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新目标英语八年级下学期短语归纳(人教版)Unit1 Will people have robots?1.在太空站_ 2.爱上_3.去滑冰_ 4.能够做_5.世界杯_ 6.实现_7.将来_ 8.好几百_9.数千的_ 10.数百万的_11.寻找_ 12.在家_13.在人们的家里_ 14.在电脑上_15.100年之后_ 16.活到200岁_17.可数名词_ 18.不可数名词_19.在大学_ 20.在高中_21.坐火箭去_22.电脑程序员_23.坐火车去_ 24.独自生活_25.穿得更随意些_ 26.获奖_27.养宠物猪_ 28.预测未来_29.科幻电影_ 30.使做_31.使机器人看起来像人_32.使机器人走路跳舞_33.例如_ 34.醒来_35.把弄醒_ 36.有在做_37.简单的工作_ 38.反反复复_ 39.感到无聊_ 40.某人或某物是无聊的_41.不同的外型_ 42.和一样_43.帮助做_ 使某人做 ;看某人做 44.做某事花费某人时间_45.某人花费时间做某事_46.某物花费某人多少钱_47.某人买某物花了多少钱_48. 飞上月球 49. 在周末 1. on a space station 2. fall in love with.3. go skating 4. be able to do 5. the World Cup 6. come true 7. in the future 8. hundreds of9. thousands of 10. millions of 11. look for 12. at home 13. in peoples homes 14. on computers 15. in 100 years / 100 years from now 16. live to be 200 years old 17. countable nouns 18. uncountable nouns 19. in college 20. in high school 21. fly rockets to . 22. a computer programmer 23. take the train to . 24. live alone 25 dress more casually 26. win awards / win the prize 27. keep a pet pig 28. predict the future 29. science fiction movies 30. make sb. do sth 31. make robots look like people 32. make robots walk and dance 33. for example/ such as 34. wake up 35. wake sb up 36. there be sb /sth doing 37. simple jobs 38. over and over again 39. get bored /feel bored /be bored 40. sb/sth be boring 41. different shapes 42. the same +名词+as 43. help do sth /help to do sth /help with sth44. It takes sb some time to do sth45. sb spend some time/money (in) doing sth =sb spend time /money on sth46. sth cost sb money 47. sb pay money for sth=sb buy sth for money48. fly to the moon 49. at the weekends There will be fewer trees in the future. 未来将会有更少的树. Unit 2 What should I do ?1.不让.进入_ 2.同争吵_ 3.怎么了?_4.不时髦的,过时的_ 5.时髦的,流行的_6.用电话交谈_ 7.打电话给 _ 8.付款_ 9.兼职工作_ 10.青少年论坛_ 11.相处,进展_ 12.与相处的好_ 13.尽可能_ 14.各种_ 15.一方面_ 16.另一方面_ 17.呆在家里_ 18.想要做某事_ 19.给某人写信_20.一张足球比赛的票_ 21.足够的钱_ 22.足够大_ 23.令某人惊奇_24.某人感到惊奇_ 25.惊奇地_ 26.需要做_ 27.从借_ 28.借给_ 29.借某物一周_30求助 向要(直接接想要的东西)_ 31 向某人要什么_ 32. 询问某人某事_ 33. 叫某人不要做某事_34 叫某人做某事_ 35.卖烧烤_ 36.为某人买礼物_37.列的清单_ 38.请家庭教师_ 39.发现_ 40.为筹划生日聚会_41.把忘在家里_42.像_ 43.尽力风趣些_ 44.邀请某人做_ 45.对某人生气_46.考试失败_ 47.和某人相同年龄_48.和某人吵架打架_49.给某人提建议_50.带某人去做某事_51.带某人去某处_ 52.直到才_ 53.快速吃完早餐_54.泰勒一家(夫妇)_55.适应某人的生活_56.压力很大_ 57.抱怨某人/某事_58.到了做某事的时候了_59.看见某人在做._60.送.去._ 61.把和比较_ 62.发现做.困难_ 63.多一点的时间_64我自己的发型_ 65. 尽可能多 1. keep out 2. argue with / have an argument with3. whats wrong?=whats the problem?=whats the matter?4. out of style =out of fashion 5. in style=in fashion6. talk on the phone 7. call sb up8. pay for 9. part-time job10. teen talk 11. get on12. get on well with 13. as as possible14. all kinds of 15. on the one hand16. on the other hand 17. stay home =stay at home18. want to do sth = would like to do sth = feel like doing sth19. write to sb = write a letter to sb 21. enough money20. a ticket to a ball game/a ticket for a ball game22. big enough 23. surprise sb24. sb be surprised 25. in surprise26. need to do sth 27. borrow sth from sb28. lend sth to sb 29. keep sth for a week30. ask for 31. ask sb for sth32. ask sb about sth 33. ask sb not to do sth34. ask sb to do sth 35. have a bake sale36. buy gifts for sb =buy sb sth 37. make a list of38. get a tutor 39. find out40. plan a birthday party for sb 41. leave sth at home42. be like 43. try to be funny44. invite sb to do sth 46. fail the test45. be angry with sb / get angry with sb / be mad at sb /get mad at sb /46.be annoyed with sb /get annoyed with47. be the same age as 48. have a fight with sb49. give sb some advice / give sb some suggestions for sth50. take sb to do sth 51. take sb to.52. not until. 53. have a quick breakfast54. the Taylors=the Taylor family 55. fit into ones life56. be under much pressure /be under great stress /be stressed out57. complain about sb /sth 59. see sb doing sth58. Its time for sth =Its time to do sth =Its time for doing sth60. send sb to sw. 61. compare with 62. find it difficult to do sth 63. a bit more time 64. my own haircut 65. as much as possible I find it difficult to do sth.我发现做某事很难.Whats wrong(with you)?/Whats the matter?What should I do?我该怎么办 You could write him a letter.你可以给他写封信.You should say sorry to him.你应该给他道歉.They shouldnt argue.他们不应该争吵. Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1.理发店_ 2.出去_ 3.起飞_ 4.在火车站_ 5.进来_ 6.北京国际机场_ 7.听说_ 8.发生_ 9.世界贸易中心_ 10.像一样_ 11.站在图书馆前_ 12.坐在公共汽车的前面_ 13.睡懒觉_ 14.熬夜_ 15.制作奶昔_ 16.做晚饭_ 17.从出来_ 18.航空博物馆_ 19.沿着街道走_ 20.报警_ 21.不同寻常的经历_ 22.轮流做._ 23.从树上跳下来_ 24.爬上树_ 25.照相_ 26.跑开_ 27.拥挤的_ 28.在车站外面_ 29.最后_ 30.在医务室_ 31.在理发店_ 32.看望住院的阿姨_ 33.历史上_ 34.最重要的事件之一_ _ 35.在美国的现代历史上_ _ 36.日常活动_ 37.在那时_ 38. 10分钟以前_ 39. 10分钟之后_ 40. 9点以前_ 41. 9点之后_ 42.静静地走回家_ 43.被某人破坏_ 44.在太空_ 45.民族英雄_ 46.全世界_ 47.出名_ 48.第一次_ 49. 在电话上交谈 50. 走出淋浴间 51.着陆 52. 走进一家商铺 53. 沉默不语 54. 生病住院 55. 相邻,紧贴 56. 遍及全世界 57. 上个星期日晚上 58. 吃惊 59. 跟随某人做某事 60. 店员 61. 从北京飞往纽约的飞机 62. 一场车祸 63. 害怕 64. 做某事是困难的 65. 赢得金牌 66. 主办某事 67. 似乎重要 68. 有趣 69. 对某人/事有意义 70. 绕着地球的飞行 71. 绕着地球飞 1.barber shop 2.get out 3.take off 4.at the train station 5.come in 6.Beijing International Airport 7.hear of /hear about 8.take place 9.World Trade Center 10.as as 11.stand in front of the library 12.sit in the front of the bus 13.sleep late 14.stay up /sit up 15.make a milk shak16.make dinner 17.get out of 18.the Museum of Flight 19.walk down the street 20.call the police 21.have an unusual experience 22.take turn doing sth=take turn to do sth =do sth in turn23.jump down from the tree 24.go up the tree25.take a photo ;take a photo of sb. 26.run away 27.be crowded 28.outside the station 29.at last =in the end =finally 30. at the doctors=at the doctors room31. in the barber shop =at the barbers 32.visit aunt in hospital33.in history 34.one of the most important events35.in modern American history 36.everyday activities37.at that time 38.ten minutes ago39.ten minutes later 40.before 9 oclock41.after 9 oclock 42.walk home in silence43.be destroyed by 44.in space45.a national hero 47.be famous /become famous46.all over the world /all around the world/across the world48.the first time 49. talk on the phone 50. eat lunch 51. cut hair = have a haircut 52. next to sth. 53. be ill in hospital 54. in silence 55. all over the world 56. last Sunday evening 57. to be surprised to do对做某事感到吃惊 58. to be surprised 59. be surprise at sth. 对感到惊讶 60. in the city of Xian 61. for example 62. follow sb. to do sth. 63. the shop assistant 64. the flight to New York from Beijing 65. a car accident 66. have lunch with sb. 67. have English class 68. be scared 69. Its difficult to do sth. 70. win the gold medal 71. be made host for sth. 72. seem difficult 73. have fun 74. have meaning to sth./sb. 75. a flight around the earth 76. fly around the earth 当不明飞行物着陆时,你正在干啥?What were you doing when the UFO landed?当小女孩正在买东西时,外星人出去了。 While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.look for,find,find out这三个词都有“找”的涵义,但具体用法有别:1)look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。如:What are you looking for?你在找什么?Im looking for my bike我在找我的自行车。2)find意为“找到”“发现”,强调“找”的结果,其宾语往往是某丢失的东西或人Did you find Li Ming yesterday?你昨天找到李明了吗?No,we looked for him everywhere,but didnt find him没有。我们到处找了,但没有找到他。3)find out着重表示通过理解、分析、思考、询问等“弄清楚”“查明”一件事情,其后的宾语常常是某个情况、事实。如:Please find out when the train leaves请查一下火车什么时候离站。 Unit4 He said I was hardworking.1.在星期五晚上 2.对疯狂/生气3.每周六 4.令人兴奋的一周5.首先 6.向谈话7.恢复,结束 8.听起来像9.两者都 10.同意某人11.绝大多数1.直接引语_ 2.间接引语_3.首先_ 4.传递_5.被期望或被要求_ 6.在方面做得好/擅长做_7.身体健康_ 8.成绩单_9.克服,恢复,原谅_ 10.教育部_11.中国少年先锋队_ 12.海平面_13.打开_ 14.照料_15.勤学的学生/懒惰的学生_ 16.努力学习/工作_17.艰难的工作_ 18.在肥皂剧里_19.为举行惊喜晚会_ 20.在星期五晚上_21.不再_ 22.带来_23.拿走_ 24.去海滩_25.令人兴奋的一周_ 26.在家_27.在某人的家里做某事_ 28.演算,制定_29.听到那事我很难过_ 30.感冒_31.年终考试_ 32.紧张_33.学科学很吃力_ 34.发现科学课很困难_35.另一个令人失望的结果_ 36.假装是_37.抄别人的作业_ 38.对某事有把握_39.相信/确信_ 40.在一个贫穷的山村里_41.听起来像是有趣的事_ 42.由发起_43.在中国的边远地区_ 44.海拔2000米_45.使某人感觉不舒服_ 46.一天三次_47.同意某人_ 48.两者都_49.在学校宿舍_ 50.在和之间_51.感到幸运_ 52.高中_53.初中_ 54.给某人一个好的起点_55.回到_ 56.当数学老师_1.on Friday night 2.be mad at 3.every Saturday 4.an exciting week 5.first of all 6.talk to7.get over 8.sound like 9.bothand10.agree with 11.most of 1.direct speech 2.reported speech 3.first of all 4.pass on 5.be supposed to do .do well in /be good at 7. be in good health/ be good health 8. report card9.get over 10.the Ministry of Education11.Chinese Young Pioneer 12.sea level 13.open up 14.care for 15.a hard-working student /a lazy student16.work hard 17.hard work 18.on soap operas 19.have a surprise party for 20.on Friday night 21.not anymore 22.bringto 23.take to 24.go to the beach 25.an exciting week 26.be at home /be in 27.be at ones home doing sth 28.work on 29. Im sorry to hear that 30. have a cold /catch a cold 31. end-of-year exam 32. be nervous/feel nervous /get nervous 33. have a hard time with science =have a hard time studying science34.find scienc very difficult 35.another disappointing result 36. pretend to be 37. copy others homework 38. be sure of sth 40.in a poor mountain village 39.be sure/certain that+从句 41.sound like fun 42.be started by 43.in Chinas rural areas 44. 2000 meters above sea level 45.make sb feel sick 46.three times a day 47.agree with sb 48.both and 49.in school dormitories 50.between and 51.feel lucky 52.senior high school(美) senior middle school (英)53.junior high school (美)junior middle school(英)54.give sb a good start55.return to /get back to /go back to/come back to56.work as a math teacher 他说我勤奋。 He said I was hard-working.在英语上,与听相比,我更擅长于读。 In English, Im better at reading than listening.情况怎样? Hows it going?她不想再当我最好的朋友了。She didnt want to be my best friend anymore.Unit5. If you go to the party, youll have a great time !1.去参加聚会_ _ 2.玩得高兴_ _ 3.乘坐公共汽车去_ 4.班上一半的学生_ 5.超过,多于_ 6.想要某人做某事_ 7.拿走_ 8.在聚会期间_ 9.老人之家_ 10.学校大扫除_ 11.儿童医院_ 12.去老人之家看望_ 13.旅行全世界_ 14.上大学_ 15.挣钱_ 16.受教育_ 17.成为专业的足球队员_ 18.似乎是梦想的工作_ 19.靠做某事谋生_ 20.一直_ 21.到处跟着你_ 22.受伤_ 23.成为专业的运动员_ 24.很难知道_ 25.实际上_ 26.赞同的理由_ 27.反对的理由_ 28.决定做_ 29.所给的单词_ 30.用造句_ 31.和一起度过时间_ 32.嘲笑_ 33.当心_ 34.幸运色_ 35.看见某人做某事_ 1.go to the party 2.have a good/nice/wonderful/great time 3.take the bus to 4.half the class 5.more than =over 6.want sb to do sth /would like sb to do sth7.take away 8.during the party 9.old peoples home10.school clean-up 11.childrens hospital 12.go to the old peoples home 13.travel around the world 14.go to college 15.make money16.get an education 17.become a professional player 18.seem like a dream job 19.make a living (by) doing sth 20.all the time =always 21.follow you everywhere 22.get injured 23.become a professional athlete 24.

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