. Finally discuss who invented them.2. Some students shoes look beautiful. I think theyll be better if they have adjustable heels. Now look these useful inventions. listen to tape and match the items in the columns(flashcards). Then ask and answer in pairs.3. Everyone likes to eat chips. I also like to eat. But they invented by mistakes. Do you want to know? Now lets listen and circle “T” or “F”. Listen again and complete the sentences (flashcards). Then work in groups.4. Can you think of a problem or a job you would like to solve? Can you think of a way to make your life or your work easier? Brainstorm some ideas for useful inventions. Discuss in groups. Write and say:What is it?Who was it invented by?What is it used for?Then compare the inventions in class. Ask:What do you think is the most interesting/ boring invention? Finally say why.Step3.Exercise: Say something about paperStep4. Summary: The Passive Voicebe invented be invented by be used for Step5.Homework: Say a bag and write it down. 板书设计:Unit 9 The Second Period课型:听说1 Words: casual, dressy2 The Passive voice:be inventedbe invented bybe used forThe period 3Step1 Play the tape about 3a (Fist doing it) Step2 Read 3a (师生分领读,齐读,分组读,个人读) Step3 (需板书重点)The most popular drink in the world is the light bulbI think it would be better to have.Step4 Let the students complete the list (3a) Discuss your opinions in activity 3a with your partner. Ask some students to answer the question about 3a.For example“What is the article about?”etc Step5 Write an article using the notes in the box From pie plate to flying disk The flying disk was invented by college students. Step6 Pairwork Let the students ask about their some inventions, then let them see their inventions.Step7 Do exercise No1.Write an article using the notes in the box Who : college students What : metal pie plate,flying disk When : 1950s Where: bakery Bridgepert,Connection Why : new toy How : students eat pie,throw pie plates Today: clubs,magazines,festiual The flying disk was in vented by college students_ No2. When you are alone in a island choose five inventions you would like to have on it. Tell the class. 六.作业: home work(仿3a写蔡伦造纸)Paper was invented by Cailun七.板书设计:(重点词汇及句子) 1.Light bulb,telescope.microwave oven. 2.be invented by.(for ,as etc) The most popular drink in the world (after water) was invented by accident. 3.Helpful inventions : light bulb ,telephone, television Annoying invention : alarm clock .etc The Fourth Period Step1 Organization1 Greetings with each other2 Check the homework of last lesson Step2 Presentation1 T: Please read the instructions and then read the article once all the way through, Please circle any words or phrases that you dont understand. Ss: Read the article and circle the words or phrases. T: Please raise your hands and read to the class any words or phrases you dont understand. ( If possible, the teacher had better ask other Ss to explain or define the new words. And ask Ss to say in their own words any sentences that other Ss dont understand.) Ss explain the words or the phrases. 2 After the Ss read the article, answer these questions.(出示幻灯片)1) What is the article about?2) When was it invented?3) Who was it invented by?4) How was it invented?3 Read the instructions to the class, explain that Ss can combine more than one point into one sentence. Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs, then ask a few Ss to tell the class about the partners they have interviewed.Step 3 Pair work Imagine you are a businessperson, ask your partner questions about his or her invention. Then try to sell your partners invention to the class. Step4 PracticeAsk Ss to fill in the blanks on their own. crispy sweet salty sour 1 I dont like eating chocolate. The taste is too _. 2 Mom added salt but it still wasnt _ enough. 3 I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the _ taste. 4 She likes _+ cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken.Step 5 利用幻灯片,出示 abacus, umbrella, binoculars, camera, bicycleAsk the Ss to find out when these things were invented, then write paragraphs about them, ask several Ss to read their paragraphs to the class. (T: Correct the answers.)六 作业设计 write a composition (写一篇80字左右的短文) 爱迪生出生于美国,是一位伟大的发明家。他在学校仅仅呆了三个月,总是问一些与功课无关的问题。后来他母亲把他带回家,并且自己教他,发现他是一名很好的学生。他在10岁时建立了自己的化学实验室,12岁时创办了自己的报纸,在16岁时救了一名在铁轨上玩耍的小男孩,22岁时到纽约成为了一名发明家。他从不放弃,直到成功。1931年去世,一生共有1093项发明。七 板书设计 Unit9 When was it invented?1 By accident2 produce Australia produces wool and meat.3 century The building is some centuries old. Unit 9 When was it invented?l The Fourth Period综合训练课The Fifth Period1、 Let Ss do 1 Orispy,sweet,salty,sourA) I dont like eating chocolate.The taste is too _.B) Mom added salt but it still wasnt_enough.C) I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the_taste.D) She likes _cookies. They are hard ,dry and easily broken.2、 The teacher see around in the classroom. Then give them right answers.3、 Pairwork ; Take out inventions4、 Let Ss find out when these things were invented and then write paragraphs about them. Abacus, umbrella, binoculars, camera, bicycle The dates and plates for each of these inventions are widely disputed. More important is for the students to do a bit of research and share interesting information about the inventions.A) Umbrella: about4000years ago in Assyria,China and Egypt.B) Telescope:1609 Galileo in Italy.C) Binoculars:1854 Ignatio porro in Italy.D) Camera:1827 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce who took the first picture.E) Bicycle:1880s in England. 5、 Let Ss read paragraphs, then explain.6、 Listen to the reading7、 Read the text with the following questions.a) Who invented basketball?b) Why were the BerlinOlympils important for basketball?c) What is the aim of basketball?d) Name a professional basketball organization in America and what it does?8、 Let Ss answer the questions and then encourage them to find out the new questions of the reading.9、 Next finish this exercise.10、 Complete the mind-map with information from the reading.11、 Look at the book 12、 Sum up.13、 Do exercise14、 情景展现情景1 询问发明时间A:When was the telephone invented? B:I think it was invented in 1876.情景2 询问发明者A:Who were they invented by?B:They were invented by Julie Thompson.情景3 谈论用途A:what are they used for?B:They are used for seeing in the dark.补充对话A:Excuse me!_B:Theyre heated battery-operated sneakers.A:_B:They were invented in 1870 .A:_B:By Julie Thompson.A:_B:Theyre used for seeing in the dark.A:How interesting! Thank you!B:_ 六板书设计Unit9 When was it invented?Self checkThe abacus was invented in the sixth century by Chinese people.ReadingBasketball history: more than one hundred years oldInventor: by a Canadian doctor named Jame NAISMITHProcess: game sport match Unit9ReadingDoyouknowwhenbasketballwasinvented?Languagegoals语言目标1. Words&expression2. 生词和短语invent,notice,create,divide,shoot2.Keysentences3. 重点句子(P74)Thesportofbasketballisalittlemorethanahundredyearsold.BasketballwasinventedbyaCanadiandoctornamedJamesNaismith.Theaimofbasketballisforplayerstotrytogetaballintothe“basket”.Abilitygoals能力目标Enablethestudentstolearnhowbasketballwasinvented.Emotion&attitudegoals情感和态度目标Learnthehistoryofbasketball.Strategygoals策略目标Enablethestudentstousemind-mappingstrategytorememberinformation.Cultureawarenessgoals文化意识目标LearnaboutpopularsportsinChinaandAmericasNBA.Teachingimportantpoints教学重点Helpthestudentslearntorememberinformationbyusingmind-mapping.Teachingproceduresandways教学过程与方式StepIWarmingUp(Section1:P74)Askthestudentstotalkaboutthebasketball。1.Doyoulikebasketball?2.Howmuchdoyouknowaboutbasketball?StepIIFast-reading(Section2:P74)Devidethepassageintothreeparts.Para.12:Thepopularity.Para.3-4:Therulesandtheequipments.Para.5:thehistoryStepIIIPost-reading(Section3:P75)ReadthepassagecarefullytofinishthetasksDothetasksonebyoneandfinishithemind-mappingtogether. StepIIIPost-reading(Section3:P75)ReadthepassagecarefullytofinishthetasksDothetasksonebyoneandfinishithemind-mappingtogether.StepIVThirdreading(Section4:P75)Readcarefullytofindouttheimportantphrasesanddifficults.StepVHomework1.Accordingtoapassage(3a),finishthemind-map.2.Retelltheinventionofbasketballaccordingtothethreepicturesabove板书设计作业布置教学反思本课的教学中,激发起了学生了解历史的兴趣,由于本课的语言点:被动语态结构在前面第三单元已经接触过,因此学生在完成任务的过程中能够将所需要的语言进行熟练地运用,达到了预期的教学目标。学生的听力训练能力方面比之前进步了很多,但是,本课的难点对学生来说要一下子熟练还是有点困难的,如果让我重新上这一课,我会先让学生从各种时态的结构入手,再从被动语态的结构引入。


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