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北师大版2020届九年级英语第三次适应性考试试卷C卷一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Mr. Jackson was our science teacher. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called wampus. He told us that the wampus lived on earth millions of years ago during the Ice Age and died out because of the change of climate(气候). We all listened carefully and took 1of everything he said. Later we had a 2. When the exam paper was 3to me, I was surprised and sad, there was a big red through each of my answers, I failed. But how come? 4, on the test paper, I had written down 5Mr. . Jackson said in class. Then I realized that no one 6the exam at all. What had happened?Very simple, Mr. Jackson explained. I had 7all that story about the wampus. There had never been any such animal, so the information in your notes was not correct. Do you expect to get 8marks for incorrect answers?There was no need to say we were 9. What kind of test was this? What kind of teacher was he?How could we believe he gave us so much information about an animal that had not been there at all? How was it possible 10us students to doubt what the teacher taught us?The zeroes on your papers will be 11in your grade books, he said. And he did it. Through this experience, Mr. Jackson hoped that we would learn something. Teachers and books are not always 12. In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our mind go to sleep. Instead, we should keep thinking all the time and speak up if we think there are13in our teachers words or in books. We should 14the habit of doubting, and the ability to decide by ourselves. What a special 15he gave us. (1)A . books B . notes C . supports D . messages (2)A . discussion B . question C . test D . plan (3)A . returned B . directed C . added D . arrived (4)A . Anyway B . Luckily C . Anywhere D . Bravely (5)A . when B . where C . why D . what (6)A . refused B . pushed C . passed D . praised (7)A . made of B . made from C . made in D . made up (8)A . useful B . high C . exact D . low (9)A . polite B . glad C . excited D . angry (10)A . with B . over C . for D . of (11)A . recorded B . described C . collected D . circled (12)A . interesting B . right C . active D . silent (13)A . decision B . reasons C . points D . mistakes (14)A . repeat B . risk C . develop D . move (15)A . report B . promise C . model D . lesson 2. (10分)通读全文,根据短文内容理解,选择最佳答案填空。Some students dont like cooking, and they 1learn it. Some like it and they learn it from their 2at home.In our school, students can have cooking 3. So if (如果) our parents are not at home, we dont 4to go to KFCs for meals.I have great 5in cooking classes. Cooking in class with the 6is interesting. But sometimes things dont go on 7. You know, we must (必须) take food for the lessons from home. Its sometimes not 8to carry it in our schoolbag, because our 9and pencil cases can get dirty. But I dont think it a problem (问题). Its 10great to learn to make food for our family!(1)A . always B . never C . often D . usually (2)A . parents B . classmates C . cousins D . teachers (3)A . games B . matches C . classes D . schools (4)A . want B . hope C . like D . need (5)A . fun B . time C . place D . lesson (6)A . parents B . classmates C . friends D . brothers (7)A . well B . bad C . good D . nice (8)A . difficult B . interesting C . easy D . late (9)A . food B . clothes C . books D . eggs (10)A . sometimes B . seldom C . never D . always 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)3. (8分) Three kids have been learning chemistry for only a few months. But they have already begun to challenge (挑战) a world famous scientist!Li Weichi, Huang Runling, and Xiao Yan are from Zhongshan Huaqiao Middle School in Guangdong. They have just found a red cabbage that could be a new kind of acid-base indicator (酸碱指示剂). They want it to take the place of litmus (石蕊) paper.Weve learnt to think of and ask questions about life by ourselves, said Li, We work well with each other.British scientist Robert Boyle discovered the use of litmus paper over 300 years ago. Now it is used widely in experiments all over the world.But when the kids did some experiments in class last winter, they saw that the litmus paper didnt turn very blue with base matter. Its hard to get a clear result.Will there be a better indicator than litmus paper? The three kids decided to try and find out!How? They went to collect over 40 plants in parks, gardens and markets. Then they ground (研磨) leaves, flowers and stems (茎) to get the pigments (色素) from them.The kids mixed pigments with acid and base. They spent months watching carefully to see which paper showed the best colour change. They decided it was the litmus paper!Its our first scientific journey, Huang said, But it makes me want to try harder.(1)Whom did the three kids want to challenge?A . Their chemistry teacher.B . Their headmaster.C . Robert BoyleD . Thomas Edison(2)From the text, a red cabbage is a kind of _.A . plantB . animalC . paperD . liquid(3)What is widely used as the acid-base indicator now?A . red cabbageB . litmus paperC . any plantD . any flower(4)The story mainly tells us _.A . how to make litmus paperB . about the three kids spiritC . scientists were wrongD . the kids are heroes4. (10分) A man lived in a village. He had an old cat at home. The cat couldnt run fast, and she couldnt bite, because she was so old. One day, when she saw a mouse, she jumped and caught it. But she could not bite it. The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away.Then the man became very angry and began to beat the cat. The cat said, “Dont beat your old servant. I know Im old and cant kill a mouse. But I have worked for you for many years, and I still want to work for you. Be kind to the old, and remember what good work they did when they were young.”When the man heard that, he realized that he was wrong.(1)Where did the man live?A . In a village.B . In a cityC . In a factoryD . In a hotel.(2)What could the old cat do?A . Run fast.B . Bite.C . Catch a mouseD . Kill a mouse.(3)How did the man feel when the mouse ran away?A . AngryB . HappyC . Afraid.D . Sad(4)How long did the cat work for the man?A . Several daysB . A few months.C . About a year.D . Many years.(5)What happened at the end of the story?A . The cat left homeB . The man realized his mistakeC . The man killed the cat.D . The man didnt believe the cat.5. (10分) Mary likes dogs very much. She has a pug-dog. It is white. It has big eyes and ears. It is small but it is cute and beautiful.Every morning, the dog eats some bread and meat. They are the dogs favorite food. When Mary goes to school, the dog always waits for(等待) her at the gate. When she comes back home, the dog follows her here and there. When Mary does her homework, it lies(卧) near her feet. When Mary watches TV, the dog sits on the sofa near her. When Mary goes to bed, the dog lies its bed next to Marys. in the evening, they often run and play in the yard (院子). They are really good friends.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)Mary has a _ dog.A . whiteB . blackC . yellowD . red(2)The pug-dog is very _.A . lazy and bigB . small and lazyC . small and cuteD . big and beautiful(3)The pug-dogs favorite food are _.A . grass and leavesB . fruit and fishC . bread and meatD . grass and meat(4)The dog _ when Mary watches TV.A . follows her here and thereB . lies near herC . sits on the sofaD . lies on the bed(5)Mary is a _.A . studentBB . teacherC . doctorD . actor6. (10分)阅读理解 Preparing to go to Chinese university is tiring enough. But when studying abroad, you need to worry about things like new tests, essays, recommendations, college choices and visa applications(签证申请). The first thing you should do after picking the country you want to study in is to make a list of universities, including a dream school (a school you may not get into, but is at the top of your list), a safety school (a school you can definitely get into), and several schools in between. Look at the websites of those universities and you will get a complete list of everything you need for your applications. The most important thing in any application will be your test scores, so pick a time as early as possible to take an exam preparing course. If you are in a lecture hall with a teacher telling jokes, you are probably just wasting your time. However, US students who attend top universities spend between 500-1,000 hours studying for the SAT, so probably you should do more. You are also going to need to think about how to tell a story about yourself. Chinese students have a reputation for being very hardworking, but also for sometimes lacking creativity or intellectual curiosity(求知欲). You need to show the university that you are excellent because of your own personality, not because your parents have forced you to be excellent. Are you interested in sports? Make sure to play on your schools team. Universities want to see that you have interests of your own and can show initiative(主动性). Finally, find a consultant(顾问) to help you through the application process. You will need this help, but please open your eyes wide and be as cautious as you can. Some agents will try their best to help students fulfill their dreams, but there are some irresponsible ones who care more about the fees paid by students. (1)Whats the purpose of the article? A . To introduce some top overseas universities.B . To inform readers about how to prepare for the SAT.C . To tell readers how to choose a good overseas school.D . To give advice on how to apply to a foreign university.(2)When preparing to go to a foreign school, you are advised to _. A . take exam preparing courses as many as possibleB . spend about 500 hours preparing for the SATC . make a list of the universities youre interested inD . write a good story to prove you are hardworking(3)What does the underlined word cautious in the last paragraph probably mean? A . earlyB . confidentC . carefulD . prepared(4)_ is NOT mentioned in the article? A . How much money you need to pay for a consultantB . How much time you need to spend studying for the SATC . Whether you need to prepare for your self-introductionD . Whether you need to make a list of universities in the country you pick(5)What can we infer from the article? A . It is better to have your parents help you with your applications.B . Foreign universities pay much attention to their students creativity.C . Sports fans have greater chances to go to foreign universities.D . Consulting agencies dont help your application much.三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共37分)7. (4分)非常感谢同意我们的意见。每天骑马是一项很好的户外活动。Thank you very much _ _ _ us. _ every day is a very good outdoor activity.8. (2分)他一定是为了一个特殊的目的而撒谎的。 He was sure to tell the lie for a _ _.9. (2分)钟被向前拨一个小时。 The clocks are _ _ an hour.10. (11分)根据汉语完成句子。(1)哈尔滨在中国的东北部。Harbin is _ the _ _ China.(2)杭州以什么而闻名?西湖。Whats Hangzhou _ _? The West Lake.(3)汤姆是班里男生中最高的一位。Tom is _ than any other _ in his class.(4)据报道越来越多的兰州市民愿意参与一年一度的兰马赛。Its reported that _ and _ Lanzhou citizens would like to take part in Lanzhou International Marathon.(5)我们的教室比他们的大且新。Our classroom is _ and _ than theirs.11. (4分)你应该照顾好这个婴儿。 You should _ _ _ _ the baby.12. (1分)Philip, how do you feel about this afternoon s competition?Oh, Im _(又兴奋又紧张) about it.13. (3分)我认为像你这样的参观者他们是不会欢迎的。I think they wont _you.14. (5分)安娜给她的同学们留下了好印象。 Anna _ _ _ _ _ her classmates.15. (3分)咱们休息一下吧。 Lets _ _ _. 16. (2分)我看过这本书了,可我理解不了。I have read this book, but it doesnt_to me四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)从下面方框选择所给词并用其正确形式填空。leave; ill; others; no; famous; key; look; money; job; beforeA girl called Anna isnt the most beautiful girl in her class. Her school is not _. Even her school grades are not good.One day, Annas mother got _. So she wanted to find a job to make some _for the family.She went to a company (公司). The head of the company _at her school grades and quickly said _to her. She stood up to _. But suddenly, a nail (钉子) in the back of the chair hurt her hand badly. Anna turned around. She found something hard and used it to bang (猛击) the nail into the chair so that it wouldnt hurt badly. The head of the company saw all of these._Anna went out of the door, the head of the company called her back. She got the _.If you show your love and care to _, you can do great things. This is the power of love and care. They are the _to success (成功). Do you agree with me?五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共7分)18. (7分)任务型阅读Last Friday, Linda and her husband heard loud noises at their windows. Although the fear of gunshots appeared her thoughts, Linda tried to look into. When I managed to sneak in a look, I saw a mixture of eggs, oranges, and such coming at our windows.”Bravely, Linda decided to face her “enemies”. She always believed that “all strangers are my relatives”, she went outside to see “three cute kids”. Rather than shout at them, Linda tried to connect, “Hey guys, thank you for the oranges. Can I have them so they dont go to waste?” But the kids started to run. Linda walked after them and said, “Wait! Wait! Dont be afraid! I am not going to do anything. I just want to talk. And I can use your oranges.” The kids ran off without looking back.Linda felt a “sense of motherly connection” after thinking for a while, and she explained “More than forgiveness, it was more like a simple care.”When Linda ran outside to meet the “dangerous enemy”, it turned out to be a group of 10 and 11 year old children. It helps to see all our enemies as children because they once were children (which is why they often act childishly).It is much easier to see children as basically good or acting out in ways that they “know not what they are doing”.People dont willingly choose to be cruel, mean, or hateful. They experience things in their lives-often when they are very young-which make them take on the defenses of anger, and scorn Seeing my enemies as child makes me think of the saying, “all attacks are a cry for help”.Forgiveness can lead to understanding. Understanding plants the seeds for love. We can raise a whole generation of children who have the ability to stand for what all the great wise men have taught us: Love the enemy.(1)What happened to Linda last Friday? A . Someone shot at their windows with a gun.B . Three kids broke into their house to steal egg.C . Their enemies did something harmful at their house.D . Some kids threw eggs and oranges at their windows.(2)How did Linda want to deal with kids? A . To invite them to eat oranges.B . To make friends with them.C . To treat them with cooked eggs.D . To teach them not to waste food(3)Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A . Seeing all our enemies as children.B . Keeping your children away from enemies.C . Turning your childrens enemies into friends.D . Helping children learn to fight with enemies.(4)What will you do when you face your enemies in your life?_六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)根据对话内笛从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两顶多余。A:Hi, Bob. You play table tennis very well._B:I started playing at the age of six.A: _B:Yes. It was invented by some English soldiers.A:Youre right. Thats why the first World Table Tennis Championships were held(举办)in London._B:Usually twice a week._A:Why?B:_A:I hope you can win the competition. Good luck to you!B:Thank you.A. How often do you play it?B. When did you start playing it?C. Do you know who invented it?D. But I practise it every day these days.E. Who taught you to play table tennis?F. Are you interested in playing table tennis?G. I will enter a table tennis competition in our city next month.20. (5分)补全对话。A. What does he look like?B. And he has funny glasses.C. Whos your favorite actress?D. Shes of medium height.E. Shes Very beautiful and shes a great actress.Anna: Dont you love Johnny Dean. Bob?Bob: Johnny?Anna: Dean. The singer.Bob: I dont know. _Anna: Hes really tall and really thin, and he has curly hair. _Look, there he is.Bob: Oh yeah, I see him.Anna: Here come the movie actors.Bob: Oh, WOW!Anna: _Bob: I like that woman with long blonde hair.Anna: Is she tall or short?Bob: _Anna: Oh, Tina Brown?Bob: Yeah. I think shes really cool. _七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)我们都知道美国登山运动员Aron Ralston,他的故事令人感动,激励人心。在我们身边,一定也有那么一些人和事,他们或许平凡,或许渺小,但却总能鼓舞我们,摧人奋进。以The Person Encouraging Me为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。基本情况年龄、职业、外貌品质特征勇敢、善良、勤奋(任选其一)具体事例对你的影响要求:1)任选一项品质特征,并用具体事例加以阐述。2)文中不能出现真实的姓名、校名和地名。第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共37分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共7分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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