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II-1 Cultural relics(一)填写单词1. By definition the capital is the political and c_ center of a country.2.Though he recovered from his illness, he r_ weak.3.The house b_ to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.4.Heavily as it rained, we were still out in s_ of the missing boy. 5. The school building was d_ by a famous professor in Beijing, whose s_ many people prefer.6. I sent her a bike as his birthday g_, and she gave me an mp3 in r_.7. She stared at herself in the m_ and lost in thought. 8. They are twins. No w_ I can not tell them apart.9. He was c_ to be honest. In fact, the e_he gave p_ to be false.10. We mustnt _ to know what we dont know. Please raise your questions if any. 二)请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1. 长城是世界一大奇迹。 The Great Wall is one of the _ in the world.2. 请考虑一下我的建议。Please _ my suggestion. 3仅几名士兵没有战死。 Only a few soldiers _ the battle. 4我偶然在那书店里见到这本珍贵的书。I came across the _ book in the shop. 5他的绘画受到世界上一些专家的好评。Some experts of the world _ _ his paintings.6他给我们如此多的帮助我想为他做些事作为报答。He has given us so much help that I really wanted to do something for him _. 7有很多人出席了这次会议,其中三分之二都是同一个学校的。There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom _ the same school. 8我们认为他说的不重要。We _what he said unimportant. 9那些男孩去找吃的东西去了。The boy went _ something to eat. 10He is a student who has a _ for music. 他是个对音乐有天赋的学生。三)单项选择1. When I left, he _me that I should take my recorder to his birthday party.a. remembered b. reminded c. was remained d. asked2. _ his wife, his daughter also went to see him.a. Besides b. Beside c. Except d. Except for3. A working party has been set up to _ this matter.a. look upb. look for c. look into d. look through4. The had a good preparation for the project, so they had little _ all the work. a. troubles to finishb. trouble to finishc. difficulty in finishing d.difficulties to finish5. That dress is such a good_that it will be fashionable for years. a. manner b. style c. sort d. model6. This photo _ me _ my childhood.a. reminded; of b. remembered; in c. recalled; in d. remained; into7. A year later, his friend was appointed as a sales manager, but he _ a salesman.a. reminded b. still c. workedd. remained8. Since 1949, the peoples living standard_ , causing a big _ in population. A.has been raised; riseB.has been rose; raise C.has raised; rise D.has raised; rose9. As I felt so much better, my doctor _ me to take a holiday by the sea.a. suggested b. advised c. considered d. insisted10. _ decision is made, you must _ .a. Once; carry it out b. when; carry out itc. As soon as; work out itd.After; carry it on11. I am very grateful for your assistance, and hope that one day I may be albe to do something for you _ .a. in turns b. in case c. in return d. in use12. When you are in _ about the meaning of the word, you can look it up in a dictionary.a. ideab. talkc. wonderd. doubt13. Ive _ invitation, but I dont think Ill_ it.a. accepted; received b. received; receive c. taken; acceptd. received; accept(一)1. cultural 2. remains 3. belonging 4. search 5. designed, style6. gift, return 7. mirror 8. wonder 9. considered, evidence, proved10. pretend(二)1. wonders 2. consider3. survied4. rare 5. thought highly of 6. in trturn7. belong to 8. consider 9. in search of10. gift(三)BACCBADABACDDII-II The Olympic Games一) 单词拼写1.He is h_, and he never tells lies.2.In a_times, women were not allowed to c_ in the Olympics.3.Before writing the report, he decided to i_ some people first.4.When asked, he a_ stealing the necklace.5.There is a s_ being built in our city.6. The g_ being built in our school will be finished next month.7. He is such a person that nobody can r_ him.8. At the beginning of each term, we will have a p_ examination.9. I cannot r_ what he did to what he said.10. To improve the sale of their product, they a_ them in the newspapers and on TV.11. No one can be so f_ to do such a thing, except that he is a fool.12. Father p_ to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.13. At the sports meeting, all the a_ tried their best to get the g_ m_.二)请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1他已经答应给我买辆汽车。 He has _ me to buy me a car. 2没有什么东西能取代母爱的。 Nothing can _ a mothers love. 3我们英语老师对我们既亲切又友好。Our English teacher is friendly _ _ _ kind to us. 4昨天他参加比赛了。He _ _ the game yesterday. 5我们吵架是很愚蠢的。 It would be _ for us to quarrel. 6老实说,你并没有尽力。 , you didnt do your best. 7在那书架上有一套鲁迅的小说。 There was _ _ _ Lu Xuns novels on the shelf. 8. 他承认做错了事。 He_ having done wrong. 9他参加了罢工。He _ _ _ the strike. 10他和他的父母将要去度假。 He _ _ _ his parent was going out for a holiday. 11学生一个接着一个走出教室。 The students went out of the classroom _ _ _.三)单项选择1.-It is said that the famous cyclist_his parents is to visit our city next week.-I heard the news _. A.and; too. B as well as; as well. C as well as; as well as; D with; either2. Would you like to_the 2008 Olympic Games_in Beijing? A. join; hold. B. join in; will be held. C. take part in; which will hold. D. take part in; which will be held.3. I go to visit Mr Li who is living in the countryevery_weeks. A. other; B. fourth; C. a few;D. few.4. He plays football_, if not better than John.A. as well; B. as well as;C. so well;D. so well as.5. Sandy could do nothing but _to his teacher that he was wrong.A. admit.B. admittedC. admitting.D. to admit6. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _so happy!A. did I feel; B. I felt.C. I had felt. D. had I felt. 7. I was _by the _news of Georges sudden death.A. amazed; amazing. B. amazing; amazed. C. upset; surprised. D. surprised; upset.8.It was lucky for him to be admitted_the dream university he had longed for.A. asB. to.C. with. D. for9. The headmaster, as well as some teachers and students_to visit the sick students in hospital this afternoon.A. is going. B are going. C. had gone. D. have gone10. The girl is _jobs for she is not satisfied with the present one. A. advertising. B. advertising for. C. advertising inD. advertising to11. Im sure he_in the new kindergarten. A. will be taken good care.B. will be taken good care of C. will take care D. will take care of.12. Hundreds of jobs _if the factory closes. A. lose.B. will be lost.C. are lost.D. will lose13. -Nancy is not coming again-But she_A. promises.B promised;C. will promise.D. hadpromised14. She reached the top of the hill and stopped_on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have rested.B. resting.C. to rest. D. rest15. My uncle_until he was forty-five.A. married.B. didnt marry.C.was not marrying. D. would marry.16 -. How long_you _?-For five years. We _ in 2001A. have; been married; got married.B. did; marry; gotmarried;C. have got married; married. D. were; married; married.17. _straight on and youll see a church. You wont miss it.A. Go.B. Going. C. If you go. D. When going18. They will celebrate their _ wedding anniversary next Laber Day.A. gold.B. golden. C. goldfish. D. gold rush.19. -Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? - I dont know, _.A.nor dont I care. B. nor do I care. C. I dont care neither. D. I dont care also.20. They are _ clever children that they can do it by themselvesA. so B. such. C. as D. too.(一) 1. honest 2. ancient,. compete 3. interview 4. admitted 5. stadium6gymnasium 7. replace 8. physical 9. relate 10. advertise 11. foolish 12. promised 13. athletes, gold, medals(二) 1. promised 2. replace 3. as well as 4. competed in 6. foolish 7. a set of 8. admitted 9. took part in10.as well as 11. one after another(三)1-10 BDDBADABAB11-20BBBCBAABBBII-III Computers一)单词拼写1.We have a lot in c_, so we often have a lot to talk about.2.Many of the students take their c_ into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.3.Once he was considered to be s_, for he couldnt work out the simplest numbers.4. Robots can also be called a_ i_.5. Everything has its a_ and d_.6. A good c_ when facing difficulties is to stay calm.7. P_, Id_ with you on your plan.8. I need some m_ to make a dress.9. Once he was the c_ of our football team.10.Its dangerous for a young lady w_ in the street late at night.11. would you please find a m_ to sweep the floor? Its too dirty.12.Use your b_, and you will have a way.二)选择填空1.Though he had often made his little sister_,today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry; to cryB. crying; crying.C. cry; cry D. to cry;cry2.The surface of the table _. A. feels soft; B. feels softly; C. is felt soft; D. is felt softly.3._ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere. A. So successful her business was;B. So successful was her business. C. So her business was successful;D. So has her successful business.4.As time_, she became more and more anxious abouther sons safety. A. passing. B. going by. C. passed. D. goes by.5.-How many elephants have you seen? - _.A. No one. B. None. C. Not many ones. D. Not many.6. _ many old people, he likes this kind of dance.A. Instead of . B. In spite of.C. In common with .D. Instead.7. There was _ time _ I hated to go to school.A. a; that; B. a; when. C. the; that. D. the; when.8. Last summer I took a course on _ poisonous gases.A. how to deal with ; B. what to deal with ;C. how to be deal with ; D. what to be deal with;9. Three years _ without our knowing it. A. went by;B. passes by; C. went on ; D. passed on;10. Great changes_ in the city, and a lot of factories _. A. have been taken place; have been set up;B. have taken place; have been set up; C. have taken place; have set up; D. were taken place; were set up;11 -Why does Mary look so unhappy? -She has_ by her classmates. A. laughed; B. laughed at ;C. been laughed; D. been laughed at12. Both my brothers work at the power station that _ in 1996. A. has set up;B. has been set up;C. was set up;D. is set up.13. A library with five thorsand books _ to the nation as a gift. A. has been offeredB. has offered;C. are offered; D. have offered;14. The poor man had no choice but _ his wife the truth. A. to telling;B. tell; C. to tell; D. told;15. -I think he is taking an active part in social work. -I agree with you _. A. in a way; B. on the way; C. by the way; D. in the way;16. I dont like the way _ you laughed at her. A. which B. that;C. in that; D. what;17. Id like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood. A. in all;B. above all; C. after all;D. at all;18 Ill never forget Mr Smith, _ help we had made great progress. A. with his B. with whose C. his D. who;19. You must not play near the house today; youll get _ of the workers; A. in this way;B. in the way;C. on the way; D. by the way;20. -Im afraid Mr. Wood can t see you until 4 oclock;-Oh, _ I wont wait. A. no doubt;B. after all;C.in that case;D. in this way;21 The audience was _ very young children. A. made of ; Bmade from; C. made in ; D made up of .22. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree. A. why; B. where;C. what;D. how;三)请根据中文意思完成下列句子。1. 在我看来,这食物不够。_ _ _, the food is not enough.2昨天他参加了智力考试。 Yesterday, he took an i_ test.3他不知道该怎么对付他那顽皮的儿子。 He dont know how to _ _ his naughty son.4你的胃痛并不令人惊奇,毕竟你吃得太多了。 Its not surprising youve got stomachache. _ _ you have eaten too much.5他们彼此毫无共同点。 They have nothing in _ with one another.6在我电脑的帮助下我可以及时完成的我工作。_ _ _ my computer, I could finish my job in time.7在某种程度上,你所说的有道理。_ _ _, what you said is reasonable.(一)1. common 2. calculators 3. simple-minded 4. artificial, intelligence5. advantages, disadvantages 6. choice 7. Personally, disgree. 8. materials9. coach 10. wandering 11. mop 12. brains(二)1-10AABCBCBAAB 11-22DCACA BBBBC DB(三)1. In my opinion 2. intelligence 3. deal with 4. After all 5.common 6. with the help of 7. In a wayII-IV Wildlife protection一) 单词拼写1.Almost all the animals have their special ways to p_ themselves from their e_.2.As is known to all, a cow has four s_(胃).3.If you want to set up a company, first you must a_ to the g_ for p_.4.What he said s_ that he wasnt satisfied with what we had done.5. The hotel bill c_ every fee, i_ the broken glass.6. M_ are the kind of i_ which can be easily found in summer.7. He was a_ by the story of the hero.8. While reading, please pay much a_ to your pronunciation.9. Many rare animals are in d_, because they are being hunted for.10. In a way, knowledge is a kind of p_ arm. 二)请根据中文意思完成下列句子1. 你知道宇宙如何形成的吗? Do you know how did the world _ _ ?2在冬天你应该盖上东西保护那些植物不要冻坏。In winter, you should cover something to _ the plants _ the cold.3他处于极度危险中。 He is _ great _.4他没有努力学习,因此他就在考试中失败了。 He didnt work hard. _ _ _, he failed in the exam.5当你驾驶的时候你应该注意标志。You should _ _ _ the signs when you are driving.6我一家人相处融洽。My family lives _ _.7. 恐龙在几万年前就灭绝了。 Dinosaurs _ _ millions of years ago.8他写信申请那份工作。He wrote a letter to _ _ the job.9. 那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响The storm _ a bad _ _ the crops.三)单项选择1. It seemed that he was_ losing his life. Luckily, he was_ in the end.A. in the danger of; out of dangerB. in danger of; out of danger;C. in the danger; out of the danger;D. in danger of ; out of the danger;2. More attention should be _ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production A. paid to improving; B paid to improve; C taked to improveD. taken to improving;3. He was at a _ what to say to the teachers question-obviously he was _ in thought just now.A. loss; losing; B. loss; ;lost; Closing; lost; D. lost; loss;4.Have a good rest, and you need to _ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.A. leave;B. reserve;C. hold;D. get;5.Two thirds of the area_ with green grass or tall trees.A. is covered; B. arecovered; C. is covering;D. are covering;6.Has the doctor suggested _ close attention to your own health?Ayou paying;B your pay;C. you paid;D. you to pay;7.Lucy had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home.A. much too heavy;B. too much heavy;C. heavy too much; D. too heavy much;8.We cant figure out the reason for more and more animals_. A are dying out; B. died out; C. are died out; D. dyingout9.The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _, most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A. At last; B. In fact;C. In a word; D. As a result;10. -Why have you come to work on foot today? -Well, my bike _ and I hate taking a crowded bus. A.has been repaired;B is repairing;C, will be repaired;D. is being repaired;11. -Have you moved into the new house? -Not yet. Therooms _. A. are being painting;B. are painting;C. are painted;D. are being painted;12. This is Teds photo. We miss him a lot. He _when trying to save a child in an earthquake A. killed; Bis killed C,was killed; D,was killing13.Marys pale face suggested that she _ ill and her parents suggested she _ a doctor. A. should be; should see;B, was ; see;C,. be; seeing;D. was; would see14.A new cinema _ here. They hope to finish it next month. A. will be built;B. is built;C, has been built;D. is being built15-Is it _ that the China will host the 2008 Olympicgames in Beijing? -Yes, thats for_. A. sure; certain; B, certain; sure; C, made sure; certain; D. made certain; sure16. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation_ it got worse. A. until B.when; C. before. D. as;17. -Will you give this message to Mr. White please?-Sorry, I cant. He _. A. doesnt any more work here. B.doest work longer here;C. doesnt work any more here D. doesnt work here any longer;18. I would love _ to the party last night but I had an unexpected guest.A. to go;B to have gone; C, going; D. having gone(一)1. protect, enemies 2. stomachs 3. apply, government, permission 4. suggested5. contains, including6. Mosquitos, insect 7. affected 8. attention 9. danger 10. powerful(二) 1. come into being 2. protect, from 3. in, danger 4. As a result 5. pay attention to 6. in peace 7. died out 8. apply for 9. had, effect on(三)1-10BABBAAADBD 11-18 DCBDBCDBII-V Music一) 请根据中文意思完成下列句子1我偶然在街上遇见一位老朋友。I met an old friend in the street _ _.2你一旦下了决心,你应该坚持下去。Once you make up your mind, you should _ _ it.3当我是个小孩的时候我梦想成为一名伟大的科学家。 I _ _ being a great scientist when I was a child.4. 我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好。I spent a whole morning _ _ my books.5. 开别人的玩笑是不礼貌的。It is impolite to _ _ _ others.6他大约六点到。He will arrive at six oclock _ _.7首先你应该为你学习制订好计划。_ _, you should make a plan for your study.8我们应该对我们的父母诚实。 We should _ _ _ our parents.9. 那个俱乐部去年解散了。The club _ _ last year.二)请根据首字母完成下列句子1. Many people dont like a_, especially when you are watching a good play.2. The song was a h_ at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the bestseller list.3. A plan began to f_ in his mind.4. Guilin is an a_ city, which attracts losts of tourists.5. Two p_ vitnessed the accident.6. How much money did you e_ last month?7. We need an e_ day to do the job, for we cant finish it on time.8. Liu Dehua is a well- known a_.9. He has the a_ to speak four languages.10. His father is a famous m_, who writes many songs

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