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八年级英语重难点知识梳理Unit5 Topic1一、 词汇、短语:1.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to somewhere 邀请某人去某地2.go to the movies = go to the movie theather 去看电影3.say thanks to sb 向某人道谢4.担心 woryy (动词) :worry about Worried(形) :be / feel worried about5.popular (反义词) unpopular (不受欢迎的)6.happy (反义词) unhappy7.poor (反义词) rich (富有的)8.smart / clever (聪明的) (反义词) silly / stupid / foolish (愚昧的)9.kind (反义词) cruel (残忍的)10.a ticket to / for 的票 / 入场券11.move (动):move sb 感动某人 move sth 移动某物 moving(形物):a moving story 一个感人的故事 moved (形人) :sb be moved 某人很感动12.be proud of 为而骄傲13.be pleased with 对感到满意 be pleased to do sth 乐意做某事14.seem worried 看起来很忧虑15.smell terrible 闻起来恶心16.set the table 摆放餐具17.have a temperature= have a fever 发烧18.sound upset 听起来 难过/ 不安19.surprise :(名/动) surprise sb 使某人吃惊 to ones surprise 令人吃惊的是 surprised (形人) sb feel surprised surprising (形物) surprising news20.feel sorry for 为感到难过 / 抱歉 / 遗憾21.be shown (电影)被上映22.lonely :(形:孤独,寂寞的) feel lonely alone : (形 / 副,单独,独自)23.because of 后加名词或名词短语 because of the noisy children. because 后加句子 because the children are noisy24.perform plays 表演戏剧25.cheer sb up :使某人振奋 / 高兴起来 Cheer sb on :为某人加油26.at first(起初,首先) at last / in the end (最后)27.please(动):please sb 使某人高兴 Pleased(形人):be pleased with 对感到满意 Pleasant (形物):pleasant weather / trip28.tell a story 讲故事29.be happy to do sth 很高兴做某事 be +形容词+ to do sth 很做某事30.fall into 掉入里31.be frightened / afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事32.so that(从句) 如此以致于 so that 以便,为了(表目的)1. go mad 变疯了 go bad 变坏 2. come into being 诞生,形成3. main role 主要角色 / 主角4. face (脸/面) facial (面部的)5. be full of = be filled with 充满6. end with (反义词) begin with 以结束 / 开始7. be popular with 受的欢迎8. a way to make peace 一种和平解决的办法 不定式短语作后置定语二、句型:1.How are you doing ? 你好吗? = How are you ? Very well, thank you.2.Kangkang looks / is / feels happy 康康看起来 / 感到高兴 It tastes delicious 它尝起来味道很好 系动词: be / feel / look / taste / sound / smell / keep / become / get seem / turn / go :后加形容词3.There was none left 没剩一个 none (总数3)都不,没有一个 “none of + 复名” “常看成单三” left 意为“剩下的”作后置定语。 Is there any coffee left ? 还剩的有咖啡吗?4.How does the food taste ? It tastes delicious 食物尝起来怎样 ?5.I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切都好.6.How much does a ticket cost ? 一张票多少钱?花费:cost(过去式:cost):主语是物 sth cost sb money Pay(过去式:paid) :主语是人 sb pay money for sth spend(过去式:spent) 主语是人 sb spend money / time on sth / in doing sth take (过去式:took) 主语是 it, it takes / took sb time to do sth7.What did she go there for ? 她去哪儿是为了什么? = Why did she go there ?8.When and where will the movie be shown ? 这部电影将在什么时候什么地方放映?9.The mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere. 这个母亲是那么担忧以致于她到处找他。10.His father was lonely and often become angry because of the noisy children. 这个父亲很孤单,经常因为这些吵闹的孩子而生气。=His father was lonely and became angry because the children were too noisy.八年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 2一、短语:Section A 1.do badly /well in 在某方面做得差/好2.be strict with sb .对某人要求严格3.be strict in / about 对某事要求严格4.have no friends to talk with .没有可交谈的朋友5.have a talk with sb = talk with sb / talk to sb.与某人交谈6.be worried about 担忧 Dont worry 别担心7.Thank you for telling me . 感谢你告诉我 Thank you for helping me 介词 动名词8.try to do sth 尽力做某事 try ones best to do =do ones best to do 尽某人最大努力做某事9.be lost 丢失、迷路10.send sth to sb 把某物寄给某人11.take it easy 别着急、别紧张 12.in the bathroom 在洗手间13.feel lonely /sad /happy /afraid /worried/ surprsied /excited /tired14. fall down 坍塌15.get angry 生气16.need to do sth 需要/ 有必要做某事17.be sorry to do sth 做某事很难过18.cheer sb up 鼓励某人19.be glad to do sth 乐意做某事 Section B1. 2. at ones age 在某人这个年龄时 Everyone gets these feelings at your age. at the age of . 在岁时3. make friends with 和某人交朋友 make sb do sth 使某人做某事 如:make me laugh4. tell sb jokes 给某人讲笑语5. at / on ones suggestion 根据某人的建议6. Its normal to do sth 做是正常的7. happen to sb 发生在身上8. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做9. have difficulty doing sth 做有困难 have problems doing sth.10.fight with sb 与某人打架11.have unhappy feelings / feel unhappy12.give sbs suggestions / advice 提出某人的建议13.listen to soft music 听轻音乐14.take part in activrties 参加活动15.call sb at + 号码 打某人的电话16.be nervous 紧张 Dont be nervolls 别紧张Section C1.whats more 此外,而且2.as usual 像平常一样 usual (形容词) usually (副词) unusual (反意词)3.as + 形容词 /副词 + as 和 一样 not as / so + 形容词 / 副词 / 原级 + as . 不如4. be / get used to (介词) (doing) sth . 习惯于(做)某事. used to do sth 过去常常做某事.5. with the help of. . 在的帮助下 with ones help.6.give my best wishes to. 请代我向 问好7.several months ago 几个月前8.be afraid to do sth / be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of speakring in public 10.as happily as before 和以 前一样 快乐 as lovely as I 和我一样可爱11.clap ones hands 鼓掌Section D1.deal with 处理、解决 同义短语:do with Who will help you to deal with the problem ?(1)How did he deal with his sadness ? 他是怎样化解他的忧伤的?(2)What did you do with the old books ? 你怎样处理那些旧书?2.go mad 发疯3.elder sister 他的姐姐 年龄较长的4. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 The student refused to do as the teacher said.5. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at / about sth. 因为某事而生气6.even though 即使 even if though 不能与but 同时出现在一个句中7.not. any longer 不再 (同义) no longer 指时间上不再延长 He didnt live in Beijing any longer8.not. any more = no more 指程度上或做某事的次数不再增加 多与短暂性动词连用 You will not see him any more.9. give sb. some advice 给某人提建议 follow ones advice 遵循某人的建议10.advice advise 动词,建议 a piece of advice 一条建议 three pieces of advice 三条建议 advice v.建议 advice sb to do sth 建议某人做某事.二、句型:Section A because 引导的原因状语从句1.Li Ming didnt come to school because he was ill. 2.She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.3.Mr. Lee was angry with Mary because she was late for school.4.anything wrong = Is there anything wrong ? Section B表建议的句型:1.Why not ?2.Why dont you . ?3.What/ How about . ? 4.Youd better. Section C1.How time flies! 光阴似箭. (How quickly time flies !)2.How I wish to visit you ! 多希望能去看看你!3.I was not used to everything here. 我不习惯这的一切.4.I thought the roads here were not so clean as those in our hometown. 我(原)以为这儿的路不如我们家乡的干净.5.语法:形容词的同级比较大多数形容词(性质形容词)和副词有比较级和最高级的变化,即原级、比较级和最高级,用来表示事物的等级差别,原级即形容词的原形。形容词的用级比较结构:(1)肯定句的句式结构。A+be+as+形容词原级+as+B:表示A、B两者比较程度相同,即“A和B一样”。e.g. This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。(2)否定句的句式结构。A+be+not+as/so+形容词原级+as+B:表示A、B两者程度不同,即“A不如B那么”。e.g. Spring is not as / so cold as winter. 春天不像冬天那么冷。 Chinese is not as /so hard as English.汉语不如英语难。(3)表示倍数,如“一半/两倍/三倍/四倍”等于“half / twice/three /four / . times + as. as.”结构。e.g. The room is twice as large as that one.这个房间是好个房间的两倍大。You are not half as clever as you think you are. 你还没你自认为的一半聪明。Section D1.Its normal to have these feeling 有这些感觉很正常 It is /was + 形 to do sth 做某事2.It was useless to be angry. 生气没用3.语法:原因状语从句原因状语从句表示主句所发生的原因或理由。通常由because,as,since等词引导。e.g. Because I lost my cellphone , I didnt call you yesterday. 因为我手机丢了,所以昨天没有给你打电话。We chose Calvert to lead us as he said he knew the way. 我们选择让卡乐弗特带我们走,因为他说他认识路。Since you are so young , you should be modest. 既然你这么年轻,就应该谦虚一点。以上例子都是原因状语从句,但从从属连词方面来说,它们有区别。(1)because 语气最强,用于回答why的提问,从句可放于句首,也可放于句尾,想强调什么,就把什么放在句首。e.g. He didnt come to school because he was ill. 他没去上学,是因为他病了。Because they asked me to do it , I did it.因为他们要我做,所以我做了。(2)as 和since 语气较弱,用来表示非常明显的原因或者对方已经了解的原因,引导的从句一般要放在句首。e.g. As he knew nothing about the matter , he kept quiet during the meeting.因为他对此事一无所知,所以在会上什么也没说。Since we have no money , we cant buy it. 既然我们没有钱,所以就不能买它。(3)for 表示的原因不是直接原因,而是多种情况的推测,是一种补充说明,因此for引导分句一般不放在句首,属并列句。e.g. he wore more clothes , for it was cold. 因为天气冷,他多穿了些衣服。He was blamed for being late again.他因再次迟到而受到责备。 八年级英语Unit5 Topic3一、 词汇、短语。9. sound terrible (sound+形容词,听起来)10. feel nervous (feel+形容词,感觉)11. diedying(现在分词)lielying(现分词)12. calm down 平静下来13. be sorry about sth 对感到难过14. need to do sth (主语为物)15. follow ones advice 听从某人的建议take ones advice16. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事17. hate to do sth 讨厌做某事 hate doing sth.18. get well 康复19. worry about 担忧、担心20. take saoe medicine 服药21. give the speech 做报告22. take turn to do sth 轮流做某事23. miss lessons缺课miss you想念你miss the early bus 错过早班车24. make sb+形容词如:make us sadmake sb do sth 如:make me laugh25. get along well with sb 与某人相处很好26. in a bad mood 心情糟糕 in a good mood 心情愉快in good health 健康状况良好in good spirits 心情好in dangerin trouble27. give sb a surprise 给某人一个惊喜28. put on 上演、举行、穿上put away 把收起来放好29. at the English corner 在英语角30. smile at life 笑对人生31. be good/bad for 对有益(害)32. let sb do sth 让某人做某事33. hang 悬挂hung (过去式)绞死hanged(过去式)34. on Midautwmn festival在中秋节35. get together with the family 和家人一起团聚36. fall asleep 入睡37. some day=someday (将来)某一天38. thinkthought 过去式thought 名词“思想、念头”39. think over 认真考虑think about 考虑(是否去做)think of 想起、认为40. make a good/bad decision 做出一个好的(坏的)决定decide to do sth decide on 33.a sense of 的感觉a sense of happiness 幸福感二、句型。1.Thats very nice of you . (kind)2.How long have you been like this?(felt)3.How are you feeling now ?Much better.4.Why not listen to music ?5.Illness usually makes us sad,worried and frightened.6.It is very important for us to be in a good mood.7.It makes me feel nervous.8.Your classmates make you monitor.9.Wearing red often makes me active.10.Lets prepare for it.11.The doctor lets Michael rest for a few days.12.Its too noisy for me to fall asleep.13.Think it over before making an important decision.14.Colors can affact my feelings and moods.八年级英语Unit6 Topic1A:1.spring field trip 春游2.go on a visit/trip to 去旅游/参观3.make the decision 做决定 decide动 名decide to dosth决定做 decide on sth选定某事4.find out 发现,查出真相5.My pleasure Its a pleasure 不客气,乐意效劳B:6.book some tickets to MountTai 预订一些去泰山的票7.make a reservation 预订make a room reservation 预订房间C:8.work out the cost of the trip 算出旅行的花费9.come up with (an idea /a plan)想出10.raise money 筹款11.look forward to (doing) sth 盼望/期待(做)某事。12.hear from sb=get/receive a letter from sb 收到某人来信13.afford to do sth:I cant afford to buy the car.我买不起这辆车Afford sth:I cant afford it.我付不起它的费用D:14.as soon as 一就15.in the day time 在白天 反 at night /in the evening16. the whole night 整个晚上all the student 所有的学生17.hope to do sth I hope to stay here that 从句 I hope I can stay here18. wish sb to do sth wish sb to do sth19.Some places of interest 一些名胜古迹 interest 名 Interesting(修饰物) Interested (修饰人)20.see the sunrise 看日出二、句型。1.I have some exeiting news to tell you . 我有一些令人兴奋的消息要告诉你。2.Your task is to find out the cost by bus. 你的任务是去查查乘汽车的费用。3.Whats the best time to go there ? 什么时间去那最好?4.Which is the best way to travel ? 最好的旅游方式是哪一种?5.How long does it take to get there? 到那里要花多长时间?6.How much does it cost to reach Mount Tai by plane ?7.How long does it take us to go there by plane ?It takes us an hour.8.What can I do for you ? I want to book /Would like to book some tickets to Mount Tai. 我想预订一些去泰山的票9.Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American school.在加拿大和美国学校筹钱很常见。10.After all the tickets are sold,one ticket is drawn.所有的票售完后,一张票中奖11.Im looking forward to hearing from you. 我盼望收到你的来信12.Why not put on a show to raise money ? 为什么不举办个展览来筹款呢?八年级英语Unit6 Topic2 A:1.receive sth from sb 从收到2.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事3.prepare for 为做准备4.be on vacation 在度假5.You bet 当然、的确6.make a plan to do 制定一个的计划7.plan to do 计划做plan a trip 制定旅行计划8.would like sb to do sth=want sb to do sth9.come along with sb 跟着来,跟随某人B:10.at the foot of 在脚下11.spread over 散布、遍布12.at the beginning of 在开始13.on both sides of 在两边14.In the old days.在古代,在过去15.make sure 确保16.by the way 顺便问一下17.tell good from bad 辨别好坏18.stand for 代表、象征19.two hours and a half=two and a half hours 两个半小时20.space 空间(不可数) make space for 为腾地方21.be full of 充满 be filled with22.be surprised at 对感到吃惊be surprised to do 做某事很吃惊in surprise 吃惊地 She looked at me in surprise 她吃惊地看看我To ones surprise 让某人吃惊的是23.push ones way out 挤出来24.in all directions 向四面八方25.step on 踩26. notice sb do sth 注意某人做了某事notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做某事27.out of sight 看不见,在视野之外28.beat sb 战胜某人 win the match 赢得比赛29.raise his head 抬头raise money 筹钱30.jump up and down 上下跳31.cant help doing 忍不住做32.be happy/pleased with 对很满意33.e-mail sb 给发电子邮件(动)send an e-mail to sb (名)D:34.get on 上(车、马)get off 下(车、马)35.get into (或get out of) a car/ a taxi36.have fun exploring 从中获得乐趣37.ask sb for help 向某人求助38.be lost 丢失、遗失39.Tank goodness 谢天谢地40.shout at sb 对大喊大叫二、句型A:1.That would be great fun /interesting /fine.那一定会很有趣2.Darren was reading Renai English post when Michael . came in when 可引导从句用瞬间动词也可用延续性动词Michael came in while Darren was reading Renai English Post.While 引导从句动词只能用延续性动词3.While you were enjoying your trip,I was busy prepewing for my exams.当你在愉快地游玩时,我正忙于准备考试。B:4.Its in /on /to the north of Jilin 它在吉林的北面in 表示 A在B范围内to 表示 A和B 相离on 表示 A和B相切C.5.As thay were exploring happily,the crowed of people became larger and larger.正当他们兴致勃勃地考察时,人群更加拥挤了。6.As soon as the three boys saw each other,they all jump up and down happily.三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。八年级英语Unit 6 Topic3一、 重点短语:1. be (badly) hurt = hurt badly 伤得很重2. obey the traffic rules. 遵守交通规则break the traffic rules 违犯交通规则3. in public = in public 在公共场所4. so much work 如此多的工作so many books 如此多的书5. slow down 减速6. bring sb sadness and death 给某人带来悲伤和死亡7. avoid doing 避免做某事8. warn sb (not) to do sth 警告某人做(不做)某事9. go straight ahead 直走10. get a fine 罚款11. cost 100 times as much as 花费多达100倍12. be famous for 以出名 be famous as 做为而出名13. one of the top cychists 最好的自行车手之一14. lead sb to do sth 带领某人做某事 15. go on doing sth 继续做某事 (一件事) go on to do sth 继续做另一件事 (二件事)16. best / break ones record 打破纪录怎样处理17. How deal with ? What do with ?18. go through 穿越19. the opposite direction 对面方向20. run into 撞上21. rush to sb 冲向某人drive careffully22. be careful 小心 be careless 粗心23. learn more about 有关了解更多24. be good for our health 对健康有益25. begin to make a comeback 开始恢复26. wait to do sth 等着做某事二、 重点句子:1.I feel a little more confident.2.If people obey the traffic rules , there will be fewer accidents.3.Cycling can help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution.4.It is impossible to finish so much work in an hour.5.Most people think Licy cles are much safer than other vehicles.6.If we break the traffic rules , we may get a fine and even be in danger.7.However , his path to success wasnt smouth.8.It is certain that he is the greatest cyclist in the world.9.The roads are very difficult to ride on.10.He can do that without winning even one of the stages.三、语法:1.动词不定式的用法(作主语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,目的状语)。2.由while , when , before , as , until , as soon as , after 引导的时间状语从句。3.由if , whether 引导的条件状语从句。四、交际用语:谈论交通规则和交通安全。1.If people obey the traffic rules , there will have fewer accident.2.In fact , we should never ride too fast.3.We should also know more about the traffic rules.八年级下册Unit7 Topic1SectionA一、 词汇:Build built (过) write wrote (过)二、 短语:1. know about 了解2. be born 3. build a new school 建一所新学校4. organize / hold / have a food festival 举办一次美食节活动5. on our school playground 在学校操场上6. turn to sb / sth = ask sb for help 求助于,转向某人7. make a poster 制作一张海报8. get in touch with 和取得联系 keep in touch with 与保持联系9. try ones best do ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做 10. learn to cook food 学烹饪11. make tea 沏茶 make cheese pies 做奶酪派make biscuits 做饼干make strawberry pancakes 做草莓饼12. cook soup 煲汤13. write a song 谱写歌曲三、 句型(宾语从句)I think(that)we may buy some books on Sunday.I know(that)he wants to build a new school for his poor village .I hope(that)I will pass the find exam .I imagine(that)he will be late .SectionB一、 词汇:America AmericanRussia RussianIndia IndianAfrica AfricanItaly ItalianChina ChineseJapan JapaneseGreece GreekPlan planned (过去式)二、 短语:1. the food festival 美食节2. think about 思考,考虑think of 起来,记起think (it / them)over 仔细考虑3. have a sweet tooth = like eating sweet food4. plan to do sth5. serve sb sth = serve sth to sb 给某人提供某物serve sb 为某人服务 Science serves the people6. good / old enough enough money = money enough 7. decide to do sthdecide on 决定,选定make a decision 下决心8. prepare for 为做准备9. invite sb to do sth10. later on 稍后,用于将来时一段时间 + later 之后,用于过去式11. send off 送行send for sb 请某人来send out 发出12. such as 例如,列举一系列事实三、 句型:I think / guess (that) 我认为 / 猜想SectionC一、 词汇:Wrestling wrestler (名词)二、 短语:1. over / on the telephone 通过电话2. hold onhold the line 请等一等(电话用语)just a minutewait a moment3. keep up = keep doing sth 继续做某事4. for sale 待售5. in order to + 动原in order that + 从句 为了6. everywhere else 别的每个地方7. school supplies 学习用品8. get wet 淋湿9. whats more 而且三、 句型:SectionD一、 词汇:hear heard (过)invite invitation (名)二、 短语:1. make his dream come true 使他的梦想成真2. win a gold medal3. have enough money4. make phone calls 打电话5. make an invitation to sb 6. hosted by 由主办八年级英语Unit7 Topic2 一、 词汇:cut cut cutlight n. 光线 a. 轻的 lightly adv. 轻微的,轻轻地cook n. 厨师 cooker n. 炊具advantage 优点 disadvantage 缺点二、 短语:1. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想做某事would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事2. be proud of 以自豪3. cooked meat 熟肉4. well done 干得好5. put.on. 把放在上面6. add.to. 把加在7. cut.up 将切碎8. Its very kind / nice of you = Youre very kind 你真好(称赞别人)9. fill.with. 用装满10. be tired of . 对厌烦三、 句型:1. She think(that)she must be successful .2. I think(that)well be raise a lot of money for Daniel .3. Im afraid(that)I cant .4. Im sorry(that)I cant come to your birthday party .5. Im glad(that)you are trying to help others .SectionB一、 词汇:butter 黄油(不可数n.)impolite a . 不礼貌的 polite a. 礼貌的noise n. 噪音,吵闹 noisy a. 吵闹的 noisily adv . 喧闹地二、 短语:1. a sandwich with butter 加黄油的三明治2. spread sth on sth 往.上涂.3. mind doing sth 介意做某事4. a piece of. 一块 / 片三、 句型:1. Could you tell me how to make it ?2. Would you mind if we learn to make it from you ?3. Could you tell me if its polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America ?4. Its impolite to eat

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