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初二单词(1到6单元)1. Study hard! The harder you study, the better r_ youll get.2. Dont be late for your i_,or you wont get the job.3. My hobby is c_ different kinds of tickets.4. I will go to Qingdao to go s_ in the sea with my uncle this summer holiday.5. Lots of t_ have realized that playing computer games too much is bad for their study.6. This shirt is the cheapest of all and it costs the l_.7. Tom is not good at sweet words, but he knows how to earn money with his s_.8. I can i_ how happy my grandparents will be when they see me.9. Each summer millions of Americans drive to the countryside where they find places to c_.10. In my school there are many a_ for the students after school.11. Welcome to my _(私人的) websites. You can find some interesting things here.12. Dont speak loudly in a _(公共的) place like a hospital.13. The boy is a_(亲戚) of mine. He is my aunts son.14. This afternoon we have important _(事情) to talk about.15. People think that the moon is _(更明亮的) on Mid-Autumn Day than any other day.16. Mike is h_ a book in his hand and entering the room.17. The workers told us not to t_ the machine. Its dangerous.18. I received lots of g_ on my birthday, such as books, cards.19. We were c_ in the past. We had lessons in the same class.20. Jack is from America, but he doesnt want people to call him a f_.21. The mother is very _(担心的) about her sick child.22. The _(场景) of the film are very beautiful.23. Theyll have fun at the birthday party _(今晚)。24. My father went to Hong Kong by _(船)。25. The little girl was _(醒着的) to wait for her mother.26. He has _(表演) many times.27. This boat _(航行) for Yiwu every week.28. Be more careful about your _(行为)。29. Who are the main _(角色)in the play?30. Dont _(打架) with your classmates.31. The doctor _(建议) that she come another day.32. The _(药) tastes terrible, but it will really work soon after you take it.33. Could you show me how to operate this new _(录音机)。34. The _(课文) mainly tells us something about the history of Fathers Day in America.35. The woman has a good _(记忆力)for names.36. Tony is an h_ boy; he hates telling lies.37. -Is Anna your c_?-Yes. We are both in Class3.38. What is the secret of your s_? The reporter asked HanHan, a famous writer.39. Bobs funny story made everyone l_.40. There is something wrong with my bike. Could you help me m_ it.41. The books on the _(架子)are ours. Those on the floor are theirs.42. Take this _(药物) three times a day after meals; you will get well soon.43. Mikes right leg was _(弄伤) while he was playing football yesterday.44. Mr. Lu is an _(精力充沛的) man. He only needs to sleep fives hours a day.45. The young_(女士) we meet yesterday is our new teacher.46. Mr Lin always read a classical English _(文章)for us at the beginning of his class.47. These lovely toy animals are made of _(玻璃).48. Please turn right at the _(第二的) turning, and then youll see the bank.49. The room is nice and _(凉爽的)with the windows open.50. Bens dog has _(咬) several people and hes worried about it.51. He is the best football player and he got three g_ in the last match.52. I was p_ for the test when you called me last night.53. Could you e_ what you said just now? I dont quite understand it.54. Please c_ your paper carefully, or youll make some mistakes.55. He often helps his wife wash the d_ after dinner.56. Both Lily and Maria study in Class Three so Lily is Marias c_.57. My sister is the famous star Wang Luodans f_.58. I have got many friends here, but I still feel l_.59. Watching TV and listening to music are Annas favorite a_.60. The boy is very l_ and he never cleans his room.61. The film is a great _(成功)。Many people like watching it.62. My brother likes playing _(排球) and it is his favorite sport.63. I feel kind of cold. Could you please _(关) the windows?64. Jerry showed us his great _(技巧) in cooking the fish last night.65. Thousands of _(外国人) come to China and study every year.66. The _(honest ) milkman poured water into his milk.67. There are lots of _(shelf)in the library.68. If we keep the secret, she will never know the _(true).69. My iPhone 4 isnt working now because there are some _(virus) on it.70. An unknown man has s_all her money.71. Our school football team _(打败) the team from No.3 middle school. 72. Their teacher _(惩罚)them for their rudeness yesterday.73. All this has _(证实)him to be an honest man.74. Of all the students, Kate did best in the _(最后的)exam.75. I w _you not to go out alone at night.76. The Palace Museum has a large _(collect)of antiquities(文物).People can learn a lot in it.77. Dont ask foreigners _(person)questions.78. I played Chinese chess with him two or three times _(week).79. As a _(report), 和meets lots of people every day.80. My younger sister does the _(little) work in my family.81. Tom always _(检查) the answers very carefully before handing in his paper.82. You have a beautiful _(嗓音). I love your voices.83. It was surprising to meet one of my old _(同班同学)in Sydney.84. The woman doesnt feel _(孤独的)although she lives alone. She often chats with her friends online.85. Please tell the winners telephone number, I want to _(采访) him.86. Can you _(说明)how the machine works?87. There are more than six _(玻璃杯) on the table.88. Miss Gao is making _(每周的) teaching plans of this term at the office.89. The _(文章)is about the history of radio.90. There will be an important test next week. and we are _(准备) for it.91. The weather _(report) says it will be rainy tomorrow.92. Nancy enjoys _(play) table tennis very much.93. The _(listen) spends half an hour on the programme every day.94. Toms mum lets him _(wash) his clothes by himself.95. John kicked three _(goal) in the match, but they still lost the game.96. My brother likes c_ stamps.97. What made you so i_ in music?98. Tom is a l_ (懒惰的) boy. He doesnt study hard.99. The table t_ up too much room.100. I cant i_ (想象) what he looks like.101. Too many a_ (活动) take up too much of our time for study.102. Your room is in a mess. Please t_ up your room.103. I thank you very much indeed for this i_ (接见/采访).104. True f_(友谊)is worth more than money.105. He asked me w_(是否) she was coming.106. The gardens are open to the p_.107. He is not from this country, he is a f_.108. When his wife and two little children left him, he was very l_(孤独的).109. We all l_ loudly when she made a joke.110. Dont w_! Everything will be all right.111. He arrived late as u_. 112. It doesnt m_(有关系)if you are late.113. Remember to l_ out for the red light!114. My g_ (目标) in life is to help others.115. The newsreader is r_ the news.116. Can you e_ (解释) why you were late?117. It s_ (似乎) that there is something funny about the case.118. Most television and radio stations c_ down at 12:00 pm. 119. Your idea s_ a good one.120. I havent had a_ (机会) to read my letter.121. I shall be a_ to come tomorrow.122. We played the top class at football but we couldnt b_ them.123. What a s_ that it rained today!124. She r_ (拒绝) to help me.125. She w_ me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.126. The boy were still a_ until the midnight.127. He never tells lies, so I think what he said is b_.128. She has r_ dreams about becoming a famous actress.129. Whats your o_ about this motion (提议)?初二单词(7到10单元)1. Sams uncle is a _(士兵).2. There are thousands of birds living in the _ (地区).3. I _ (打电话) Mike three times yesterday, but nobody answered.4. Who could make such a big _(岩石).5. Before it got dark the campers put up their _(帐篷).6. The higher you climb, the more beautiful _(风景) you will see.7. They walked along the _(小路) to travel through the woods.8. I water the _(植物) twice a day.9. His brother _(拉) the car door open.10. I have never seen such a beautiful _(瀑布)like that before.11. You must read the _(说明) before using the machine.12. As time goes by, his _(记忆力) seems to get worse.13. After the first afternoon of _(练习) the player were all in.14. Her beautiful roses won _(第二) prize at the flower show.15. Now you see I was telling the _(真相) .16. Mr. Li had to walk to the bank because his wife took away the k_ to his car.17. Planes fly over our house every day, making a t_ noise.18. I have a stomachache(胃疼). May I have some m_.19. He gave me no c_ to reply to his question.20. He is so h_ that everyone believes him.21. This kind of work cost them much l_.22. It is freezing cold outside. The temperature is below z_.23. P_ not to tell others about it! Its a secret between you and see.24. How many things are there on your shopping l_?25. What are you going to don during your winter v_.26. All the people make _(resolution). However, not everyone can carry them out.27. At the _(begin) of the class, Miss Gao told us a story.28. There are four _(season) in a year.29. I like the story, although it has an unhappy _(end).30. They had a party to _(celebrate) Mr. Chens50th birthday.31. Tom is a _(Canada) singer and he has lots of fans.32. The sick man needs an _(operate)as soon as possible.33. Ive tired all the _(treat) the doctor suggested.34. Do you know who _(invent) Chinese chess?35. Ten doctors and five nurses have made up a _(medicine) team and will start out right now.36. His brother joined the a _ last year and became a soldier.37. I have r_ my writing three times, but my teacher doesnt like it.38. We should think about how to a_ making those mistakes again.39. Many soldiers were killed in the terrible w_.40. -What t_ can we use to open the box?- How about a knife?


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