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Unit 9-10 总复习 Unit10 五、词组31、放烟花set off five works32、卖光 sold out33、六点一刻 aquarter past one 34、由你决定 up to sb 35、穿新衣服 put on erve clotles36、拜访朋友 visit friends37、彼此说新年快say happy new year each other38、慢跑go jogying39、去购物 go shopping40.玩电脑游戏 play computer games41、看电影 go to a movivebe filled with 充满谈论 take about玩得高兴 have a good time 42、我非常喜欢流行音乐 I like pop music very much43、-去剧院怎么样?-对我来讲,有点无聊。How about going to the theatre?That sounds abit broing to me 44、如果你不用糖果招待他们,他们就会捉弄你If you dont treat them nith andies will play tichs on Unit10同步1既不也不En ther.nor. 2发生_take place3不在家,出去了_be out4除了(包括)_besides 5招待某人_trest sb_6洗洗衣服_washing cloth7呆在家里_stay at home句子1今晚想做点什么吗?Fancy doing some thing tonght2在新年这一天孩子们玩得很开心。Children have grest funon new yeas pay3明年在我们学校将有一座新的大楼There will be 火车在10分钟后离开The train will leave in ten miutesUnit9 四、词组31、迷路 get lost32、坐地铁by subauy33、坐船 by ship34、步行 on foot35、根据、按照 accor oling to36、因为而著名 be well known for 37、当然了 of course38、观光成都have a sight seeing in clery do both39、国内外 have and about40、远离、离远 for from41、对大喊 shout at 似乎、好像 as if 下车get off在南方 in the south由.组成 be make up of位于(接壤) lie on 46、你能告诉我去海边的路吗?Can you tell me the may to the beach47、沿着这条路走,在交通等处向右拐Walk along the roud and tun right at the trafic lights48、我们坐公共汽车去车站吧。Lets go to the vail way statiyon by bus49、对很多人来讲,参观市区最好最明智的办法是步行For many people the best and wisest way to get atound in the down town area is to walk有很多有趣的地方去参观There are wany interesting places to cisit外面雨下的正大It is rainsing hearily out side就在拐弯处 it just around the comer结果是Jim it turn ont to be在电影院的对面有一个大的超市Theres abig super market opposite the cineam有一个旅馆,靠近银行Theres hotel next to the bankUnit9同步1、沿着这条路走,你不会错过的。Walk along the road you cant anissit2、沿着这条路走,你会看到它在你的左边Go straighe along this road and you ill see it on you lefe坐地铁你会及时到那儿Go by sab way and you witl get there it time 我怎么才能到那儿How can I get there 在交通信号灯处右拐然后直走Tarn right at the traffic lights and then go strceeight 骑自行车近距离观察一个城市是一种比较便宜和好的方式。To see acity city closely by bike is a cheaper and better way走着去哪儿得花费你40分钟。It will take you fatty minates to walk there先看一看方向,否则你会走错路So have alook at the divecyon firstor you will go the wing wayUnit8 课本1看起来很好_look nice 2既不太大也太小_neither too big nor too samll3由于、因为_because of4犯错_make a mistake5(机器)坏掉_break dewn6在将来_in the future7以命名_be named after 8一个怀揣大梦想的年轻人A young man with big dreams9全世界_around the world10很多不同类型的小汽车Many different types of car11许多福特汽车_a grat number of ford cars12在接下来的这几年In the yours to come13你能帮我个忙吗?Can you give me ahand14你看起来不高兴。怎么了?You look unhappy whats wrongUnit8 同步1代表_stand for2在回家的路上 on the way home3修理机器_fix the machine4我们电脑出问题了Our comeputer break down 5我将展示给你如何修理他I will shew you how to fix itUnit 7 课本1去游泳_go swimming2上学迟到_be late for school3各种各样的_all kinds of 4户外活动_outdoor activity5参加学校的铁人比赛_go in for the school I ronwere ronte nesleh6认出某人_7数以百万计的_millions of8对你的健康有害_be bad for your 9减肥lose weight10过去常常usef to11你可以成功you can make it12放弃_give up13确保make sure14试一试have a tryUnit 7 课本句型1你会发现早晨起床很困难You will kind it hard to get up in the morning2你最好改掉这个习惯Youd better give up the habit3你晚上经常做什么?What do you usually do in the eventing4有时我确实玩电脑游戏I do play some times5我将采纳你的意见Ill take your adviceUnit 7同步1at times _有时2now and then_不时_3坐在电视机前_sit in front of a computer4许多乐趣_a lot of funUnit6课本短语1别着急慢慢来_thake ones time2一瓶水_a botele of 3把他们切成块cut them in to small pieces4一块巧克力a piece of choco late5或者或者whe ther.or6团坐在餐桌旁sit around the table7谈论_talk about8为了_in orde to9尽可能多的经验_much more experience10起床_get up11习惯于be used toUnit6课本句型1现在可以点菜了吗can I take your order2你想喝点什么would you like anything to drink3我想要一杯咖啡I want to a cop of coffeeUnit6同步1冰箱里有一些牛奶There is some milk in the frider2我能为你做点什么what can I do for you 3你下次一定要小心You must be careful nect time5我们早饭吃什么?What do we have for break fastUnit5课本短语1让我看一看let me have a look2起初at first3给你here you are 4这样用这种方式in this way5走进某人come up to sb6感到生气feel angry7拿出_take out8上个星期天_last sunday9刚才just now 10一 就 as soon as11高质量高品质be of hight qnality12环视_look around13向某人道歉_say sorry to sbUnit5课本句型1我能做点什么_can help you 2多少钱_how much is it _3我将买一件(它)I will take one4-谢谢你 -不客气Thank you youre wel come5你就会以一个低价的价格得到You will get it at a lower price6你喜欢什么颜色what could do you want7她是一位多么诚实的女士啊what an homest lady she asUnit5同步短语1要求一个较低的价格ask for a lover price2看起来很好looks good3写下你的名字writs down your name4下周next week5起初at first6各种各样的all kinds of7换成另一个change for another one8我想要一双鞋Ill take a pair of shoesUnit4课本短语1起床 get up2走着去学校 walk to school3和。不同 be different from4学好英语 learn English well5参观工厂 visit factory6感到有点累 feel a bit tired7再去学校的路上 on the way to school8在九点开始 start at 9:009依靠依赖depend on10一定must be11一再将来 in the future12初中 middle school13高中 high school1我们也去工厂学技能We also went to the factory to learn skills Unit4同步短语1采纳某人的建议 take ones advice2全世界 all over the world3参加面试 take part in interviews希望尽快见到你 hope to see you soon这个会议持续一个小时The meeting lasted one hour .Unit3课本短语1在地面上 on the ground2咱们走吧 Lets go3即不太冷也不太热neither too hot nor too cold4经历 go throughUnit3课本句型1今天天气怎么样?What the weather like today ?2将要下雨了 Its going to rain .Unit3同步短语1天气预报 weather report2当然了 of course3带一把雨伞 take an umbrella4既不会读也不会写 neither read nor write5随后带一把雨伞 take an umbrella with you 6穿一件后外套 put on a heavily coat7远离寒冷的冬天 away from the cold winterUnit3同步句型1-让我们去散步吧 -好主意Lets go for a walk Good idea.2Betty是个有爱的女孩我们都喜欢她Betty is a lovely girl we all like her.Unit2课本短语1吃早饭 have breakfast2返回家 return home3上床睡觉 go to bed4听收音机 listen to radio5上课 have classes6申请 apply for7收到你的信 hear from you8谈话 talk about9在高峰期 the rush hour10全世界 all over the world11从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday12把A介绍给B introduce A to BUnit2课本句型1你是做什么的What do you do ?2我想做一个厨师I want to be a cooker3很高兴收到你的来信Glad to hear from youUnit2同步短语1一个消防员a fire fighter2好久不见 long time no seeUnit2同步句型1Marry通常在早上六点半起床Marry usually gets up at 6:30 in the morningUnit1课本短语1好久不见 long time no see2许多 a lot of3与此同时 at the same time4走着回家 walk home5拍照 take photosUnit1课本句型1这个城市有很多美丽的花园There are many beautiful gardens in this city2你觉得济南怎么样How do find JiNan ?3那一定非常忙和乱It must be very busy and noisyUnit1同步1搭载某人 give sb a ride2青岛是中国最漂亮的城市之一Qingdao is one of the most beautiful cities in China.3图书馆是我们借书的地方The library is a place where we borrow books


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