牛津版八年级下学期英语Unit 8C卷.doc

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牛津版八年级下学期英语Unit 8C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 (共7题;共7分)1. (1分)磁带播放器在老师的房间里。The _is in the teachers room.2. (1分)试穿一下那件毛衣。(try on) 3. (1分)这架飞机什么时候起飞? When will the plane _ _?4. (1分)据说飞行汽车不久将会在天空中出现。 _ _ _ that flying cars will appear in the sky very soon.5. (1分)结果他考试不及格。 _ _ _, he didnt pass the exam.6. (1分)她对听音乐感兴趣。 (be interested to)_7. (1分)Lily现在正在给她最好的朋友写信。Lily is writing to her best friend _.二、 选择方框内的短语并用其恰当的形式填空 (共1题;共7分)8. (7分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。 after first an rocks highest joined famous with pilot managedNeil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. He took his _ flight at six and received his pilots license at 16. In 1949, Neil _the navy(海军) and served as a _. He was chosen to be _ astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he _ to join two spacecrafts together in space.Then the big day came. On 20th July 1969, he landed Apollo on the Moon together _ Aldrin. Neil said the _ words one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind on the Moon. They became heroes _ they returned with many Moon _. Neil was presented the Medal of Freedom, the _ award that a US citizen can receive because of his excellent service.三、 选择最佳答案填空 (共10题;共10分)9. (1分)The bell rang _ the teacher was explaining the experiment to the students. A . untilB . beforeC . whileD . after10. (1分)Mr. Li _us a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan. A . gaveB . is givingC . was giving11. (1分)I called you last night, but you didnt answer. Sorry, Grace. I _ I Am Singer when the phone rang (响).A . am watchingB . was watchingC . have watchedD . watched12. (1分)John so hard on his project that he didnt notice his morn enter the room. A . worksB . has workedC . was workingD . will work13. (1分)Where were you when I called you? I on the bed.A . liedB . was lyingC . lay14. (1分)As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep. A . read; was fallingB . was reading; fellC . was reading; was fallingD . read; fell15. (1分)Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger. A . madeB . is makingC . was makingD . makes16. (1分)Did Lisa notice you enter the house? I dont think so. She _ to the music with her eyes shut. A . listensB . listenedC . was listeningD . is listening17. (1分)The last time I _ Jane she _ cotton in the fields. A . had seen, was pickingB . saw, pickedC . had seen, pickedD . saw, was picking18. (1分)Mother _ dinner when I got up this morning. A . cookedB . cooksC . was cookingD . will cook四、 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)19. (1分)She sang a song happily_she went along the street. 20. (1分)He learned to speak German _ he was in Berlin. (填连词) 21. (1分)They _ (talk) loudly when the teacher came in. 22. (1分) Why didnt you answer my phone at 4 pm yesterday? Oh, I _(climb) a mountain with my father then.23. (1分)The nurse was_ (examine) her patient when the telephone rang. 第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 根据中文意思完成下列句子 (共7题;共7分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、二、 选择方框内的短语并用其恰当的形式填空 (共1题;共7分)8-1、三、 选择最佳答案填空 (共10题;共10分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、四、 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、

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