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Unit4 Unit4Where smyschoolbag SectionB11a 2c tape player tapeplayer What sthisinEnglish It sa clock plane radio modelplane Lead in Myroomistidy 我的房间很整洁 Butmybrother sroomisn ttidy Histhingsarealwayseverywhere 但是 我弟弟的房间却不整洁 他的东西总是到处扔 Presentation 1 radio 3 tapeplayer 5 tape 2 clock 4 modelplane 6 hat a f d e b c Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 1a Lookatthepicturein1aforthreeminutes Thencloseyourbooksandwritedownallthethingsyourremember radio tape tapeplayer clock modelplane hat books table pen eraser ruler pictures bed dresser IDcard bookcase chair pencil watch notebook baseball quilt pencilbox CD 1b Englishbookstapeplayerclockrulernotebooktapemodelplaneradio ListenandcirclethethingsTomwantsfromhisroom Listening 1c TheEnglishbooksareundertheradio Listenagain WhereareTom sthings Writethemdown Therulerisonthebed Thenotebookisunderthemodelplaneinthebookcase Thetapeisinthetapeplayer 1d WherearetheEnglishbooks They reundertheradio Where AskandanswerquestionsaboutthethingsinTom sroom Pairwork 1e bed table sofa clock hat books keys quilt tape chair watch schoolbag radio bookcase CD dictionary Writethewordsyouknowforthethingsinthepicture Writing 2a Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 2 IsGinatidy 1 IsKatetidy Reading I mKate andmysisterisGina I mtidy butGinaisnot Inourroom mybooksandtapesareinthebookcase Mykeysareinmyschoolbag Ihaveaclock It sonthedesk Gina sbooksareeverywhere onherbed onthesofaandunderthechair Thewhitemodelplaneishers It sunderthedesk Wherearemykeys Where smyruler Where smyschoolbag Ginaalwaysasks Let scheckthequestions 2 IsGinatidy No sheisn t 1 IsKatetidy Yes sheis 阅读指导 1 读短文前两句可知 短文中 I 是指Kate Gina是她的妹妹 2 由关键句 I mtidy butGinaisnot 可知答案 问句为一般疑问句 注意回答的方式 CompletethechartaboutthethingsKateandGinahaveandwheretheyare 2c 阅读指导 1 短文中 I 是指Kate 因此 my 是指 凯特的 2 凯特的东西有三项 吉娜的东西列举了两项 然后弄清它们的具体位置 Let schecktheanswers keys inherschoolbag clock onthedesk books modelplane underthedesk Readthepassageagainbyyourself everywhere onherbed onthesofa underthechair keys ruler schoolbag don tknow 1 tapeplayer录音机player名词 播放机CDplayer唱片播放机 拓展 player名词 意为 运动员 e g Herbrotherisagoodplayer 她的哥哥是一位优秀的运动员 Explaination 2 I mKate andmysisterisGina I mtidy butGinaisnot and和but都是连词 把两个独立的短句并列连接为一个较长的句子 英语中把这种由and或but并列连接而成的句子称为 并列句 但它们的用法却不同 见下表 e g Myradioandtapeplayerareonthedesk 我的收音机录音机在桌子上 Jenny sroomistidy butTom sroomisnot 詹妮的房间很整洁 但是汤姆的却不 tidy形容词 意为 整洁的 井井有条的 e g Myaunt sroomisalwayscleanandtidy 我姑姑的房间总是干净整洁的 3 Inourroom mybooksandtapesareinthebookcase ourpron 形容词性物主代词意为 我们的 e g Thisisourclassroom 这是我们的教室 4 Gina sbookareeverywhere onherbed onthesofaandunderthechair everywhereadv 处处 到处 各个地方e g Childrenareeverywhereinthepark 公园里到处都是孩子 5 Ginaalwaysasks alwaysadv 总是always是含有肯定意义的程度副词 其基本意思是指某个行为发生频率的百分之百或某种状态存在的自始至终 e g Tomisalwayslateforschool 汤姆上学总是迟到 一 根据汉语提示填写合适的单词 1 Sonia s 收音机 isonthetable 2 WhereisLinda swhite 飞机模型 3 Ihavea 闹钟 It sonmydesk 4 Gina spensandpencilsare 到处 5 IthinkKate sroomis 井井有条的 radio modelplane clock everywhere tidy Exercises 1 Whereismybaseball mom It s 2 In room somepicturesareonthewall 3 Thewhitemodelplane theyellowtapesareEric s underthebed our and 二 用方框中单词的适当形式填空 our and underthebed but English 4 Arethe booksyours Mike 5 Lucyistidy Lilyisn ttidy English but 三 单项选择1 yourmodelplane It sintheroom A Who sB Where sC Where re 2 Isthebaseballonthesofa No it s thesofa A onB inC under 3 AretheEnglishbooksundertheradio A No itisn tB Yes theyareC No theyare 4 Ihaveatapeplayer Idon thaveatape A andB orC but5 InJack sroom hisbooksandpensare A everywhereB somewhereC anywhere 四 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 每空一词 1 英语书在收音机的下面 TheEnglishbooksare 2 凯特的书在书橱里 Kate sbooksare 3 我有一台录音机 它在桌子上 I atapeplayer It s undertheradio inthebookcase have onthetable 4 录音机和磁带在我们英语老师的房间里 The andthetapesarein Englishteacher sroom 5 他总是问爸妈问题 He hisparentsquestions taperecorder our alwaysasks 复习并将所学的词汇分类 然后记忆所学的生词 2 ReviewSectionB2b Homework

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