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译林牛津版2020届九年级英语专题练习:名词C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:名词 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)I like playing football and Beckham is my favourite .A . playerB . singerC . actorD . teacher2. (2分)name is Mike. He is a good . A . His; boyB . Her; girlC . My; girlD . Her; boy3. (2分)The zebra lives in _, it is an _ animal. A . Africa, AfricanB . African, AfricaC . Africa, Africa4. (2分)Where is Harbin? Its in the _ of China.A . north-westB . north-eastC . east-north5. (2分)My mothers sister is my _. A . grandmotherB . sisterC . cousinD . aunt6. (2分)Do you know the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?Yes. With a _ of about 55 kilometres, the bridge makes the travelling time between Hong Kong and Zhuhai much shorter than before.A . sizeB . distanceC . height7. (2分)Someones is his or her female child. A . daughterB . sonC . mother8. (2分)Who is she? Shes my mothers , my aunt.A . brotherB . grandfatherC . daughterD . sister9. (2分)The _ of a new born baby is usually 2.5 to 4 kg. My baby appears to be a little fat.A . weightB . widthC . height10. (2分)The students have many _ at the end of each term. A . quizB . testC . examD . exams11. (2分) Will your family move to Beijing? Yes. Thats a very big _ my parents made.A . recordB . educationC . methodD . decision12. (2分) Whats wrong with the boy? He broke the school rules several times without any _ last week. Sorry, I know little about the boy.A . excuseB . replyC . experienceD . reason13. (2分)There is a _ shop near my home. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges. A . vegetableB . foodC . fruitD . drink14. (2分)Excuse me, would you mind not making so much _? The children are sleeping. A . noiseB . soundC . musicD . voice15. (2分) What animals do you like? I like _. A . lionB . tigersC . koalaD . Giraffe16. (2分)The money _ real. In fact, its not.A . isB . looksC . must be17. (2分)I need more physical and mental strength. Could you give me some _?A . suggestionB . ideaC . adviceD . thought18. (2分)That was in the early _. A . fiftyB . fiftysC . fiftiesD . fifth19. (2分) Feng Xiaogang is a famous _, I like his movies best. So do I. I have watched most of his movies.A . presidentB . directorC . actor20. (2分)The at a party is the person who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, or entertainment.A . guestB . customerC . host21. (2分)Most Americans dont like to get advice from members of their family.A . suggestionsB . jobsC . money22. (2分)Can I use the computer?Its Mikes. You should ask him for _.A . apologyB . permissionC . excuse23. (2分)I am not good with my friends. Could you give me some ?Sure. You could communicate with them better.A . adviceB . stampsC . messagesD . reasons24. (2分)Id like some and .A . porridge; vegetableB . broccoli; tomatoesC . potatos; bananasD . French fries; orange juices25. (2分)My father usually buys _ for my mother.A . concert ticketsB . concerts ticketsC . concerts ticketsD . concerts ticket26. (2分)These _are very good. People love them. A . manB . policemanC . womanD . policemen27. (2分)Do you know all those _? A . woman teachersB . men workersC . women teacherD . man workers28. (2分)Peter is my cousin. His mother is my . A . sisterB . motherC . auntD . grandmother29. (2分)There are _ on the trees. A . some leafB . much leafC . some leavesD . any leaves30. (2分)How _ milk and how _ hamburgers do you need?A . much; muchB . much; manyC . many; manyD . many; much31. (2分) What does your sister say in the ? She will buy a new shirt for me.A . telephoneB . QQC . letterD . pen32. (2分)Yesterday, Mrs. Smith gave us _ on how to deal with stress. A . an adviceB . many advicesC . some adviceD . some advices33. (2分)Mr. Li is always patient to give me on how to work out the problems. A . an adviceB . many adviceC . some advice34. (2分)Where is your bike, Alice? Its over there, between _.A . Eric or DaveB . Erics or DaveC . Eric and DavesD . Erics and Daves35. (2分) mothers both work at the station.A . Bob and BillB . Bobs and BillsC . Bobs and BillD . Bob and Bills36. (2分) English is widely used all over the country. Yeah, it is such useful language that my grandma decided to buy English-Chinese dictionary to learn it.A . an, aB . an, anC . a, aD . a, an37. (2分)_ mothers are both nurses in a hospital. A . Tims and PetersB . Tim and PetersC . Tims and PeterD . Tim and Peter38. (2分)The realization of our _ modernization cant do without the development of rural economy and rural urbanization. A . countryB . countrysC . countrysD . countrys39. (2分)_ birthday is on December 25.Oh, December 25th is Christmas Day.A . JohnsB . JohnC . JohnsD . Johns40. (2分)When is Day?Its on June 1st, Dave.A . ChildB . ChildrenC . ChildsD . Childrens第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:名词 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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