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2b1 Mymothertoldmeagoodfriendislikeamirror tell toldtellsb todosth tellsb nottodosth like 喜欢 looklike belike 2 I mquieterandmoreseriousthanmostkids quiet quieterserious moreserious 3 That swhyIlikereadingbooksandIstudyharderinclass likereading liketoreadinclass intheclassroom 4 MybestfriendYuanLiisquiettoo soweenjoystudyingtogether enjoydoing enjoyoneselfhavefun doinghaveagoodtime doing agoodplace havefun tohavefun studytogether playtogether 5 I mshysoit snoteasyformetomakefriends shy shyer shier It s adj forsb todosth 对他来讲学好英语很难 makefriendsbefriends It sverydifficultforhimtolearnEnglishwell 6 ButIthinkfriendsarelikebooks youdon tneedalotofthemaslongasthey regood belike像 needtodosth 需要做某事aslongas只要 既然 1 It snotnecessarytobethesame thesameas 和 相同 与 一致Hisbookisthesameasmine thesame as 和 相同 与 一致Wehavethesamebookasyou bedifferentfrom 与 不同 Mybookisdifferentfrom yours 2 MybestfriendLarryisquitedifferentfromme bedifferentfrom thesameas 3 Heistallerandmoreoutgoingthanme 3 Webothlikesports butheplaystennisbetter sohealwayswins We students A bothareB areboth win wonwin winnerwin 项目 奖品 战争 beat 战胜对手 4 However Larryoftenhelpstobringoutthebestinme helpsb to dosth helpsb withsth bringoutthebest worst insb 使显现 使表现出把某人最好 最坏的一面表现或显露出来 5 SoI mgettingbetterattennis begoodat bebetterat getbetterat 6 Larryismuchlesshard working though hard working morehard workinglesshard working much even alittle far可修饰比较级 用来加强语气 7 Ialwaysgetbettergradesthanhedoes somaybeIshouldhelphimmore getgoodgrade取得好成绩getgoodgrades thanhedoes should 应该 do我们应该努力学习 Weshouldstudyhard 1 Idon treallycareifmyfriendsarethesameasmeordifferent 2 Myfavoritesayingis Atruefriendreachesforyourhandandtouchesyourheart true truly truth reachforone shand伸手帮某人一把touchone sheart打动某人的心 3 MybestfriendCarolisreallykindandveryfunny 4 Infact she sfunnierthananyoneIknow infact确切的说 实际上 事实上anyone Iknow 5 Ibrokemyarmlastyearbutshemademelaughandfeelbetter break brokebreakone sarm leg make mademake sb dosth make sb sth adj 形容词 6 Wecantalkaboutandshareeverything sharesth withsb 和某人分享某物Isharetheappleswithhim 7 Iknowshecaresaboutmebecauseshe salwaystheretolisten careabout关心 在意care careful carefullycareful 细心的 careless 粗心的 becareful当心 小心 细心take good careof lookafter well

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