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外研版2020届九年级英语第三次适应性考试试卷D卷一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)完形填空 Do you ever watch old films?Maybe you will see one with Carole Lombard. She was a famous1in the 1930s.She died when she was only 34. In her2life she made 70 films!Lombards real name was Jane Alice Peters. In about 1921, she was playing baseball in the 3near her home. A film director4her and decided to put her in a film. She was about 13 at that time. The film was one of the last silent films. She acted(表演)so well that she5the hearts of some people. At 16, she left school to act.In 1925, she had an agreement with a6studio, 20th Century Fox. The studio gave7a new name, and she acted in several films. Then, at age 18, she was in a bad car accident. The accident left scars(伤疤)on her face. The studio broke the agreement, but she did not8. She continued to act.It was Paramount Pictures that made Lombard a9. She made many films for the studio. She also married two of their stars. Lombard was married to actor William Powell for only 26 months.10seven years later, she married the great love of her life, actor Clark Gable. It was a great Hollywood love story.(1)A . nurse B . actress C . doctor (2)A . short B . lazy C . long (3)A . kitchen B . classroom C . street (4)A . forgot B . saw C . hurt (5)A . broke B . avoided C . won (6)A . dance B . film C . music (7)A . me B . it C . her (8)A . give up B . have a try C . make sure (9)A . scientist B . writer C . star (10)A . But B . Before C . Since 2. (10分)通读全文,根据短文理解,选择正确答案填空。What do you do at weekends? Some people like to 1at home, but others like to go for a walk 2have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the 3. At weekends he always4the same thing. On Saturday he 5his car and on 6he takes his family to a nearby village. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a 7one, but theres always 8to do. The children help with the animals and give them their 9, Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all 10and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.(1)A . play B . live C . stay D . like (2)A . and B . or C . but D . so (3)A . day B . time C . autumn D . week (4)A . does B . makes C . borrows D . has (5)A . watches B . drives C . sells D . washes (6)A . Monday B . Sunday C . Saturday D . Wednesday (7)A . small B . big C . hard D . short (8)A . much B . little C . fast D . far (9)A . clothes B . places C . food D . water (10)A . clean B . late C . happy D . kind 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3. (6分)阅读下面材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。BWe know mosquitoes very well. Mosquitoes(蚊子)fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide if she loves you. She? Yes, she. The male(男性的) mosquito doesnt bite! Only the female(女性的) mosquito bites because she needs blood(血) to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesnt like your blood, she will turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. Youre different from the others!If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. When the itch begins, she has flown away.And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, in a tree or on a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs.(1)We know Mosquitoes very well because_.A . they are very famous and popularB . they fly here and thereC . there are many kinds of themD . they can bite(2)mosquitoes usually bite you _.?A . when youre asleep.B . to draw your attentionC . very quickly and quietlyD . because she doesnt like you.(3)which of following is wrong?A . some mosquitoes dont bite people.B . itching begins after being bitten by a mosquito.C . female mosquitoes need blood to lay eggs.D . mosquitoes bites everyone.4. (10分) One day a dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” The dentist thought he must be very ill. His assistant helped to make the poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick, doctor, quick.”“Its all right now,” the dentist told him, “Its over.”“You dont understand,” said the man, “I came to tell you your house is on fire.”(1)The story took place _.A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the eveningD . at night(2)When the man ran in, the dentist thought he must be _.A . overB . illC . all rightD . rich(3)The man _ after he took some medicine.A . began to workB . began to cryC . went homeD . went to sleep(4)The dentist pulled _ out of the mans mouth.A . a toothB . a bad toothC . all the bad teethD . all the teeth(5)The man ran in _.A . because he was illB . because he wanted to sleepC . to tell the doctor that he was all rightD . to tell the dentist that his house was on fire5. (10分)阅读理解 I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. So they cant learn it well. But English is very easy for me. Im good at it. Im very glad to tell you something about how I study English.First, I think an interest in English is very important. When I was in Grade One, we had a new subject-English. It was fresh to me. I became interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! Since then, I have been learning English harder and harder. Our English teacher often taught us English songs, and the songs sounded nice. I often think how interesting English is!Second, English is another language different from our Chinese. We should learn it in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully in class, speak bravely, read aloud and have a larger and larger vocabulary, and then practice again and again. And I have a good habit: whenever I have a question, I must make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand it!Besides, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. From these I know English is not only interesting, but also useful. They help me understand a lot of things. So, to do more reading is an important way to learn English well.And I also do some exercises in our workbooks, and I keep English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.Now I have learned English for more than two years. I am always in the first place in our class. Of course, I hope every classmate of mine can learn English well, too.(1)Why do some students often have a headache when studying English? A . Because they often catch a cold.B . Because its often very cold.C . Because they think English is easy.D . Because they dont think English is easy.(2)The writer tells us that we should be _ in English if we want to learn it well. A . excitedB . interestedC . quietD . happy(3)The sentence I got a very good mark means . A . I got a good wayB . I had a good ideaC . I did badly in the examD . I did well in the exam(4)The writer thinks English is interesting because . A . English is full of storiesB . English is full of jokesC . his teacher often teaches the students nice English songs in classD . of nothing(5)Which of the following is NOT the way the writer studies? A . Speaking bravely.B . Writing to foreign friends.C . Reading aloud.D . Keeping English diaries.6. (10分)阅读理解Need to buy something? Why go to a store? Buy it on the Internet! Need it now? Why wait? Ask to receive it the next day! Each day, more and more people try on-line shopping. In fact, online sales have doubled in the last ten years. But not everyone is excited. Some scientists now say that online shopping is bad for the environment.People are surprised to hear this. They think, I dont need to drive, and the business doesnt need to build a store, so there will be less pollution, says Nuria Prost, an environmental scientist. But it is not so simple. In fact, online shopping is wasteful. It also adds to air pollution.In truth, the Internet is not always as good a friend to the environment as it seems. For example, most people thought that the Internet would help offices use less paper and other materials. But paper use increased by33percent between 1986 and 1997.Online shopping could have similarly harmful results, says Nevil Cohen, a researcher of environmental science. Part of the problem is what people are buying these days. In the past, people bought things on the Internet that did not require much packing material, such as books and clothing. But now people also shop online for large, heavy pro ducts such as televisions, computers, chairs and tables. These products need to be packed in lots of plastic and paper. This creates a lot of waste.Another problem caused by online shopping is air pollution. When customers buy products and ask to receive them the next day, online businesses often have to send them by air. Airplanes use much more oil than cars and produce more carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). When people buy a lot of different things from different online businesses, this creates even more travel by airplane. Online product returns are also a problem. For example, an online shoe store may allow customers to return shoes for free if they are wrong size. This doubles the packing materials and number of airline trips required to sell one pair of shoes.If people want to protect the environment, they need to think before they shop, says Prost. People need to ask themselves: Is this exactly what I want? Do I really need it tomorrow, or can I wait? Online stores can also ask customers to pay money for returns. This may make people shop more carefully. Online shopping is fast and easy, says Prost, but we cant forget the harmful result it has caused to the environment.(1)The passage begins with several questions to . A . introduce the main topicB . describe online shoppingC . show the writers opinionD . list advantages of shopping(2)What is the passage mainly about? A . The Internet is not good to the environment.B . Online shopping causes more air pollution.C . Online shopping is bad for the environment.D . Stop online shopping to protect the environment.(3)Which of the following is to show that online shopping is wasteful? A . Large products need more packing materials.B . Paper use increased by 33 percent about ten years.C . Businesses need to build a store to sell the products.D . Online shopping costs less than shopping in a store.(4)What is probably the best title of the passage? A . A Good Deal to MakeB . A Different Lifestyle to KeepC . A Cleaner Way to ShopD . A New Business to Start(5)Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage?(P=Paragraph) A . B . C . D . 三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共24分)7. (5分)每天运动使那个老人看起来强壮。 _ _every day _the old man _ _.8. (3分)英国的公寓真的与北京的不同。The flats in Britain_those in Beijing.9. (2分)这些是关于使你自己成为更好的人(的东西)。These are _a _person.10. (3分)我们打算明天要去参观他们的学校。We _visit their school tomorrow.11. (1分)他们现在已经停止尝试了。They have_now12. (1分)她的脸上总带着温暖的微笑。A _ is always on her face.13. (3分)妈妈总是希望我尽最大努力实现目标。Mother always _try my best to_my goal.14. (2分)她将在星期六到达南京。She will _Nanjing on Saturday.15. (2分)He doesnt go to school _ _(因为)the bad weather. 16. (2分)虽然作业很难,但是玛丽独自完成了。Though the homework was very difficult, Mary finished it _ _.四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。together factory beauty pollute howAnna: What is the topic of your project?Alice: About _ in our city.Anna: It is a good topic.Alice: The pollution is rather serious. Its said that some _ pour waste water into the river near our city.Anna: It may pollute our water.Alice: Youre right. We should do a survey near the river and take action.Anna: _ great your idea is!Alice: Ill write my report and do something for it. Would you love to do it with me?Anna: Sure! Lets work _.Alice: The city is our home. It is our duty to make it clean and _.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)下面是一篇关于如何学习一门语言的短文,请仔细阅读,然后根据信息卡内容的要求填入相关信息。Language Learning TipsSinging in the Shower One of the most pleasant ways to practice a new language is to sing your favorite songs while youre taking a shower. Then you can take a look at the lyrics to see if youve missed any words. Have fun, but dont waste too much waterBy MariaDont Worry About Mistakes! Dont worry too much about mistakes. Its a part of learning a new language and youll learn much more quickly by having a try at speaking than by saying nothing. In fact. People are only pleased to hear you trying to speak their language and think its OK if you dont get it exactly rightBy LeeTalk to Your Animal Friends I talk to my pets in other languages, give them a common name in that language, and have them talk back in the language. My dog Ben, seems to understand me well even in a new language.By KeithRecord Your Voice Listen to the made by a native speaker. Read the same text and record your voice. Now listen to both of them carefully to find out the differences and the weak points in your pronunciation. Its a great way to improve your speaking skillsBy Shirin(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_(5)_六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。其中有两项是多余的A. Youre welcome!B. First, find out the reason why you didnt do well in the math exam.C. You did them so well.D. Is there anything wrong?E. How are you feeling today?F. But how can you help me with my math?A: Hi,Lisa! You look upset. _.B: Yes. I did badly in the math exam. Im afraid to tell my parents about it. I think they will be unhappy.A: _. Though your parents are strict with you, they also love you.B: You are right. But what can I do?A: _. Then, work hard at your math. And I can help you with it.B: Its really kind of you. _.A: You can come to my house after school every day.B: Thank you so much!A: _.20. (5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A:Hi, Susan, the air is badly polluted now. I hardly ever see blue skies.B:_A:Well, there are more cars on the road these days.B:Yes, thats right. Would you like to help save the environment?A:Id love to._Can you give some ideas for us?B:I think we should take the bus or the subway instead of driving.A:Youre an environment protector. What else?B:Riding a bike is a good way._A:I think so._B:I guess theres too much rubbish and waste in the streets.A:You mean, waste pollution?B:Yeah, I think we can do simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping.A:Oh, I did that a year ago. And I never use wooden chopsticks when I buy take-away food.B:Youre a protector, too._Lets take action together.A. What other problems can you see?B. Im interested in planting trees.C. But I dont have any ideas.D. How long has it been like that?E. Whats more, its good for our health and it doesnt cost anything.F. What do you think has caused this problem?G. This is turning ugly places into beautiful ones七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)十月四日是世界动物日,你校组织以“I want to be a volunteer of protecting animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。假如李明参加比赛,请你以李明的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下:品质善良,善待动物,勤劳爱好事迹组织慈善义演,为Save Chinas Tigers筹款感悟动物是人类的朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己打算要求:词数不少于80。演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。所写短文必须包括以上内容,自由发挥的内容必须围绕主题。I want to be a volunteer of protecting animalsHello,everyoneIm Li MingI want to be a volunteer of protecting animals.Thanks for listening!第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。 (共10题;共24分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18-1、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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