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Unit 3 Travel Journal1. fare n. 同fair 同音,费用;(公共汽车、轮船、计程车等)的票价.eg: Whats the bus fare to London?at half fare 半价 at full fare 全价 at reduced fare 减价 fare, fee, charge, cost,expense,price fare 指公共汽车,轮船,计程车等的费用. fee 专门的费用,如学费、车费、入场费、律师费等. a bill for school fees 学费帐单 pay the lawyers fees 付律师费 an entrance fee 入会费 charge 费用,花费;尤指给予服务后索要的费用。 All goods are delivered free of charge=for nothing=for free.一切物品免费送货. cost 成本;代价;原价;包括对某物所付出的一切费用及时间,劳力等的代价 eg: The cost of livingliving costs. The high cost of car repairs. at all costs=at all expenses 不惜任何代价 at the cost of=at the expenses of 以.为代价 expense 费用, 多用复数。尤指大量的花费,支出,如求学,旅行,建设,战争等的费用。 price 价格,指商品出售时所定的价钱,尤指卖主所要求的价钱 练习: Their prices are high because production B are very great. A. fares B. costs (成本) C. fees D. charges2. finally adv. 最后;终于. eg: Finally, I would like to say I will Support you whatever you do.finally, in the end, at last finally 既可表示时间,意为“最终”;也可表示顺序,意为“最后”.强调顺次发展到最后 eg: I would like to Say“Thank you very much”. in the end 表示经过周折,等待或努力出现了某种结果(既可是期待中的,也可是非期待的) =eventually 强调最终结果.(最后,终于;可与finally, at last通用;另外,还可用于预计将来.) eg: a. He tried many jobs; in the end he be came a postman. b. I believe your dream will come true in the end. at last 只表时间,不表顺序,用于表示经过周折终于达到某种结果. =at length 表示经过一番努力,曲折的过程最终,具有较浓的感情色彩. eg: At last we were home! At last, he knew the meaning of life.练习: Five policemen rode past on their motorbikes, then came the television broad casting car and C the runner.A. at the last B. in the end C. finally D. to the find拓展:+ 时间名词at the end of 在结束时. + 地点名词 = at the back of 反义in front of + 过去时间 (与过去完成时连用) by the end of 到结束时(常与完成时连用).+ 将来时间 (与将来完成时连用) at the beginning of 在开始的时候. atin the beginning(后不接of)at first 起初,开始时.at an end 完结;耗尽.eventually 最后;终于.3. persuade vt.说服;劝说.使某人相信某事物;使某人信服. -反义dissuade disweid 劝止;劝阻.sb to do sth e.g: a. He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.sb into doing sth persuade sb not to do sthsb out of doing sth sb that clause 使某人相信某事. e.g.a. How can I persuade you that I am telling the truth?sb of sth 使某人相信某物.persuade 强调“劝说”成功;如果劝说不服,用try to persuade 或 adviseeg: I _advised_ him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary.拓展:persuade convince 均表“说服”,persuade 前者重着重情感上的“敦促,劝告”,后者着重理智后面的“辩论,证明”,都表果,即说服了.persuadeconvince sb that 使某人相信某事. eg: How can I convince you of her honesty?persuadeconvince sb of sth 使某人相信某事persuadeconvince sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事persuasive adj.有说服力的;劝导性的;令人信服的 adv. ly persuasion n. 说服;说服力;劝说; 4. insist vt. vi. 坚持;强调.a. insist vt. 坚持认为; 坚决要求.insist + that . (should) + V 坚决要求. e.g. a. I insisted that he should go.insist + that (陈述语气) 坚持说;坚持认为e.g: a. He insisted that he had done right.b. He insisted that he didn t steal my wallet.b. insist vi.insist on doing sth 坚持做insist on (sbs) doing sth 坚持要(某人)做某事.e.g. a. He insisted on my going there. He insisted that I (should) go there.类似:Suggest + that. (should) + v. 建议.Suggest + that (陈述语气)表明,暗示.5. proper adj.真正的;真实的(real); 合适;正确(right, suitable, correct) 反义 improper adj. 不合适的;不适当的. It was discovered that he was not proper doctor.properly adv.正确的;适当地(correctly, in an acceptable way)e.g: a. We havent got any proper friends around here.我们在这里没有真正的朋友.b. There shoes doesnt fit properly. 这双鞋子不合脚.fit adj. 健康的;适合的;相称的; 反义 unfit adj.健康状况欠佳的.keep fit = keep healthybe fit for sthsb 适当某人某物;be fit to do sth 适合干vt. vi.(使)适合;(使)合身,(使)适应.(fitted; fitting)suitable adj.合适的;适当的.be suitable for sbsth 适合某人某物sb. be suitable to do sth 适合做某事.proper. 较正式,强调经过判断觉得是适宜的,合理的,可作定语或表语.adj. fit. “适当的”, “适宜的”,多用于服饰的大小、尺寸方面,常用于适合某种目的、用途、条件、要求或某人有能力胜任某种工作或职务等,常用作表语,和前置定语.suitable.“适合的”,用于服饰的花色,款式,口味方面,强调适合某种环境,情况或某种特殊需要.match 多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配。 e.g. a. The curtains and the carpets match perfectly.v. suit 多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等。 e.g. a. No dish suits all tastes.Fit 多指大小,形状合适;引申为“吻合”,“协调” e.g. a. The new coat fits me well.6. determine vt. 决定;确定. Vi. 决定;下决心. determine sth 决定;限定. e.g: a. Lets determine a date for the meeting.Vt. determine to do that. 下决心 ; 决定. e.g. a. We determined to go at oncethat we would go at once. determine sb to do sth 使某人决定做某事(动作)(不与表示时间段状语连用). e.g. a. Her encouragement determined me to carry on with the work. determined adj. 坚决的,有决心的,决意的 be determined to do sth 决心做(状态)(可与表示时间段状语连用).e.g. a. I am determined to go and nothing will stop me.vi. determine onupon sth doing sth 决心做某事 e.g. a. We determined on an early start.determination n. 决心;决定。determination in doing sthto do sth 做某事的决心。come to a determination = make up ones mind 下定决心7. change one s mind 改变决定.cn.意见;意向.mind n.&v.a. n. c.u 内心,头脑;思维;理智;想法 e.g. mind and body 心身;精神和肉体 absence of mind 思想不集中 c 记忆力,记性 c 意向,注意力 e.g. change ones mind make up one s mind 作出决定;拿定主意.make up one s mind to do sth = be determined to do sth =decide to do sth另:make up ones mind to doing sth 接受无法更改的事实e.g. a. As we cant afford a bigger house we must make up our mind to staying here.phrases: have no mind to do sth 无意做某事 have a mind to do sth 有意做某事 read one s mind 看出某人的心思 so many men, so many minds 各人有各人的想法 open one s mind to 把心里话透露给 never mind 不要紧;没有关系 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不想 to one s mind=to ones thinking=in ones view/opinion 根据某人的意见,如某人所想 bring(call)to ones mind =think of 想起;记起 bear/keepin mind 记在心上;记住;背诵 keep ones mind on=focus ones attention on=concentrate on=be absorbed in 专心于 b. v. 注意,听从,留心,当心 e.g. Mind the wet paint! 照看,留心(某人/某物) e.g. a. Mind the baby! b. Mind my bike while go into the shop, please! 对(某物)介意,反对(某物)(尤用于疑问句,否定句,条件句及用作回答问话的肯定句)mind about sth/doing sthe.g. a. A: Do you mind if I smoke? B: Im sorry, but I do. b. Would you mind helping me? C. Never mind.8. give in to sbsth 向屈服让步 e.g: He would rather die than give in. 他宁死不屈. give up sthdoing sth 放弃 give away 背弃;赠给;颁发(奖品);泄露;暴露; give out 发出(光、热、气味等);散发(某物). give off 发出(光、热、气味等) give back 还给 give out (vi.) (贮存物,供应品;耐心,力气等)耗尽;用完; use up (vt.) run out (vi.) sb run out of(vt.) 耗尽,用光(贮存物,供应品等)eg: a. Our money is running outgiving out. b. I have almost run out ofused up my money. c. My money has almost run outgiven out. d. The soldiers had run out ofused up all their supplies.9 attitude n.态度;看法.姿势.the attitude totowardsabout sth 对的看法in the attitude of 以.的姿势eg: a. What s your towards this question?b. strike an attitude=strike a pose (装腔作势)c. The photographer has Caught him in the attitude of prayer.10. record a. n. rek :d (对事实,事件等的)记录;记载; make/keep a record of 把记录下来 a record of school attendances 学校出勤记录 唱片. a pop/jazz/hit record 通俗歌曲,爵士音乐,流行歌曲唱片 最好的成绩;记录(尤指体育运动) set a record 创记录 hold the record 保持记录 breakbeatcut the record 打破记录 b. V. rik :d 记录;录音record sth on sth 将(声音或图象)保存在磁盘或磁带上以便重放e.g. a. record a speech, piece of music on tape/videob. Her voice records quite. (她的声音录得很好.)recorder n. 录音机,录象机11. familiar adj. sb be familiar with sth 某人对某事熟悉. sth be familiar to sb 为某人听熟知;熟悉. eg: a. I am not very familiar with botanical namesEuropean history. b. He is familiar with English. (他精通英语.)12. 将来时的表达方式. be + v ing表示按计划或安排最近要发生的事,含义是“预定要”,这一结构常用趋向动词.go, arrive, come, leave, start, stay, return和play, do, have, work, wear, spend, see, meet等.eg: a. Don t be nervous. I m sure he is coming back soon. b. When are you going off for your holiday?c. What are you having for supper tonight? 一般现在时表将来时.a. 按规定预计要发生的未来的动作,仅限于动词 come, go, leave, move, start, arrive, return, begin, stay等动词.eg: a. New term begins on September.b. The plane takes off at 10:10.b. 用在状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时. eg: If you do that again, I ll hit you.c. 用在I bet 和I hope后面,常用一般现在时表将来. eg: I bet you don t get up before ten tomorrow.注: 1、事物名词meeting, concert, train等作主语时,谓语动词多用一般现在时表示按时间安排的活动,而不用现在进行时.2、人作主语时,谓语动词多用现在进行时表示计划要做的事. willshall do sth 单纯表示将来,不涉及主语的主观愿望;是对未来事情的 “预见性”,will用于各种人称,而shall用于第一称. eg: I shall ring you as soon as I arrive.注: will通常不用于状语从句,而是用一般现在时代替将来时.If引导的条件状语从句中,will表示意志、意愿,不是将来时,will是情态动词. eg: If you will (愿意) listen to me, I ll tell you the truth. be going to do sth 表示事先经过考虑或事先做好安排而打算或准备干某事,或是肯定要发生的事或根据某些现象或征兆即将要发生的事. eg: a. It s going to rain, Let s hurry.b. They are going to be married next May.c. What are you going to do tonight. be to do sth表示按计划或安排要发生的事情;还可表示“命运”、“可能”、 “义务”等. eg: a. You are to be (必须) back by 9 o clock. b. She was to meet him at an agreed place in the street. be about to do sth 表示的是最近的将来. be on the point of doing sth 意向“刚要”, “正要”. be about to do when 正要做这时 eg: I was just about to go to bed, when someone called me up.13. dream vt. (dreamtdreamed) 做梦;梦见.dream a sweet dream(同源宾语) 另: laugh a merry laugh 开心一笑 sleep a sound sleep 熟睡一觉vi. 做梦;梦见;梦到.dream of about sth sb 梦见某人或某物 doing sth 梦想做某事eg: I dream about flying last night.n. 梦 梦想;理想;抱负have a dream about sth . 做梦(梦见某物).a fond dream 黄粱美梦 Good night-sweet dreams! dreamless adj. (指睡眠)无梦的,酣畅的14. journey. Trip. Travel. Voyage. Tour.trip 指短途旅游旅行eg: We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.tour 考察.购物.观光等巡回各地的旅游。eg: They insisted that they have a sightseeing tour in China themoment they finished the work.travel 泛指旅行的过程,作具体的旅行时,常用复数形式,一般不直接表示某地的名词. eg: Have you ever traveled around the world?journey 指远距离陆地直达目的地的旅行,去旅游.go on a journey. eg: How long is your journey to work?voyage 指航海航天的旅行.eg: The Titanic Sank on its maiden voyage.练习:1、 He suggested having a voyage across the Pacific Ocean.2、 You shouldn t have had that shopping tour in Thailand.3、 Shall we go on a trip to the park this Sunday?4、 He works in a travel agency.5、 We went on a long train journey in India15. The air would be hard to breathe.结构:主语 + be + adj. + to do 在此结构中,不定式以主动表示,表被两个前提条件 不定式作状语,修饰作表语的形容词.不定式和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系.注:不定式必须是及物动词,如果是不及物动词,其后必须加合适的介词. eg: The room is comfortable to live in. The river is dangerous to swim in. The question is difficult to answer.另外不定式的主动表被动形式: 主语+ have sth to do (主语)有要做There be sth to do 有要做eg: a. I m going to Shanghai on business next week.-Have you anything B to your parents? b. I m going to Shanghai on business next week,-Have you anything D to your parents.A. to buy B. to take C. to be bought D. to be taken拓展:结构:主语 + be + adj.+ to do 这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理活动的,接不定式时,不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语,主动用to do, 被动用to be done; 也可接从句。这类的adj. 有: surprised, moved, disappointed, pleased, happy, sad, delighted, sorry, interested, glad, worried ect.16. Once adv.一次; 一度;曾次.Phrase: all at once 突然 at once 立刻;马上. once upon a time =long long ago once more once again; just for once 仅此一次. once in a while sometimes once bitten; twice shy. conj. as soon as 就;一旦;表条件eg: Once you have made a promise, you should carry it out.

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