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2012年高职英语高考模拟试卷第卷 选择题(共125分). 补全对话(5小题,共10分)阅读下列简短对话。从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。例:M: Hows everything going? W: Fine, thanks. How are you doing? M: _. A. Im 16 now. B. Yes, it is good. C. See you then. D. Oh, not too bad. 答案:D。 1.- _?-Im looking for an iphone. A. What do you want B. Whats the matter C. Can I help you D. What are you looking for2. -May I speak to Mr. Brown? - _. A. No, you cant B. Im sorry, he is out C. Im Miss Gao D. Yes, I am3. - Would you like to have something to eat?- _. A. No, I wouldnt B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. No, thanks. Im not hungry.4. - Whats your trouble, young man? - _. A. No, I have no trouble B. Im afraid I dont.C. Ive got a headache. D. Yes, I do. 5. - How beautiful you are in your new dress!- _. A. No, no just so so B. I am not beautifulC Thanks! D. Really?【答案与详解】1-5 CBDCC 1. C。商店服务员与顾客的对话。询问顾客想买什么,英语习惯上用“Can I help you or What can I do for you”等。2. B。电话通话用语。“请问布朗先生在吗?”“很愦憾他出去了。”3 D。礼貌的表示拒绝。“吃点什么吗?”不,谢谢,我不饿。4 C。在医院看病,医患之间的对话。“年青人,哪儿不舒服?”“我头痛。”5 C。考查对赞美的应答。注意中英文的差异。“您穿上这条裙子真美!”“谢谢!. 词汇与语法(30小题,共45分)A) 从A、B、C、D中选出句中划线的单词或词组的意义。例:We had enough time to do the work. A. 很短的 B. 一半的 C. 很长的 D. 足够的答案:D。6. For millions of young Chinese , the internet has been a revelation(窗口) , allowing them to download music and movies , chat with friends and comment on current affairs. A. 下来 B. 下载 C. 装载 D. 装饰7.TTheir average earnings(收入) were ten dollars an hour. A. 平的 B. 平均的 C. 最高的 D. 最低的8. Losing a little money doesnt trouble me. A. 烦恼 B. 使烦恼 C. 高兴 D. 满意 9. In the English contest I took the first place. How happy I was! A. 地方 B. 放 C. 名次 D. 搁置10. The terrible sound made the children frightened. A. 受伤 B. 影响 C. 破坏 D. 恐惧11. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.A. 看前面 B. 回顾 C. 查 D. 期待 12. Watch out for the fire when you are cooking in the kitchen.A. 监视 B. 观看 C. 表 D. 当心13. I asked him why he would want to leave me and the only thing he could say was that we have nothing in common except our daughter. A. 共同的 B. 平常的 C. 普通的 D. 通常的14. His health is improving step by step.A. 迟早 B.立刻 C. 逐步 D. 急忙15. Put away the tools after work, will you? A. 收好 B. 拿走 C. 搬开 D. 举起【答案与详解】6-15 BBBCD DDACA6. B。句意是:对于数百万的中国年青人来说,互联网已经成为一个窗口,他们用来下载音乐和电影,与朋友聊天以及对时事进行评论。7. B。句意是:他们平均收入为每小时十美元。8 B。 trouble sb.让烦恼。句意:丢一点点儿钱不会让我发愁的。9 C。place是个兼类多义词。本句中它用作名词。句意:在英语竞赛中,我获得第一名。10 D。 那可怕的声音让孩子们极为恐怕。11 D。选自苹果公司总裁乔布斯的“辞呈”。意为:我期待着在新的岗位上看护“苹果”的成功并为此做出贡献。12 D Watch out:当心。句意:你在厨房做饭时,要当心火灾。13 A in common:共同的,共有的。句意:我问他为什么要离开我,他可以找到的唯一理由是我们除了女儿外,没有别的共同点。14 C 句意:他的健康状况正在逐步好转。15 A 完工后,把工具收好,好吗?B)从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 例:It _ me a long time to finish my homework last night. A. take B. took C. has taken D. had taken 答案:B。16.I like animals. I have cat , cat is white and black .A. a, A B. A, The C. the, An D. The, The 17. I need _ furniture in my room. A. a few more B. some more C. many more D. another18. You always the right thing to say. A. know B. knows C. knew D. are knowing 19. I wish I _ the exam. You dont know how I regret I didnt study hard enough. A. pass B. have passed C. had passed D. was passed20. The problem _ last week is very important.A. was discussed B. discussedC. being discussed D. be discussed21. This election had many firsts and many stories will be told for generations. A. who B. that C. where D. when22. -Will you show me the photo of your family? -OK. Ill _ it here tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. carry D. catch 23. I wont go to the party unless_.A. invited B. being invited C. be invited D .inviting24. - Could I use your dictionary, Lily? - Yes, you _.Help yourself to it. A. could B. Can C. May D. Must25. I think itd be better for me to take you there so that you . A. will lose B. wont be lost C. will lost D. werent lost 26. You must be very tired after .A. such a long journey B. so long journey. C. so a long journey. D. such long journey.27. We had reserved(预订) one single room a private bath for you. A. have B. has C. of D. with 28. They have three daughters, _ are still small. A. all of them B. all of whom C. both of which D. and all of whom29. We cant our prices this year because they are set. A. raise B. rise C. put D. lift30. What he says what he does. A. doesnt agree with B. do not agree to C. do agree on D. does agree31. Let me show you my new iphone. Its really perfect. I suggest you buy _ . A. the one B. one C. it D. that32. You cant eat the food! There are_ worms on it! Cant you see them?A. so much little B. such little C. so many such little D. such many so little33. You must have stayed up last night, _? A. mustnt you B. arent you C. didnt you D. havent you34. Im calling to see you would like to have lunch with me tomorrow. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. when 35. Only when you grow up, _ your teachers and parents.A. you can understand B. can you understand C. you can understood D. can you understood【答案与详解】16-35 BBACB BBABB 26-35ADBAA BCCAB16. B。考冠词的基本用法:定冠词表特指,不定冠词表泛指。17. B。考不可数名词及其修饰语。Furniture为不可数名词, 不能由many等修饰可数名词的词来限制。句意是:我的房间还需要些家具。18 A。时态题。一般现在时,表经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态。这是一句表赞扬的口语。句意:你说话总那么得体。19 C。wish后的宾语从句需要用虚拟语气,表示一种强烈的愿望。句意:真希望我通过了考试。好后悔过去学习不够努力。20 B。考非谓语动词。分词短语可用作定语。现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动;现在分词表正在进行,过去表已经完成。本句时间为last week,所以用过去分词。句意:上周讨论的那个问题很重要。21 B。考查定语从句关系词的选择。先行词是事,又在从句中作主语。只能选that。句意:这次总统选举,产生了很多“第一”,也诞生了很多必将被后人传诵的许多故事。22 B。动词辨析。A. take=go with sth.拿走 B. bring=come with sth. 带来 C. carry=move with sth. D. catch 与其它三个词没什么关联。句意:给我看一下你的全家福照好吗?好的,我明天带过来。23 A。unless“除非” 引导条件状语从句。从句为:I am invited,是被动语态。(I am)可以被省略。24 B。情态动词考查题。can could都表“许可”,但是语气不一样。Could I use your dictionary?表示我可以用一下你的词典吗?语气较为委婉客气,同时问话者也有请求允许,不确定会被同意的成份。答语用:You can。不能用 You could。因为在答语中,不需要委婉,直接答“可以”。而不是犹豫不决。25 B。时态语态混合考查题。将来时态的被动语态。句意:我想最好由我领你去那里,那样的话,你就不会迷路了。26 A。such/so 都有那么的意思。但是词性不一样。such:为形容词,修饰名词,如:such a good book, such good books, such good weather;so为副词,修饰形容词和副词,如:so good, so well,。有一种情况两个都可用,但词序不同。如:such a good girl 和 so good a girl。句意:这么长的旅途后,你一定很累了。27D。介词考查题。with=having“带有”介词;have:有,动词。此处不能用动词了。句意:我们给你订了一个带有浴室的单人房间。28 B。句法考查题。带有非限制性定语从句的复合句。英语句子分为三类:简单句,并列句,复合句。一个英语句子要么为简单句,要么为并列句,要么是复合句。选A,三者都不是。并列句应该有并列连词连接的。选D的话,要把whom改为them才对,那样就是并列句。29 A。动词辨析题。raise: 及物动词。后面直接跟宾语。抬价:raise prices。rise:不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语。Lift 也是及物动词。一般指从下至上“举起”比较重的东西。句意:我们不能提价,因为价格是定好了的。30 A。agree with 同意;与 保持一致.句意:句意:他言行不一致。31 B。考代词。it,one, that都可以指前面出现的名词。It指代同类同物;one指代同类异物,表泛指,;that指代同类异物,表特指。句意:给你看看我的新苹果手机,真是太好用了。我建议你去买一部。32 C。so many/much/so little/few,那么多/少固定用法.但是little还可以表示大小的“小”。所以,那么小的虫子,得用such little worms.句意:你不能吃这食物!上面有那么多很小很小的虫子。你没看到吗?33 C。一道综合考查题。既考情态动词,又考反意问句。Must在这里表示推测“一定”的意思。You must have stayed up last night。=Im sure that you stayed up last night.所以根据反意问句构成规律,附加部分应该是:didnt you?句意:你昨晚一定熬夜了,是吗?34 A。关联词选择题。句意:我打电话是想看看你明天是否愿意和我共进中餐。是否:if.35 B.倒装句考查。当only 位于句首修饰状语时,引起句子部分倒装。即把谓语的一部分提到主语之前。句意:只有长大后,你才会理解父母和师长。. 完形填空(20小题,共30分) One evening I was resting in a cafe. I 36 a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.He was in a(n) 37 shirt, looking pale and about eleven. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the 38 in his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He 39 down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them. He was busy doing his work 40 a heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the caf for 41 from the rain. More and more people crowded 42 and gradually separated the boy from me.Hours passed, and it turned 43 I had no shoes on my feet and 44 where the boy had been. I thought he would not 45 my shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.When it was near midnight the 46 ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the caf. The caf was to be 47 .I had to move to the door, head 48 .Just as I went to the gate, I 49 found that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the 50 with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being 51 . He held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms. I shook him slightly and woke him up. He 52 up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me. Then he opened the package 53 gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I 54 him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the 55 of the boy stayed in my mind.36. A. dressed B. wore C. mended D. put on 37. A. worn B. unfit C. small D. dirty 38. A. bag B. package C. box D. suitcase 39. A. seated B. bent C. lay D. fell 40. A. when B. after C. before D. since 41. A. protection B. rest C. prevention D. preparation 42. A. out B. away C. in D. off 43. A. dark B. right C. left D. bright 44. A. thought B. wondered C. guessed D. imagined 45. A. shine B. keep C. return D. take away 46. A. rain B. coffee C. wind D. work 47. A. opened B. locked C. stopped D. closed 48. A. lowered B. dropped C. raised D. held 49. A. shortly B. surprisedly C. sadly D. immediately 50. A. table B. door C. bed D. cafe 51. A. wet B. bare C. in a new shirt D. covered 52. A. stayed B.stand C. jumped D. got 53. A. finally B. suddenly C. unfriendly D. hurriedly 54. A. thanked B. forgave C. paid D. scolded 55. A. feature B. shirt C. image D. form 【答案与详解】36-40 BBCBA 41-45 ACABC 46-50 ADABB 51-55 BCDCC36 B。穿,表状态。37 B。后提示。wrapped him with his unfit shirt。38 C。补鞋工具箱。39 B。弯下身子。40 A。when 在此为并列连词,意思是:“正在这时,突然”。如:I was about to go out when it began to rain.我正要出去,天开始下起雨来。41 A。保护(自己)不被淋雨。43 A。过了好几个小时,天黑了。44 B。wonder 意思是:不知道或想知道。我不知道那小孩哪里去了。45 C。因为几个小时过去了,也不知道他去哪了,所以原以为他不会把鞋子还给我了。46 A。雨停了。47 D。是关门的时候而不是开门或者别的。48 A。因为光着脚,有点不太好意思,所以低着头。49 B。因为之前以为找不到他了,所以看到他时,“惊奇”。50 B。前提示。I had to move to the door, head 48 .Just as I went to the gate。51 B。有后提示的。He held a package made of his shirt tightly他光着上身,因为他的上衣被用来包着我的鞋子。52 C。在那种状态睡着的人,有人弄醒,肯定是马上“跳”起来。53 D。因为他等了也实在太久。所以见了主人,匆忙hurriedly归还。54 C。.paid 最佳答案。小孩以刷鞋糊口。55 C。image形象。feature特征。form 形式。. 阅读理解(20小题,共40分)阅读下列短文,并做短文后的题目。从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A Henry often forgets thins and he often gets into trouble. His friends and workmates often tell him to be careful. He agrees but he cant remember it. A months ago the young man met his manager at the door of the office. Mr. Black called him in and said: ”Go and send an important letter to Mr. Jackson . Hes in Greentree Town now. Do remember his address. Im waiting for his answer. ”The young man started at once. Coming out of the train station, he didnt know where t go. He went there last year but forgot where Mr Jacksons company was. He brought out the letter out of the bag, but he couldnt find the address. At last he remembered it was in the Band Street. H e stopped an old woman and asked, ”Excuse me ,madam. Wheres the Band Street, please?” “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing .And thats just the street you want.” Henry thanked her and easily found the company. His manager praised him after that and he was happy. And a week later Mr. Black sent him to the company again. He stopped the same old woman and asked her the same street. “Oh, dear!” she called out, ”Are you still looking for it?”56 Henry often gets into trouble because _ A hes too young B he was not good in this lessons at school C he is not careful D he has a lot of work to do57 The letter was very important, so_ A Henry looked after it well B Henry left for the town at once C the manager told Henry the address D Henry couldnt read it58 Henry couldnt find the right place, so_A he began to look for the companyB he had to call his managerC he asked Mr. Jackson to meet him D he asked the old woman for help59 The manager thought _,so he praised him. A Henry did as he said B Henry came back soon C Henry became a good man D Henry liked to use his head60 Which of the following is NOT true? A Henry couldnt find the company again. B Henry was still looking for the company the nest week. C The old woman didnt think Henry found the company. D Henry met the old woman in front of the station.A【答案解析】56-60 CBDAB 56 C。从故事的第一句话就能看出,他由于不细心,才经常陷入困境。 57 B。由于那封信很重要,Henry 才立即出发的。 58 D。Henry 是因为找不到路,才向老太太问路。 59 A。 经理自然是因为Henry按照他所说的做了,把信送到了Mr Jackson的手里,才表扬了他。 60 B。 是在第二次去送信时,又忘记了路,再一次向那位老太太问路的,而不是仍然在找那家公司。BThe class teacher thought that hobbies were very important for every childShe encouraged all her pupils to have one , and sometimes arranged for their parents to come and see the work they had done as a resultOne Friday morning the teacher told the class that those of them who had a hobby could have a holiday that afternoon to get the things they had made as parts of their hobbies ready for their parents to see the following afternoonSo on Friday afternoon, while those of the pupils who had nothing to show did their usual lessons, the lucky ones who had made something were allowed to go home, on condition that they returned before five oclock to bring what they were going to show, and to arranged themWhen the afternoon lessons began, the teacher was surprised to see that Tommy was not thereHe was the laziest boy in the class, and the teacher found it difficult to believe that he had a hobbyHowever, at a quarter to five, Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies(蝴蝶)in glass casesAfter his teacher had admired them and helped him to arrange them on a table in the classroom, she was surprised to see Tommy pick them up again and begin to leave“What are you doing, Tommy?” She asked“Those things must remain here until tomorrow afternoonThats when the parents are coming to see them”“I know they are coming then, ” answered Tommy, “ and I will bring them back tomorrow; but my big brother doesnt want them to be out of our house at night in case they are stolen”“But what has it got to do with your big brother?” asked the teacher“Arent the butterflies yours?”“No, ” answered Tommy“They belong to him.” “But Tommy, you are supposed to show your own hobby here, not somebody elses ! ”said the teacher“I know that , ” answered Tommy“My hobby is watching my brother collecting butterflies”61.Which students could have a holiday on the Friday afternoon according to the teacher ? A Those who did well in those days B Those who had to get ready for the meeting C Those who had a bobby D Those who were ill62 According to the passage , which of the following is not true?. A The pupils who had nothing to show had to stay at school as usual B the pupils who had a holiday must bring something he had made himself C Tom stayed at school because he was so lazy that he didnt do anything D The beautiful collection of butterflies belonged to Tommys brother.63Whats the best title for this passage?A. Important HobbiesB. Tommys HobbyC. Different HobbiesD. Hobby of Collecting Butterflies64The teacher_.A. asked the pupils who were in her class to bring something they had madeB. was certain that her pupils were good at making things, so she wanted to show them to the parents.C. invited the parents to come and see what the pupils had madeD. allowed the pupils who had hobbies not to go to class that Friday afternoon65After reading the passage the readers will laugh. Why?A. Because Tommy was so lazy a boy.B. Because the teacher knew so little about Tommy.C. Because Tommy had made nothing at all.D. Because Tommy had a strange idea about hobby.B【答案解析】61-65 BCBCD 61. B 提示:细节题,从第二段第一句可知 62 C 提示:Tom 没有做什么东西,也就是没有什么hobby,按理应该留下来的。但是他并却没有留下。63 B提示:本文讲述关于Tommy一个笑话,故用B最合适。64 C提示:从文章的第二段可以看出。65 D提示:因为本文是一个幽默故事,故看后一笑,所笑的内容应为,Tommy对hobby的理解。CWheres Papa going with the ax(斧子)? said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.Out to the hoghouse(猪舍), replied Mrs. Arable. Some pigs were born last night.I dont see why he needs an ax, continued Fern, who was only eight.Well, said her mother, one of the pigs is a runt.(发育不全的). Its very small and weak, So your father has decided to do away with it.Do away with it? shrieked(尖叫) Fern. You mean kill it? Just because its smaller than the others?Dont yell, Fern!she said. Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway.Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. Soon she caught up with her father.Please dont kill it! she cried. Its unfair.Mr. Arable stopped walking.Fern, he said gently, you will have to learn to control yourself.Control myself? yelled Fern. This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself. Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her fathers hand.Fern, said Mr. Arable, I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. It makes trouble. Now run along!But its unfair, cried Fern. The pig couldnt help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?Mr. Arable smiled. Certainly not, he said, looking down at his daughter with love. But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.I see no difference, replied Fern, still hanging on to the ax. This is the most terrible case I ever heard of.A look came over John Arables face. He seemed almost ready to cry himself.66 Why was Mr. Arable going to the hoghouse with an ax?A Because some pigs were born last night.B Because he wanted to repair the hoghouse with itC Because he was going to cut a treeD Because he was going to kill the runt pig with it67 The underline phr

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