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新目标七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?课程标准要求掌握的项目目标话题 问能力目标功能 Talk about ability 谈论能力目 标 结构 1. 情态动词 can的用法 针对can的提问的回答 Can you swim? Yes, I can/No, I cant. 2. 用What can?结构提问 回答 What can you do? I can dance/ I csnt sing. 核 心 词Write People Home Story Teach Weekend 拓 展 词 Draw join tell talk show speak musician or 认读词 Kung fu piano 词 组Speak English Be good at Talk to Play the drums Play the piano Play the violin Be good with Make friends Help (sb.) with sth. On the weekend 目标文化 谈论能力以及与之相对应如何的应答目标策略 听懂关键信息; 合作学习。1、 单词表词汇用法学习:1. play v.玩(1)play 表示“玩(球类)”或“玩棋牌及其他游戏”时,作宾语的名词不带任何冠词。Play basketball/cards/chess/bridge/badminton打篮球、打牌、下棋、打桥牌、打羽毛球(2)play 表示“演奏、弹奏(乐器)”时表示乐器的名词前须带定冠词the play the drum / guitar / trumpet / violin / piano 【注意】中国古典乐器名称钱不用加the play erhu/ (3) play装扮、扮演Play a doctor/the fool扮演医生、装傻【拓展】 play a important role/part in .【搭配】 play with play with fire玩火,play with water玩水 play with ball玩球这些短语里介词with不可少 练习:Dont _fire(火),Its dangerous.A. play B. play with C. to play D. plays 2、 join v.加入(1) 加入某一组织成为其中一员Do you like to join the English club?你愿意计入英语俱乐部吗?Join the party/league/WTO 入党 入团 加入世贸组织What club do you want to join?你想参加什么俱乐部?(2) 加入某些人Come and join us.来加入我们吧!(3) join sb. In sth. 加入到某人的活动中(4) She likes to join us in the game.她喜欢加入到我们的游戏中。【拓展】join 和take part in三者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同。Join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一员;而take part in指参加某活动或在活动中负责。She joined the Party in 1948. 她在1948年入党。We will take part in the meeting tomorrow. 明天我们将参加会议。【注意】join in 表示参加某项活动时相当于take part in练习:Children pant more trees and flowers after they_Greener China.A. join B. take part in C. become D.are(3) Speak 说,讲Speak后接语言作宾语Speak English 说英语 Speak Chinese 说中文 Speak French说法语注意:做不及物动词时,意为“说话,讲话”,后接人作宾语时与介词to连用例:Please speak to me in English.请同我用英语讲话翻译句子:我能说汉语、法语和英语_(4) Tell v.告诉,讲述句型:Tell sb. Sth告诉某人某事;Tell sth. To sb. 把某事告诉某人告诉某人做某事tell sb. To do sth. Tell sb. That告诉某人。例句:He tells me his name.他告诉了我他的名字Our teachers tell us not to be late.我们的老师告诉我们不要迟到。(5) Talk 谈话、交谈【拓展】Talk to/with sb.与某人交谈 talk about sth.谈论某事She likes talking with the old.她喜欢和老人交谈。辨析:say,speak,talk与tellSay vt. 强调内容,后接从句或名词;vi多用于say to sb.结构。He say sorry to me.他向我说对不起。Speak vt.讲。语言,后接语言名词。He can speak English very well.Vi.演讲、告诉单独使用或用于speak tosb.Talk vi.与某人交谈、谈话 常用于talk to/with sb.Jane likes talking with his classmates.Tell vt.讲,说,告诉 常用tell sb. Sth.Tell stories /tell jokes/tell a lie练习:1、Could you please _it in English? Sure.A. speak B. say C. tell D.talk2、They ask _to _to the students.【武汉二中广雅中学七年级(下)英语月考】 A I, speak B me , speak C my ,say D me ,tell答案:B解析:此题考查人称代词的主宾格用法和动词用法辨析。第一空是要填一个人称代词,因为他是在动词之后所以该填人称代词的宾格,故选me,排除AC。第二空要注意的是后面的介词是to在speak和tell之间选择。又因为tell是及物动词后面直接加宾语不用加to所以选择B(6) show (1)作动词,展示,给。看搭配:show sb. Sth. 把某物给某人看Show sb. +从句 给某人显示。Show up露面Show sb. Around 带领某人参观He shows me his family photo.(2) show 作名词,意为:演出 表演展览TV show电视节目 talk show交谈节目 talent show才艺秀 fashion show时装秀练习:Lets me _you around our school. Come this way. Thanks a lot. Thats very nice of you.A. Visit B. Invite C. Show D.inviteDAY 1【看英文识中文】guitar Sing swim dance draw chess Play chessSpeakSpeak EnglishJoin ClubBe good at Tell Story Write Show OrTalk Talk to Kung fudrum Play the drumspiano Play the piano violin Play the violin AlsoPeople Home Be good with MakeMake friendsToday Help (sb.) with sth.Center/centre)Weekend On the weekend Teach musician 2、 单词表词汇背诵:DAY 2【看中文识英文】n.吉他 v.唱;唱歌 v.游泳 v.跳舞;舞蹈 v.画n.国际象棋 下国际象棋v.说(某种语言);说话 说英语 v.参加;加入 n.俱乐部、社团 擅长于写字 v.写作;n.演出,节目 v.给。看;展示conj.或者 n&v.说话,交谈跟。说话(中国)功夫 n.鼓 敲鼓n.钢琴 弹钢琴 n.小提琴 拉小提琴 adv. 也,而且 n.人们n.家;活动本部adv.到家 善于应付。的;对。有办法v.讲述,告诉n. 故事 v.使成为;制造结交朋友 adv.今天在某方面帮助(某人) n.中央;中心 n.周末 (在周末) v.教,讲授 n.音乐家 DAY 3【看中文写句子】 v.唱;唱歌 ; v.画; 擅长于我擅长唱歌、画画。v.游泳 v.跳舞;舞蹈 你会跳舞、游泳吗?说英语汤姆很会讲英语 v.参加;加入;n.俱乐部、社团来加入我们社团吧!n.演出,节目 v.给。看;展示这是一场美妙的演出conj.或者 n&v.说话,交谈妈妈和爸爸正在说话。 弹钢琴 ; 拉小提琴; adv. 也,而且Lily十分会弹钢琴和拉小提琴 n.家;活动本部adv.到家我现在想回家。结交朋友我结交了很多好朋友。 善于应付。的;对。有办法; n.人们你善于应付老人吗?在某方面帮助(某人) ;(在周末)他在周末帮我补习。 v.教,讲授 n.音乐家这位音乐很会教音乐3、 课本知识点梳理:Section A Lead-in:. 1. Can you swim? No, I cant.【拓展】情态动词can 的用法(1) (表示某种知识、能力、技能、潜能、功能等)能(够),会I can play the piano.Can you speak Japanese? (2) (表示拥有某种职能、权利、论据等)有权、得以、可以Anyone who has a license can drive a car in New york.(3) (在口语中表示允许、请求、要求、建议等,代表may、might)可以Can(=May) we go home now?You can (=may) park here(4) (用于否定句、疑问句,表示惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等语气)可能、会It cant be my father. He is now in Canada.That cant be Mary. She is in hospital.(5) (表示偶然现象发生的可能性)有时会,时而可能It can be very cold here, even in spring.China can be very hot in summer.【拓展】时间名词前的in on and at(1) 在具体时刻前面要用介词at At six oclock 在六点钟(2) 表示在某一天以及某天的上午、下午、晚上等要用onOn May 3rd 在五月3号On Sunday morning在星期天的早上(3) 表示在年、月、季节等较长时间内用in,泛指“在早上/上午/下去/晚上”也要用inIn 2009 在2009年 In June在六月 In Spring 在春季练习He can _,so he wants to join the _club.A. Swims;swimB.swims;swimmingC.swimming;swimD.swim;swimming练习:- When is your birthday?【武昌区七年级期末调研】- _ June 16th .At B. In C. On 2. you are very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事be good at sth./doing dth. 表示“擅长于。精通。”,后面可接名词或动词的ing形式例如:Mr. Gu is good at languages. He can speak eight languages.【拓展】与good相关的搭配:Be good for 对。有好处Be good to sb.对。友好(be kind to sb.)Be good with sb.善待某人,与某人相处的好(get on well with sb.)be good with 还可以表示“善于使用某物”。【例句】The girls are good with their hands. 这些女孩子们的手很灵巧。 He is good at drawing. 他擅长画画。 It is good for you to eat more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜对你有好处。3、Sound good.听起来不错1、 sounds good. 省略了主语It /that2、 Sound 做连系动词,意为“听起来”,后接名词、形容词或介词短语作表语,构成系表结构。Lets play basketball.我们打篮球吧!That sounds great.(那)听起来不错 That sounds nice.【拓展】(1)与sound类似的连系动词:Smell闻起来 taste尝起来 feel感觉,摸起来 look 看起来这些感官动词表示某事物、某人给人的感觉怎么样,后接形容词作表语He looks strong. 他看起来很强壮It tastes delicious. 尝起来美味极了。(2) sound作为名词,“声音”的意思,指自然界中发出的各种声音。I can hear the sounds of the running people. 练习:How does the idea_to you?A.sound B. sounds C. voice D.noiseSection B and Selfcheck1、I can sing and dance, too.我也会唱歌、跳舞。【拓展】also,too,either与as well这四个词都表示“也”但在句中的位置不同Also一般用于肯定句,位于be动词后,行为动词前,比too更正式。She also likes Chinese.她也喜欢中文。Too常用于肯定句,意为“也”,一般用于句末,用逗号隔开;如果用于主语后,其前后都用逗号隔开。The boy, too, wants to go swimming.Either用于否定句句尾,意为“也,不”。Either.or.要么。要么Mary doesnt like playing tennis,either.玛丽也不喜欢打网球。As well用于肯定句句尾,表示强调时也可以置于句中。Dave is in the school art club,and is in the chess club as well. 2、Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.【拓展】(1)Need的用法:need作实义动词,意为“需要”句型:need to do sth.需要做某事Need doing sth.(=to be done)需要被。Need sb. To do sth. 需要某人做某事The flowers need watering. I need to have a rest. (2)help with sth. 帮忙。Help作名词或动词,意为“帮助”常用:help sb. (to)do sth./help sb. Do sth.帮助某人做某事Help sb. With sth.在某事上帮助某人。短语:help (sb.) out帮助(某人)解决困难Help oneself 请随便吃Cant help doing sth.禁不住/情不自禁做某事With the help of sb./with sb.s help给某人帮忙Give sb.help(=give sb. A hand)给某人帮忙例句:He helps me with my English=He helps me (to)learn Englsih他帮助我学英语3、Can you play the pano or the violin?选择疑问句Or(1)作并列连词,意为“或者”,常用于否定句或疑问句中。Is the girl in the hat Lucy or Lily?(2) 作并列连词,意为“也不”,用于否定句中,否定两个或两个以上的并列成分。He isnt a teacher or a worker.他不是教师也不是工人。Sooner or later 迟早 or so大约One or two hours/ an hour or two(3) 作并列连词,意为“否则,要不然”,常和else连用,多用于祈使句。(4) Put on more clothes, or(else)youll catch a cold.【辨析】and but 与or三者均为并列连词,用来连接并列的词、短语或并列成分,但含义和用法有所不同。And意为“和,且”常用来连接肯定句中的并列成分。But 意为“但是”,表示转折关系。Or意为“或者”,表示“选择”,常在疑问句和否定句中连接并列成分。练习:Are you a student_a teacher?I am a student.A. or B. and C. but D.so4、a little 有一点,稍微(1)a little 一点(不多),表示数量,与some,much,a lot of/lots of (许多)相对,修饰不可数名词There is a little/some/much water in the glassA little有时可以单独用于省略句-Do you have any milk?-Yes, but only a little.(2) 相当于一个程度副词,与Very, very much 相对,修饰形容词、副词或动词。Swimming is a little /very interesting.【拓展】a little有肯定的意义,little(几乎没有)表示否定的含义I have alittle money我有一点钱(肯定)I have little money. 我几乎没钱(否定)Little还可以表示“小的,年轻的”My little sister 我的小妹妹 a little boy一个小男孩练习 The girl is a _ bit short but she has _ eyes.A. little, big B. little, little C .big, little D. big, big4、 本单元知识点在题型中的应用:1. 听力:(1)课文中听力题目(课文中)(2)听力稿(课本后单元听力稿)(3)答案2. 单选:1. _we come to school at 7:00? No, you neednt. You _come to school at 7:30.A.Can;canB.Must;mustC.Can;mustD.Must;can答案: D解析: 根据答语是不必要,所以问的是“必须”,后一句谈到在七点半到校,也就是“可以在七点半到校”考点: 情态动词的考查 难度: B2. Jason can _ English very well and he always _ “Hello” to us.A. say, says B. speak, speaks C. speak, says D. say, speaks答案: D解析:说英语是用speak,对我们讲hello即是用say考点: speak和say区别的考查 难度: C 3. Who is the man _ black today?Thats Mr.Wang.A. onB. inC. fromD. At答案: B解析: 根据答语问的是这个人的身份,所以前一句是说这个穿黑衣服的人是谁,穿黑衣服,即是“in black”考点: 介词的考查 难度:C4. -May I use your pen?- Sorry, I am_ my pictures.A. draw B. draws C.drawing D. drawing答案: C解析: 根据句意是I正在画画所以用现在进行时,be doing考点: 动词的用法和时态的考查 难度: B5. Sun Yang can _ very well. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. to swim答案: A解析: 根据句意是孙杨游泳很好,can后面接动词原形考点: can的用法考查 难度: C6. What can you do ? _. A. Im Lucy. B. Fine C. I can draw. D. Sorry, I cant.答案: C解析: 根据问句是你能干什么?答句即是“我能画画”考点: can的用法考查 难度:B7. Can you help me _my English? A. in B. with C. for D. At答案: B解析: 你能帮助我的英语吗?Help with帮助。考点: help with的用法考查 难度:B8. Are they in the classroom in the library? X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m A. but B. and C. or D. Not答案: C解析: 根据句意他们只能在一个地方,那么就是在教室或者是图书馆。考点:or的用法考查 难度:C9. We want three good for our band. A. music B. musician C. musics D. musicians答案: D解析:三位音乐家,musician直接加s 考点: 名词复数的用法考查 难度:C10. Bill can very well, so he wants to join the club. A. swim; swimming B. swimming; swim C. swim; swims D. swims; swim答案: A解析:can后面接动词原形,游泳俱乐部,用名词形式swimming考点: swim的用法考查 难度:C11. -Can I borrow your guitar? -Sorry, .A. I dont have one B. Here you areC. Take this one D. Thank you答案: A解析:由sorry可知,答句是否定的,那么就是针对借不了而言,回答就是“I dont have one ”考点: 情景交际的用法考查 难度:B12. Can he ?A. play the chess B. play the basketball C. play the guitar D. play guitar答案: C解析:棋类、球类前面无定冠词the,西洋乐器吉他前有the考点: the的位置的考查 难度:B13. -Can he tell a story? - .A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he cant C. No, he cant D. No, he can答案: A解析:针对can的回答Yes,he can/No, he cant考点: can问句考查 难度:C14. We need two good singers our rock band.A. in B. to C. for D. At答案: C解析:我们乐队需要两名歌手,用for考点: 介词考查 难度:A15. If you need help, you can call me_507-8972. A. at B. on C. for D. in 答案: A解析:call sb, at 507-8972.打我的电话507-8972考点: 介词考查 难度:A3. 完形:Jeff was a middle school student, he was a _1_ boy. When he said something to girls, his face always got red. This summer, Jeff _2_ a part-time job in a _3_ . He would work as a shop assistant. His parents were very _4_ . They thought the job could help him.Last Monday, Jeff went to the supermarket in the morning. It was his first day to work in the supermarket. At seven oclock in the evening, he _5_ back home. He looked _6_ but happy. His father _7_ him and asked, My boy, how was your first day?” “ _8_!”Jeff answered. His father was very glad and said, So tell me something about it.”“Well, many good-looking girls asked me _9_ .”“Oh, what did they ask you?”his father was very interested.“ _10_ money does this cost?” Jell answered.1. A. shy B. lazy C. outing2. A. made B. found C. knew3. A. supermarket B. library C. knew4. A. surprised B. worried C. sad5. A. took B. came C. stayed6. A. tired B. interested C. excited7. A. looked out B. looked up C. looked at8. A. Just so-so B. Great C. Boring9. A. questions B. name C. phone number10. A. How many B. What C. How much答案:1-5ABAAB 6-10ACBAC解析:【语篇解读】本文大意:主要描述了Jeff是个中学生,这个暑假在一家超市做兼职,他爸妈很开心,因为这有助于他害羞性格的改变。总体难度较易。1.此题考查的是形容词的辨析。从一句脸红可以看出他是很害羞的2.此题考查的是动词,此处找到兼职工作比较符合文意。 3.此题考查的是名词词义,从下一句的“work as a shop assistant.”可知是在超市工作4.此题考查的是形容词词义。由后一句可知,此处的形容词是表示积极的含义。5.此题考查的是动词的辨析,回家,用come back home.6.此题考查的是形容词词义。根据but可以推断前面的形容词是不好的,所以选tired。7.此题考查的是动词词组。Look at是看着 look out注意,小心 look up尊敬,查阅的意思,所以根据语境,选择“look at”。8.此题考查的是形容词,从爸爸的反映glad可知,此处是一个积极意义的词。9.此题考查的是名词词义辨析,用后文来看,ask问的是问题,没有问名字和电话号码。10.此题考查的是how的短语。How much问的是价钱,根据他在超市工作以及后一个单词money可知,选how much体裁:记叙文话题:人物故事难度:C4. 阅读:A Mrs. Smith asks some friends to her house for dinner. She wants to cook a good dinner of meat and soup. She has five daughters. Theyre busy all day. Mrs. Smith is sweeping the floor. Her hands become dirty. Suddenly(突然) she thinks of the soup. She forgets to put any salt(盐) into it. So she calls one of her daughters to help her. Mary, she says, Please put some salt into the soup. My hands are very dirty now. I cant, Mum. Im washing my hair. Mary says. Jane, go and put some salt into the soup. Sorry, Mum. Jane answers, Im mending my dress. Mrs. Smith asks the other girls, but gets the same answer. So she washes her hands and puts some salt into the soup. Then she begins to clean the floor again. Now Mary thinks that she should help her mother, so she goes quietly to the kitchen and puts some salt into the soup. Then Jane begins to feel sorry, too. So she goes to put some salt into the soup, too. One by one, the other girls do the same thing. When the friends come and sit at the table, the soup smells good. But when the friends take a little soup, their faces look strange. They put down the spoons and drink a lot of water. Nobody says a word. They just look at each other. Why.?56. Mrs. Smith wants to cook a good dinner of meat and soup for _. A. her family B. herself C. her friends D. her daughters 57. Mrs. Smith cant put any salt into the soup because _. A. her hands are dirty B. she is very tired C. she wants to see if her daughters are helpful D. shes busy sweeping the floor 58. What does the underlined wordsmells mean in Chinese? A. 听起来 B. 闻起来 C. 尝起来 D. 看起来 59. _ puts some salt into the soup. A. Mrs. Smith B. Nobody C. Other daughters D. Everyone 60. The soup smells _ tastes _. A. good and; delicious B. bad and; bad C. nice but; salty D. bad but; nice B Hello, guys! Join us! We have many clubs(俱乐部) for students of age 4-12, you can connect with(联系) us from Monday to Saturday. ClubsAgeYou can learnYou can callMusic6-7How to sing and danceLily: 027-67885886Math7-11How to work out difficult math problemsJim: 027-67885887English4-12How to be a great English speakerTony: 027-67885888Sports6-10How to play kinds of balls Leo: 027-6788588961. How many clubs are there? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 62. When can not you connect with them? A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Saturday. D. On Sunday. 63. Which club can not you join when you are eight years old? A. The Music Club. B. The Math Club. C. The English Club. D. The Sports Club. 64. You can learn how to play basketball in_. A. the Music Club B. the Math Club C. the English Club D. the Sports Club 65. You can call_ to join the English Club. A. 027-67885886 B. 027-67885887 C.027-67885888 D.027-67885889C The way(方法) of learning a language is by using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh over the mistakes(错误). Dont be unhappy if people laugh at your mistakes. Its much better for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they dont understand what you say. The most important rule of learning English is:Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. 66. In learning a language, you should _. A. speak as quickly as you can B. laugh as much as you can C. write more than you read D. use it as often as you can 67. The most important thing for you to learn a language is _ A. writing B. practicing C. laughing D. grammar rules 68. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _ A. be angry B. take it easy C. be sorry D. be more careful 69. When you make a mistake, youd better _ A. cry B. laugh C. be gladD. keep your sense of humor 70. Which is the best title(标题)? A. How to learn a language B. Talking is the most important in learning a language C. What to do when you make mistakes in talking D. A way of studying5. 阅读理解填词(每题1分) Hello, boys and girls, my n_ is Chen Li. Im from Wuhan. Im 11 years old. I have a happy f_. There are s_ people in my family, my grandparents,my parents, my two brothers and I. My grandparents are very old. So their hair is w_. My parents are both t_. They teach E_ in my school. My brothers are twins. They look the same. T_ names are Chen Bao and Chen Bei. They like drawing. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. They want to draw a p_ for her. I want to sing a song f_ her. I want to make f_ with you. Thank you.1.name 2. family 3.some 4.white 5. teachers6.English 7. Their 8.picture 9.for 10.friends根据以下信息写一则60词左右的短文。可适当发挥。假设你是Kim,你在美国交了一个新的笔友James,请根据以下信息,写一封信介绍自己。信的开头结尾已给出。1. 现在在第一中学七年级一班上学。2. 乐于助人,喜欢听音乐,看电影和游泳。3. 希望能帮助James 学习中文,并学好英语。Dear James,I am writing to tell you something about myself. I am a student in NO.1 middle school. I am in class 1,grade 7. Firstly, I would like to share something about my hobbies with you. I am a kind person and I am always ready for helping people in need. Besides, I like to listen to music to relax myself. Whats more, I enjoy seeing movies and swimming. Last but not least, I hope that I can help you with your Chinese, and I will try my best to learn English well. Yours,Kim.解析: 本篇作文讲的是自我介绍,这个话题在课本中也学到过,可以根据提示结合课本学到的词汇、短语、句式来发挥完成.

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