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七年级上英语各单元重点短语和句子Starter unit1-3 in the picture 在图片中 in English 用英语 what color什么颜色 look at看着1. Good morning ! 2.Good afternoon! 3.Good evening 4. -Hello, Frank. -Hello, Eric.5. -How are you? -Im fine, thanks. How are you? - Im Ok.6. -Whats this in English? - Its a jacket.7. -Whats that in English? - Its an orange.8.-Spell it, please.- O-R-A-N-G-E.9. -What color is it? -Its red.10. The key is yellow.Unit 1telephone /phone number 电话号码 first name 名字 family /last name 姓 middle school 中学 1. My names Gina.2. Im Cindy.3. - Whats your name? - Alan.4. -Nice to meet you! - Nice to meet you, too.5. -Whats her name? -Shes Jane.6. - Is he Jack? -Yes, he is. No, he isnt.7. -Whats your phone number? - Its 587-6275.8. My friend is in China.Unit 2this is这是 have a good day 过得愉快 a photo of your family 你的全家福two nice photos of my family 两张漂亮的我家人的照片 in the first photo 在第一张照片里 in the next picture在下一张照片里in my family 在我家里 the name of my dog 我的狗的名字1. Thats my family.2. Those are my parents. 3. Whos she?4. . these are my brothers.5. .this is my sister Kate.6. I see.7. Well, have a good day.8. Theyre my grandparents.9. Here are two nice photos of my family10. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.11. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric.12. Here is a photo of my family.Unit 3pencil box铅笔盒 excuse me 劳驾。请原谅, blue/green pen 蓝色、绿色的钢笔what about.? 怎么样?thank you for 为. 而感谢computer game 电脑游戏机ID card 学生卡 ,身份证school library 学校图书馆ask.for.向.要.call sb. at 拨打.(号码)找某人 a set of. 一套; 一副;一组1,-Is this your pencil? - Yes, it is. Its mine.2- Is that your schoolbag? - No, it isnt. Its his.3. Excuse me, Grace. Is this your pencil?4. - What about this dictionary? - Its Helens.5. And the green pen is hers, too.6. -Thank you for your help, Anna. - Youre welcome.7. How do you spell it?8. A computer game is in the school library. 9. My phone number is 495-3539.10. I lost my school ID card.11. I must find it.12. Call me at 685-6034.Unit 4 On the sofa 在沙发上 under the table 在桌子下面 on the table 在桌子上面 come on 快点 under the chair 在椅子下面 in your grandparents room 在你祖父母的房间里 on their bed 在他们的床上 on your head 在你的头上 English books 英语书 tape player 录音机 model plane 飞机模型 in the bookcase 在书柜里1, -Wheres the schoolbag? - Its under the table.2.-Are the keys on the sofa? -No, they arent. Theyre on the table.3.Come on , Jack.4. I think its in your grandparents room.5. And my hat?6.The English books are under the radio.7.In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase.8.The white model plane is hers.9.My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.Unit 5soccer ball 足球 tennis ball 网球 ping-pang bat 乒乓球拍 baseball bat 棒球拍 let sb. do sth 让某人做某事 ping-pang ball 乒乓球play basketball 打篮球 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play volleyball 打排球 watch TV 看电视 go to the same school 上同一所学校 at school 在学校 on TV 通过电视;在电视上 after school 放学后 play sports 参加体育运动或比赛watch sports 观看体育运动 in the same school 在同一所学校里 1,-Do you have a ping-pang bat?- Yes, I do . No, I dont.2.-Hey, Helen, lets go! Were late. - Ok.3. Let me get it.4. And your hat, too!5. Lets go!6.Does he have a soccer ball? - Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.7.-Well, lets play basketball. - That sounds good.8.We go to the same school and we love soccer.9.We play it at school with our friends.10.I love sports, but I dont play themI only watch them on TV.11. I like ping-pang. Its easy for me.12. After class, I play ping-pang with my classmates.13. My brother and I are in the same school.14. Tom has a baseball, but he doesnt have a baseball bat.Unit 6 birthday dinner 生日晚宴 think about 考虑 How (What)about .? (提出建议).怎么样? Sports star 体育明星 the volley ball star 排球明星 Eating habits 饮食习惯 like . for breakfast 早餐喜欢吃.Want to do sth. 想做某事 healthy food 健康食品1. -Do you like bananas?-Yes, I do. No, I dont.2. Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week.3. Lets think about the food.4. -How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit?- Sounds good.5. What about the fruit?6. I think John likes strawberries and apples.7. Lets have strawberries and apples then.8. They like pears, but they dont like strawberries.9. .do you like hamburgers for dinner?10. I like ice-cream, but I dont eat it. I dont want to be fat. Unit 7ask about 询问 offer help 提供帮助 What color.? .什么颜色?Look nice 看上去很好 How much.? (购物时).多少钱?Two dollars for one pair 两元钱一双 yellow T-shirt 黄色T 恤衫Clothes store 服装店 come to 来到 a pair of 一双big sale 甩卖 a pair of white socks 一双白色袜子 sell bags 卖包 blue trousers 蓝色的裤子1.-How much is this T-shirt ? - Its seven dollars.2.- Can I help you ? - Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.3. -What color do you want ? - Blue.4. How about this one?5. It looks nice.6. Ill take two pairs.7. Here you are.8. We sell all our clothes at very good prices.9.-Do you sell bags? - Im sorry. We dont sell bags.Unit 8 Happy birthday 生日快乐 How old .? .多大年纪?Birthday party 生日聚会 at three this afternoon 今天下午三点 See you 再见 English test 英语测试 school trip 校游 Basketball game 篮球比赛 soccer game 足球比赛 Book sale 图书甩卖 art festival 艺术节 interesting things 有趣的事情 next month 下个月 busy term 繁忙的学期 Childrens Day 儿童节 National Day 国庆节 Womens Day 妇女节 New Years Day 新年 1.- When is your birthday, Linda? -My birthday is on October 2nd.2- How old are you ? - Im thirteen.3. We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.4.On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.5.And on December 3rd ,we have a book sale in the school library.6.This is a really busy term!7.Have a good time!Unit 9favorite subject 最喜欢的学科 be boring 很无聊favorite day 最喜欢的一天 music teacher 音乐老师on Friday 在星期五 be busy 繁忙,忙碌 have math 上数学课after that 在那之后 from . to . 丛 . 到. have an art lesson 上艺术课1. -Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is art.2.-Who is your music teacher? -My music teacher is Ms.Xie.3.-When is your geography class?- Its on Monday and Friday.4.- Why do you like music? - Because its fun.5.It is difficult but interesting.6. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.7. Lets meet on Saturday.8. Thank you for your e-mail.巧学妙记:一 英语大写字母句子开头首字母,文章标题除虚词。专有名词须牢记,节日月份星期几。报纸杂志和书籍,职业头衔和称谓。I 和OK 无论在哪里,永远要大写。二 be 动词的用法我(I)用am, 你(you)用are.is 连着他 (he),她(she), 它(it)。单数名词用is, 复数名词要用are.变疑问, be 前提, 句末问好别丢弃。变否定,更简单, be后要把not添。三 字母书写规则 字母书写有规则,右倾五度正适合。大写全是上两格,上面顶线不可摸。头上有辫上两格(b, d, h ,k ,j );有尾下面两格托(g, q, y)。无辫无尾中间格(a, c, e, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z)独有f占三格,j,p 占上中下, i, t 中上一个半。四 have 的用法动词have 表示“有”, 位置就在主语后;“三单”主语用has,代替have 表示“有”;要变一般疑问句,就用do/does 来开头;要变否定怎么办?Dont/doesnt 在动词前;Does 和has 莫碰面,此点用法记心间。五,基数词书写规律基数词不难记,找出规律很容易;零至十二各相异,一个一个单独记,后加-teen为十几,thirteen, fifteen看仔细,Eighteen更要准确记,其中只有一个t;二十至九十加-ty, twenty 的确很奇怪,Forty本身也不乖,跟着也把规则坏,Thirty,fifty很厉害,和eighty 一起搞列外;十位后面是个位,表示数字“几十几”,排列顺序不费力,连字符号莫丢弃,要表“几百几十几”,and常把百,十系,还有一项要注意,“几百”后别把-s立;教学妙计多练习,Hundred就是你的好成绩。六 序数词变化规律一,二 ,三特殊记, 其他加-th就可以,八少t,九去e,-ve要用-f 替。整十变化要注意,-y 改为-ie, 再加-th.若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。序数词表顺序,前有定冠词别忘记。

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