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3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:小学英语四年级阅读Swimming Class现在越来越多孩子会从小学游泳,既掌握了一项技能又可以强生健体。在英国,游泳课是小学生的必修课。我们一起去看看他们是怎么上游泳课的吧! British pupils have swimming classes at school. What is the swimming class like? In swimming class, we register first. We write down our names on a paper. We get swimming kits(游泳装备).Next, we get changed(换好泳衣). We find our swimming groups. There is a frog group, a dolphin group and a shark group. Some of my classmates dont swim very well. They are in the frog group. Some of my classmates swim well. They are in the shark or the dolphin group. Im in the shark group. We have two coaches. They teach different groups. We learn to hold our breath(屏住呼吸)and swim. Its a piece of cake for me! At the end of class, our coaches also lead(带领)us to play games in the water. It is really fun!笔记整理:1.swimming class“游泳课”2.Whats.like?“.是什么样的?”举个例子:Whats your country like?“你的国家是怎样的呢?”3.register“注册,登记”,举个例子:Its tonys duty to register our name every day.“每天登记我们的名字是托尼的职责。”4.change是“变化,更换”的意思。比如:She changed her clothes quickly.“她迅速地更换了衣服。”5.different解释为“不同的”。比如:Different students have different ways of learning.“不同学生有不同的学习方式。”6.a piece of cake在这里可不是指“一块蛋糕”噢,这是个固定搭配,指“小菜一碟,很简单。”

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