六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How tall are you Lets check and C story time课件 人教PEP版.ppt

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六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How tall are you Lets check and C story time课件 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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Unit1 Let scheckandCstorytime 写出下列词语的比较级或把比较级变为原级tall 9 happier thinner 10 strong heavy 11 sad longer 12 angry big 13 funny hotter 14 smaller sunny 15 windy good 16 many taller thin heavier long bigger hot sunnier well happy stronger sadder angrier funnier small windier more Canyousay Thebearisshorterthanthegiraffe Thegiraffeistallerthanthebear Canyousay Theelephantisbiggerthanthemonkey Themonkeyisshorterthantheelephant Theelephantisheavierthanthemonkey Thefatherisolderthanthegirl Thegirlisyoungerthanthefather Canyousay Thelittledog searislongerthanbigdog Thebigdog searisshorterthanthelittledog Let swrapitup longer stronger bigger sadder hotterangrier sunnier funnier happier windier PartC Zebra 斑马 Theyneedagoalkeeper 守门员 Deer 鹿 I dliketohaveatry 试一试 Giraffe 长颈鹿 Me too Dog Ican twait 我等不及了 Wewantagoalkeeper Zoom Howtallareyou Deer Iam1 8metres Zip Howheavyareyou Deer Iam86kilograms Zip MrZebrais10centimetres 厘米 tallerthanMrDeer Zoom Yes andheisstronger Buthecan tcatchtheball 但是它接不到球 Storytime Giraffe Iamthetallestone Zip Sorry Youneckistoolong Theotherscan treachyou Footballneedteamwork Hippo 河马 What shappeninghere 这里正在发生什么 Zip Oh Hereistheonewewant 这就是我们想要的那个 Zoom Why Heistooheavy Zip Weneedabigguy 我们需要一个大家伙 Zoom Oh Heisalmostbiggerthanthegoal 球门 Dog Yes Heisanexcellent 优秀的 goalkeeper 1 Howmanyanimalswanttobethegoalkeeper A 4B 3C 5 2 HowtallisMrDeer A 86kgB 180cmC 10cm 3 WhydoesGiraffefailtobethegoalkeeper A Becauseheistoostrong B Becauseheistoobig C Becauseheistootall 4 Whydoesn tZoomthinkHippocanbethegoalkeeper A Becauseheistooheavy B Becauseheistoolow C Becauseheistoolight 5 WhyHippocanbeanexcellentgoalkeeper A Becauseheisheavyenough B Becauseheisalmostbiggerthanthegoal C Becauseheisanexcellentfootballer C B B A B 单项选择题 1 I m48kg I m thanyou A tallerB heavyC heavier2 Thepigis thantheelephant A heavierB biggerC smaller 3 How areyou I m164cm A longB heavyC tall4 I mtwoyears thanyou A youngB shorterC younger 5 1 60m A Howtallareyou B Howlongareyourlegs C Howoldareyou 6 How isyourbestfriend Thirteenyearsold A oldB tallC heavy 7 HowtallisChenJie A Heis12yearsold B I m1 47m C Sheis1 50m 8 当你想知道汤姆有多高时 你应该问 A Howlongareyou B Howtallareyou C Howlargeareyou 9 当你想知道你的朋友的体重时 你应该说 A Howtallareyou B Howoldareyou C Howheavyareyou 10 I m thanyou A strongB thinC thinner11 How isyourpencil A tallB longC longer12 I m5 olderthanyou A yearsB cmC year C B A 13 Tom是1 60米高 Sarah是1 57米高 可以说 A TomistallerthanSarah B TomisshorterthanSarah C Tomis3cmshorterthanSarah 14 百灵比Mike大两岁 可以说 A BaiLingis2kgheavierthanMike B BaiLingistwoyearsbiggerthanMike C MikeistwoyearsyoungerthanBaiLing 15 John有45公斤 Mike有50公斤 我们不能说 A MikeisstrongerthanJohn B MikeisthinnerthanJohn C Mikeis5kgheavierthanJohn 16 LiuYun shairis18cm ChenJie shairis4cmshorterthanLiuYun s HowlongisChenJie shair A 14cmB 15cmC 22cm 17 Mikeis2kgheavierthanSarah 是什么意思 A Mike比Sarah重2公斤 B Sarah比Mike重2千克 C Mike比Sarah大2岁 18 Youare1yearolderthanme 是表达什么意思 A 我比你大一岁 B 我比你小一岁 C 我比你老一岁 选出与划线部分意思相反的一项 1 WuYifanis158cmtall A smallB shortC heavier 2 AmyissmallerthanSue A bigB biggerC biggest 3 Who sheavierthanyou A longerB strongerC thinner B B C 4 I molderandbiggerthanyou A tallerandsmallerB youngerandsmallerC youngerandheavier 5 I m176cm I mthetallestoneinourclass A smallestB thinnestC shortest B C 找出 栏中与 栏中相对应的答语 把标号填入题前括号 1 Howheavyareyou A Theyaresize39 2 Howtallareyou B I m15yearsold 3 Howoldareyou C I m45kg 4 Whatsizeareyourshoes D I m158cmtall 5 Howlongareyourbed E Itis200cm C D B A E IV 根据表格信息选择正确选项 多选 ChenJieisolderthanMike JohnisheavierthanChenJie Mikeis2yearsyoungerthanChenJie Johnis1yearolderthanMike Johnis5kgthinnerthanMike 绿色圃中小学教育网http www L 绿色圃中小学教育网http www L F Johnis2cmshorterthanMike G Johnis10cmtallerthanChenJie H ChenJieisshorterandyoungerthanJohn I JohnisheavierthanMikeandJohn 填空1 Theredruleris20cm Theyellowruleris10cmTheyellowruleristhantheredruler 2 Iam160cmtall Heis170cmtall Heisthanme 3 ZhangPengis8yearsold Amyis10yearsold AmyisthanZhangPeng 4 Sarah smotheris30yearsold John sfatheris40yearsold Sarah smotheristhanJohn sfather 5 Lucyis30kg Lilyis36kg LilyisthanLucy longer taller older younger heavier 对划线部分提问 1 Iam1 65metrestall areyou 2 Sheis45kilograms isshe 3 Size37 areyourshoes 4 Size35 同义句 How tall How heavy What size Iwearsize35shoes 1 Thisdog stailislong Thatdog stailis AlongBlongerCheavier2 Howtallareyou LiuXiang AI m74kg BIwearsize43 CI m188cm 3 How areyou I m40kg A muchB heavyC many4 How isTom Heis160cmtall A heavyB tallC big5 Mybrotheris thanme A heavyB heavierC heavyer 七 连词成句 注意标点符号 1 tail his longer is 2 he shorter is me than 3 are bigger than yours my hands 4 taller I and stronger you thanam 5 smaller head his is Histailislonger Heisshorterthanme Myhandsisbiggerthanyours Iamtallerandstrongerthanyou Hisheadissmaller 情景对话 1 Howoldareyou 3 Howtallareyou 5 Howdoyouusuallygotoschool 10 howdoyoufeel 9 Howareyou a I m12 b Ifeelhappy c I m158cmtall d Onfoot e Fine Thankyou a c d b e


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