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三年级下学期期末复习宝典I.名师点金广州版小学三年级英语教程重点培养学生对英语的认知和学习兴趣。简单概括起来包含“一个时态+两个语态+三种句型”三个部分。学生复习时应重点掌握一般现在时常见的肯定(is, do)、否定(isnt, dont) 和疑问(Is it, Do you)三种形式的自由转换。同时要熟悉名词单、复数及be动词 (am,is are)的变化规则。能迅速对动词的第三人称单数(he,she,it,人名-has,does)做出判断和反应。理解并使用there be句型表示“存在有”的表达方式。此外,方位词(in,on,under,behind,in front of, beside, near)和特殊疑问词(what, where,whos,whose,how many)的灵活使用,也是三年级测试中的重点。在时态一致的情况下,建议学生在复习过程中以基本句型为突破口,反复操练各项句式,熟记课本内生词的意思与单复数形式。 II.学海拾贝1、 常见句型:1. 询问某物的颜色What color is it? -Its green.2. 询问某人是否喜欢一种颜色Do you like red?-Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (非第三人称单数)Does he/she/sam like red?-Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt. (第三人称单数)3. 询问某人是否有某物Do you have a small bag?-Yes. I do./ No, I dont. (非第三人称单数)Does he/she/sam have blue bottle?-Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt. (第三人称单数)4. 询问某人有什么What do you have in the bag?-I have a toy bear. (非第三人称单数)What does he have in the bag?-He has a toy bear.(第三人称单数)5. 表达物体所在的位置The toy car is on/in/under/behind/in front of/ near the desk.Is the toy car on/in/under/behind/in front of/ near the desk?-Yes, it is.-No, it isnt.Where is the chair? Its under the desk .Where is the lamp? Its on the desk.Where is the desk? Its beside the shelf.Is the lamp on the wall? No, it isnt.6. 询问国籍Where are you from? I am from Australia Where is Janet from? Shes from Canada / Where is he from? Hes from China Are you Australian? Yes, I am. Are you from China? Yes, I am. 7. 询问某人是谁Who are the children? They are my cousins.Whos the short girl with black hair? Shes my sister.Whos David Webb? Hes my brother.8. 询问人物关系Do they have a sister? Of course, they do. / Is Susan your sister? Yes, she is. Is Jim your uncle? Yes, he is. Is her hair long? Yes, it is. Is that a bull? Yes, it is. 9.询问某处有某物及其数量How many beds are there in the room? There is one.Are there any trees near the house? Yes, there are. Are there any dogs under the chair? No, but there is a cat under it.Is there a TV in the living room? Yes, there is one on the shelf. / No, there isnt.2、 难点解析:(一)“某处有某物”&“某人有某物”(存在“有”)there be 句型 (归属“有”)have;has(1)There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) (2)在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be 动词的那个名词决定。练习:1There _ an apple on the desk. 2There _many bikes under the tree.3.There _ one clock , two maps and five pictures on the wall.(3)there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。 练习:1.There is not (_) (缩写) a computer in the study.2.There are not (_)(缩写) books on the shelf.3._there a spider in that corner? Yes ,there is.4._ there any dictionaries on the shelf?No,there arent.(4)there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人); have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。 _ a sofa in the study. Janet _ an Australian stamp.(5)针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How many _(椅子) are there in the dingingroom?(6)针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: Whats + 介词短语?练习:There is a car in the garage.-_ in the garage?(7)There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。1._(有) a sofa in the study. 2._(有)some spiders on the wall. 3.We _(有) a big bedroom. 4. Mrs Webb _(有) a pink car.(2) 名词复数变化规则1一般情况,在词尾加-s. desk-desks 书桌 girl-girls 女孩 boy-boys pen-pens2以-s,-x,-ch,-sh 结尾的词,在词尾加-es bus-buses box-boxes brush-brushes watch-watch3以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,加-es baby-babies 婴儿 family-families家庭4以-f或-fe结尾的词,变f或fe为v,再加-es knife-knives刀 leaf-leaves树叶5以辅音字母加-o结尾的词,一般情况下,在词尾加-es tomato-tomatoes西红柿 potato-potatoes马铃薯6可数名词变为复数形式的不规则变化如下:foot-feet脚 mouse-mice老鼠 goose-geese鹅 ox-oxen公 牛 man-men男人 woman-women女人 child-children孩子 Chinese-Chinese中国人 deer-deer鹿 sheep-sheep绵羊 fish-fish鱼三、日常生活用语:1.A: Thank you .B: Youre welcome.2.A: Heres your juice.B: Thank you.3.A: Come and sit with me on the sofa .B: Thank you.4.A: Put the tape recorder on the shelf.B: OK. / All right.5.Put.on /in.OK./ All right. III.解题金钥匙 通常期末考试试卷分为听力部分和笔试两部分。但随着小升初考试的改革,口语的重要性逐步增加,部分学校考试也增加了口语考试的部分。大家需要注意的是,拿到试卷之后,千万不要忙着做题,先把名字写好,然后把整个试卷看一遍,共几面?共多少题?都有哪些题型?难度如何?做到心中有数。下面让我们来看一看各个部分的解题技巧。1.听力部分:在听力播放之前,一定要先把题目看一遍。需要看清和思考的问题有:每个题的题目要求、题目性质、做题注意事项等等。听短语给图片编号题型。这类题一般很简单,需要同学们先把图片表达的意思看懂,听清短语快速找图片写上大写字母编号就行。如果有一个短语没听清或没听懂,不要着急,先听下面的材料,最后再补缺。听句子填空题。这类题考察同学们单词是否记牢固以及对句子的理解能力。需要注意的是一定不能因为纠结一个单词的写法而漏听下一题。如果对某个单词没有把握,先跳过,听力结束后再回来补充。听句子/对话找答语题或配图。听力播放前一定要快速浏览各选项的内容;要注意听清问题中的关键词,如人物,时间,地点,原因,方式等;一般疑问句要注意Do问do答,Be问be答。听对话/短文做选择或判断题。这类题较难,因为同学们需要把握全文意思,一边听一边找答案。要求同学们在听力之前,一定要扫视各题干,明白大概意思,尝试去猜测这篇对话/短文会涉及到什么话题,发生在怎样的场景中。2.笔试部分笔试部分通常有中英互译题;单项选择题;根据提示填空题;阅读理解题,考察单词识记、理解、变形;时态;固定搭配;句子组织等。需要同学们对单词和课文非常熟悉,牢记固定搭配,灵活运用语法知识。的单词,短语,句型,回顾课本课文知识,看是否有类似的话题,以便引用资源。注意卷面一定要工整,注意大小写。3.口语部分 口语要注重平时的操练,要争取一切机会大声地说英文,大胆一点,不要害怕出错,不管你是在课堂上发言还是跟外国人对话。口语操练可采用的方法:1.跟读。磁带或碟片读一句,按暂停键,你跟着读一句。熟练后可以跟着磁带、碟片同步读。2. 给自己讲故事。走在路上或睡前,用英语给自己讲故事,讲讲今天发生的事,所见所闻,不会说的查字典或上网搜索,并记在笔记本上。长此以往,词汇量增加的基础上,口语也会提高。3.看英文动画片。中英文字幕对照的动画片反复看,直到你非常熟悉,去掉中文字幕也能看懂为止。 最后,欢迎同学们加入“闪闪英语”(Shining Show English)的学习团队,大胆地把你的英语show出来。祝大家期末考试顺利!

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