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2011中考英语复习课本知识整理八年级上Unit 1 Unit 1 How often do you exercise?【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1. go to the movies=go to the cinema 看电影2. look after=take care of 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去划板6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy 身体健康7. keep healthy=keep in good health 保持健康8. as for 至于 9. take/do exercise=play/ do sports 锻炼,做运动10. eating habits 饮食习惯 11. the same as 与相同12. once a month 一月一次 13. be different from 不同14. twice a week 一周两次 15. make a difference to 对什么有影响16. how often 多久一次 17. although=though 虽然18. most of the students=most students 大多数学生19. activity survey 活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物21. do homework 做家庭作业 22. do housework 做家务事23. junk food 垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对有益(害)25. on/at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth=would like to do sth =feel like doing sth 想要做某事27. want sb to do sth = would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事28. try to do sth 尽量做某事try doing sth. 试着做某try ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事29. come home from school 放学回家30. of course=certainly=sure 当然31. get good grades 取得好成绩32. help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事,33. help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人34. a lot of =lots of=many /much 许多,大量的35.as for 至于;关于 36.how many 多少(针对可数名词)37.how much 多少(针对不可数名词)38.of course = sure 当然;确信 39.every day 每一天40.every night 每晚 41.hardly ever 几乎不42.be good for ones health 有益健康 43.try to do sth. 尝试做某事44.kind of 有点II. 重要句型1 How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?2 Three to six times a week 每周三到六次3 How long do you sleep every night? 你每天睡几个小时?4I sleep more than 5 hours every night 多于5小时5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? 你多久吃一次水果和蔬菜?6What do you usually do on weekends?你周末通常做什么?7I usually play soccer 我通常踢足球8What is your favorite program?你最喜欢的节目是什么?9Some students are very active,they exercise every day一些学生非常的活泼,每天都运动.10As for homework,most students do it every day关于作业,大多数学生每天都做.III. 交际用语询问别人做某事的频繁程度IV. 重要语法频率副词一For about three years大约三年. (2)how soon意为“多久以后”.多用于将来时间,其答语为in+一段时间.How soon will your mother come back?你妈妈多久以后回来?一She will be back in ten minutes她十分钟以后回来. (3)how many times意为“多少次”,它只询问次数,即“多少次”.常用once一次,twice两次,three times三次等回答.一How many times did you get to Beijing?你去北京几次了?Oh,four times哦,四次了. (4)how far意为“离多远”,多用来询问路程.How far is it from your school to your home?你家距离学校有多远?【易混辨析】house, family ,home (1)house一般指所居住的建筑物,即“房子,住宅”.His house was burned in a big fire他的房子在一场大火中被烧毁了.(2)family着重指家庭成员. My family are au here我们一家都在这儿. (3)home则指某人出生及生活的环境,包括住处及家人. He left home at the age of 18他18岁离开了家. 4.try try to do sth试图做某事,想要做某事 try ones best竭尽所能 She tries to learn English她试着去学英语. Jack tries his best to win the game杰克尽他最大的努力去赢这场比赛. 5. a lot of, many, much 三者都可表示“许多”,a 10t 0f既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词;many修饰可数名词复数;much修饰不可数名词.We have a lot of friends-We have many friends我们有许多朋友.Do you have a lot of money?=Do you have much money?你有许多钱吗?在修饰可数名词复数时,a lotlots of可与many互换;在修饰不可数名词时,alotlots of可与much互换.但a lotlots of一般不用于否定句和疑问句中,在这两类句子中要用many或much.6.kind of kind of后接形容词或副词,意为“有点,有几分”.He felt kind of tired他感觉有点累.The like is kind of expensive那辆自行车有点贵.(1)a kind of+ m一种This kind of question is hard to answer这种问题很难回答.(2)all kinds+n各种各样的There are all kinds of flowers iIl the park公园里有各种各样的花.(3)different kinds of+n不同种类的There a地different kinds of animals in the zoo.动物园里有不同种类的动物.7Maybe ,perhaps, likely possible, probablymaybe. perhaps和probably都有“也许,大概”的意思.perhaps也许,大体和possibly同义;probably大概,肯定的成分较大,是most likely的意思;possibly可能,常和call,may,must等情态动词连用,比probably语气弱得多;maybe或许,比perhaps普通,但不庄重;likely或许,通常与most,very连用.8although , though although和though作连词用,意为“尽管,虽然”,二者可以通用.AlthoughThough they are so poor ,they have enough to eat他们虽然穷,食物还是够吃的.注意:在一个句子中,用了although或though就不能用but了,用了but则不能用although或though,即:“虽然但是”不见面,但是可以用yet.9hard, hardly hard既可作形容词,也可作副词,其词义丰富;hardly是具有“几乎没有,几乎不”这种否定含义的独立副词.ms ground is too bard to dig这块地太硬,挖不动.(adj)Chinese is hard t0 learn for foreigners对于外国人来说汉语很难学.(adj.)You should study hard你应该努力学习.(adv)There is hardly any coffee left几乎没剩下什么咖啡了.(adv)Hardly anybody came几乎没有什么人来. (adv)【中考连线】一Do you have any plans for your summer vacation? 一I am _for London next Sunday Agoing to Bleaving C. will go 答案:B点拨:leave for意为“动身去某地”,故选B.(2009浙江湖州中考)-_do you visit your uncle? -Once a week, at least AHow long B How many CHow often D How soon 答案:C点拨:本题考查疑问词的用法.由答语“至少一周一次”可知用how often how long “多久”;how many多少”;how soon多久”.(2009淄博中考)-Would you mind _my little sister while III away? -Of course not Alooking for B. looking at C. looking after D. looking forward to 答案:C点拨:由题意“当我不在时,你介意照顾一下我妹妹吗?”知选looking after.2009河北中考)-_can you be ready ,Andy? 一In ten minutes. AHow much BHow often CHow long D How soon 答案:D点拨:how much多少提问不可数名词或价格; How often多久一次;how long多久,多长;how soon多久,用于将来时态.由答语in ten minutes“在l0分钟之后”知选D.单元测试(时间:90分钟,满分:100分)听力测试一(20分)听录音,完成句子(5分)1Mum _ me to get up at 6:00 and run with her2Grandpa is pretty healthy because he _ every day3A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health4You must _ to eat less meat5Does it _ a big difference if you eat fruit every day?听句子,选出意义最近的答案(5分)( )6AI like playing basketball best BMy favorite sport is football CI like ball sports( )7AMary is very healthy BMary is healthy CMary is not healthy( )8AHe often watches TV BHe sometimes watches TV CHe never watches TV( )9AShe likes junk food and she eats a lot BShe doesnt eat junk food because she doesnt like it CShe likes junk food,but she doesnt often eat it( )10AIm afraid she is not at home now BIm afraid she is at school at the moment CIm afraid she is in at the moment听对话,选出正确答案(5分)( )11AEvery day BTwice CThree times( )12AWatching TV BGoing to the moviesCClimbing the hills( )13ATwice a week BOnce a month CHardly ever( )14AYes,it is BYes,it does CNo,it doesnt( )15AHe practises his spoken English BHe practises his written English CHe practises drawing pictures听短文,选择正确答案(5分)( )16How often does she exercise? AOnce a week BEvery night CEvery day( )17How often does she drink milk? AA lot of milk BTen to eleven times a week CEvery day( )18How long does she sleep every night? AThe whole night BNine hours CTen hours( )19Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle? AYes,she does BNo,she doesnt CShe is healthy( )20Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? AYes BMy lifestyle is different from hers CNo Ais three woman teachers Bare three women teachers Cis three women teachers Dare three woman teacher( )9They usually do some office work _ weekends Ain Bat Con Dfor( )10She _ late to school Adont usually come Bdoesnt usually come Cdoesnt come usually Dusually dont come( )11Do you _ lifestyle? Ahave a health Bhas a health Chave a healthy Dhas a healthy( )12My parents _ a teacher Awant me be Bwant I to be Cwant I be Dwant me to be( )13Give me the glassesI can _ read the words on the blackboard Ahard Bhardly Cnever Dsometimes( )14_ it is raining,_ he still works outside AAlthough;but BBut;although CAlthough;/ D/;although( )15How is your mother now?She is _ Apretty Bwell Chealth Dgood完形填空(10分)What do you do on the weekend? Some people like to 1 at home,but others like to go for a walk 2 play footballMy friend Jack works hard in a factory on 3 On the weekend he always 4 different thingsOn Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by carHis uncle and aunt have a farm thereIt isnt a 7 onebut theres always much work to do on the farmThe children 8 give the animals 9 Jack and his wife help his uncle in the fieldsAt the end of the day,they are all 10 and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal( )1Aplay Blive Cstay Dlike( )2Aand Bor Cbut Dso( )3Aweekend Bweekends Cweekday Dweekdays( )4Adoes Bmakes Cborrows Dmake( )5Awatches Bdrives Csells Dwashes( )6AMonday BSunday CSaturday DWednesday( )7Asmall Bbig Chard Dshort( )8Ahelp Beat Cfeed Dkeep( )9Aclothes Bplaces Cfood Ddrink( )10Aclean Blate Chungry Dfriendly阅读理解(20分)A Of all the things we eat and drink,water is the most importantNot many people understand this,but it is quite trueThe human body can go without food for a long time,but two or three days without water usually make people dead Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs and they dont drink enough,especially in hot weatherMost people drink when they feel thirstyThey often need more water especially when they have sports A mans body is 65 to 70 percent waterIf we dont have enough water,we may feel tired and may become ill Now youll see how important the water is阅读短文,判断正(T)或(F).( )1Not all the people know that water is the most important thing for human body( )2The human body can go without water for a long time( )3Everyone knows that how much water the human body needs( )4Most people drink water when they feel thirsty( )5If we dont have enough water,we may feel very wellB The word“hobby”is an interesting wordEvery person has one thing he or she likes to do for funSome people like to collect things like stamps or story booksOthers like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them I have many hobbies I do for funI sometimes play golf with my sonsI play tennis with all the familyI like to collect music booksI also collect musical instruments from China like the erhu,the dizi,the xiao,the suona,and the pipaThese are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America My favorite hobby is fishingI like to go and see my brother in the state of Alaska where fishing is wonderfulThe two of us take a boat and go to a small river where we fish for salmon,the Americans most famous fish根据短文内容,回答问题.6What does the word“hobby”mean in Chinese?_7Whats the writers favorite hobby?_8Where does his brother live?_9What is salmon?_10What is your hobby?_ _ will Jim return?5We found that he was clever(改为同义句)We found _ _6They often go to the movies on weekends(对画线部分提问)_ _ they often _ on weekends?7My favorite sport is baseball(就画线部分提问)_ is _ _ sport?8He is always late for school(改为否定句)He is _ late for school9Pam doesnt like fruitsPam doesnt like vegetables(合并为一句)Pam _ _ fruits _ vegetables10is,student,who,in,the,your,healthiest,class(连词成句)_短文填空(10分)根据上下文和括号里的汉语提示,写出正确的单词或短语,使短文意思完整. When you laugh,you will 1 (张开)your mouth,and show your teethThe healthier those teeth are,the happier you lookWhy is that?Its 2 (因为)your teeth are important in many waysIf you take care of them,theyll help to take care of youStrong,healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you growThey also help you speak clearly You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth 3 (一日两次)after breakfast and before bedtimeOr you can brush them 4 (午饭后)or after eating sweet cakes Brush all of your teeth,not just the front onesSpend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back Take your time while brushingSpend 5 (至少)3 minutes each time you brush Be sure your toothbrush is softAsk your parent to help you get a new toothbrush 6 (每三个月) Learn how to floss your teeth,which is a very important way to keep healthyIt feels strange when you do it at first,but soon youll 7 (习惯于)doing itThe floss 8 (保持)getting rid of food thats hidden between your teeth Brushing and flossing can make your teeth healthyYou also need to care about what you eat and drinkEat 9 (许多)fruits and vegetables and drink water 10 (代替)drinks1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_7_ 8_ 9_ 10_书面表达(10分) 请你根据下表内容写一篇报道,介绍一下你的同学Marcia的日常活动情况.ActivitiesHow oftendo homeworktwo hours a daywatch TVHardlysurf the Internettwice a dayread English booksevery dayexercisethree or four times a weekgo to the moviesonce a month_参考答案听力测试一1Mum wants me to get up at 6:00 and run with her 2Grandpa is pretty healthy because he exercises every day 3A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health 4You must try to eat less meat 5Does it make a big difference if you eat fruit every day?6My favorite sport is basketball 7Mary is in good health 8He doesnt often watch TV 9Although she likes junk food,she eats it once a week 10Im afraid she is out now11W:Hi,Li MingYou look strong and healthyDo you often exercise? M:Yes,of courseI exercise every day Q:How often does Li Ming exercise? 12W:Could you tell me what you often do on weekends? M:I often go to climb the hills with my parentsI like it very much Q:What does the man like doing? 13W:Most students go to the movies once a monthWhat about you,Jim? M:I hardly ever go to the movies Q:How often does Jim go to the movies? 14W:How often does your school have a sports meeting? M:Once a term Q:Does the boys school have a sports meeting every term? 15W:I think Tom can speak English very well M:He always practises his spoken English Q:What does Tom always do?Im pretty healthyI exercise every day,usually when I get home from schoolAnd my eating habits are pretty good.I try to eat a lot of vegetables,usually ten to eleven times a week,and I eat fruit every day and I drink milk every day. Of course,I love junk food,too. But I try to eat it only once a week.Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night.So you see,I look after my health.And it makes a big difference to my grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better1wants 2exercises 3help 4try 5make6A 7A 8B 9C 10A11A 12C 13C 14B 15A16C 17C 18B 19A 20B笔试部分1C 解析:homework是不可数名词,无复数形式,故A、D不对;many修饰可数名词,B也不对;a lot of既可修饰不可数名词也可修饰可数名词,故应选C.1C 解析:stay at home“呆在家里”,为固定短语.2B 解析:在此表示选择,所以用or连接.3D 解析:与后面的周末相对应,此空应该是在工作日,on weekdays.4A 解析:do different things“做不同的事情”.5D 解析:周日开车去乡下,由此可知周六应该是洗车,故选washes.6B 解析:根据前面可知在此所谈的是周末的活动,周六洗车,那么这儿应该是周日的活动.7B 解析:后面表转折,根据句意应选B.8A 解析:help do sth“帮助干某事”.9C 解析:givefood“给喂食物”.10C 解析:一天下来,他们应该都饿了,故选选C.1T 解析:从“Not many people understand this”可知此题是正确的.2F 解析:从原文“but two or three days without water usually make people dead”可得出正确判断.3F 解析:原文中有“Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs”,故此题是错误的.4T 解析:与原文内容一致,故正确.5F 解析:从“If we dont havebecome ill”这一句可知,此题所述内容与原文不符.6爱好7Fishing is his favorite hobby8He lives in the state of Alaska9Salmon is Americans most famous fish10Your own answer1unhealthy 2different 3hardly 4to say 5twice1How often does 2four times 3would,like 4How soon 5him clever 6What do,do 7What,your favorite 8never 9likes neither,nor 10Who is the healthiest student in your class?1open 2because 3twice a day 4after lunch 5at least 6every three months 7be/get used to 8keeps 9lots of/a lot of/many 10instead ofOne possible version: My classmate Marcia often does her homework for two hours a dayAnd she is very busy with her lessons,so she hardly watches TVShe surfs the Internet twice a day to get some newsShe likes English very muchShe reads English books every dayShe has a very good habitShe exercises three or four times a weekShe goes to the movies once a month to relax herself


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