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建筑业的竞争及竞争策略摘要美国的工程建筑公司几十年来一直控制着国际建筑市场,但近来世界上发生的事件改变了它的主导地位。为了调查今后十年对工程建筑竞争产生影响的推动力及趋势,由建筑工业研究院的2000年建筑特别工作组:发起一项称为“2000年建筑市场竞争分析”的研究项目。关键词建筑 企业 竞争 市场随着经济的不断发展,建筑业也在如火如荼的发展中,建筑业行业竞争激烈,企业要想在激烈的竞争中取胜,还需要做更多的努力。1 项目基本介绍1.1该研究项目考察了一些影响竞争的因素企业能力塑造:采用纵向联合,横向发展的方法,提高企业的综合能力。扩大市场领地,这种做法包括被海外的联合企业收购或被其合并,或是由美国公司收购外国公司。筹措资金的选择方法:私有化作用,建筑权力转让项目,未来市场中工程筹资特征。管理、组织及结构:未来的经营管理及组织方法、组织结构、组织技巧要有利于引导职员在世界竞争环境中发挥作用。劳力特征:未来具有专业水平和技工水平的工程建筑工人的供求情况技术问题:技术将如何影响竞争,如何用来弥补劳力不足的缺陷。1.2研究目标及范围这一研究项目的目标是收集信息,使之为适应2000年及以后的工程建筑业在调整、制定策略方面的需要提供真知灼见,并制定出2000年工程建筑业的可能的发展计划。这项研究回顾了工程建筑业的历史过程,审视了当前的发展趋势,以确定影响该工业未来的推动力,与该工业相关的有重塑企业能力,私有化及筹措资金方法的潜在作用以及经营管理、组织方法、公司结构方面的未来发展方向。研究范围包括选定一些公司,采访这些公司有专业特长的人员。这些人员的专业涉及面很广,包括商业建筑,重工业建筑,公共事业设施建设,基础建设轻工业建筑,电力,生产程序以及航天科学。2 各国建筑业市场分析80年代发生的事件,以及计划在90年代实施的项目,正在引导建筑业摆脱相互对立的局面,转向相互合作。应该以积极的眼光看待新的公司进入国际工程建筑市场,因为它增加了全球合作的机遇。2.1美国建筑市场分析合作关系会使所有的伙伴受益,这是因为美国公司可以在合作伙伴的国家找到机遇,同样,外国公司也会打入美国市场。美国建筑公司的未来发展战略,到2000年,美国的公司将努力做到:提供最高质量的服务;可以承担世界任何一个地方的工程施;另劈蹊径,以降低并控制风险;拿出参与国际市场最有竞争力的价格,为了实现这一理想,工程建筑业必须增加人员资本投资;提高劳力的知识及技术水平;具备坚实完备的通讯及运输基础设施;集中精力搞重点研究,产品优良,质量有保障,并注意激发工人们的积极性,提高工人的技术水平。二十一世纪形响竞争的主要因素将包括一体化的国际市场,供过于求的生产力,工会确定工资的权力减弱,减少对工业的管理及私有化的实现。美国公司的竞争能力,很大程度上取决于大力开展并有效地利用技术革新。美国公司不仅需要利用国内的技术革新,还要利用其他国家优化改进了的技术。在未来将流行的技术革新将不是一些大的技术突破,而是对现存技术的不断改进。2.2英国建筑公司概况90年代初,头脑灵活的建筑商们除了不搞建筑,别的什么营生可能都干,许多建筑公司遭受过经济萧条的严重打击,经历了与过度膨胀的房地产业同样的厄运。但是,当看到他们的难兄难弟们在房地产业方面大把大把地赚钱时,他们中的大部分人为了摆脱困境又把赌注重重地压在房地产开发市场上。由阿兰考克肖先生领导的艾莫克公司享有在老本行上能挣现钱的盛誉,并能保持资产负债表平衡。不过,在世界上其他的一些地区,这家公司也陷人一片困境之中,尤其是在美国,由于路易斯安那州石油和天然气市场的不景气,这一情况尤其突出,在英国的商业和工业房地产市场方面这家公司也面临困境,利润随之而暴跌。而且情况还有变得更糟的危险。瓦利特发展公司,这个英国90年代初期第三大房屋建筑商,可能是因为将伦敦郊区都尔威一处仿乔治时代建筑物出售给了前首相撒切尔夫人而举世闻名。该公司的性格独特的主席劳利瓦利特先生经常得益于“铁夫人”给予他的公开支持。这种近似神话般的福气使他似乎注定还要享受一阵子。事实上,瓦利特公司也受到房产业不景气的影响,只是在劳利的强有力的领导下,该公司现在又朝着恢复其更强劲的金融地位迈进。劳利退休后又重新执掌局面(1991年秋他退休后为救活该公司又被召回)。正像它的大多数经营对手一样,瓦利特公司在房产业市场也遭受了暴跌的严重打击,虽然在1993年初,该公司成为被IBCA机构提高长期信用等级的第一家建筑公司时业务发展了一阵子。约翰莱英公司的情况则不同,已很好地经受住了最近世界建筑业方面困难的冲击。他们具有雄厚的资本,还清醒地认识到他们不得不大幅度降低资产的帐面价值。例如,早在1990年,他们就在地产银行中划减了1 200万英镑的价值。在此之后,他们又削减了26的劳动力。尽管他们的住房销售情况目前依然相当良好,但其赢利却减少了。莱英公司还以最关注环境问题而闻名于世。塔迈克公司的状况与瓦利特形成了鲜明的对比,在1993年初,他们的信用等级被IBCA机构降低了。该公司在80年代大部分时间里试图向世人证明他们是英国最大的建筑商,结果信息一旦被人了解后,又后悔不迭,倒但愿此事从没发生过。他们苦于应付高的增长速度,不得不大幅度削减住房建造业务。不过塔迈克公司目前仍然是英国最大的建筑和建材集团公司。1992年10月,他们关闭了房地产业务,这是将其目前的七个经营业务裁减到三个(建筑、采石和住宅建造)的计划的一部分。耐维尔辛蝇斯,这位集团公司的总裁,在该公司供职22年后,于1992年春坐上了目前这把烫屁股的交椅。人们认为,随着房地产向题的曝光,这一位置已到了岌岌可危的地步,这其中包括数个在公司资产负债表外的大型联合企业,而这些联合企业业务的开展,实际上会使集团公司的债台更加高筑。泰勒伍德劳斯的房地产业衰退的不愉快经历集中体现在1992年的秋季,当时其房地产都以理彼得赫基突然辞职,这事也就发生在其前任彼得兆提出辞呈引起众人震惊之后仅几个月。屋漏偏逢连阴雨,随后,泰勒伍德劳斯宣布由于经营不善,造成了严重的亏损。虽然建筑承包业务的重要地位正日益衰退,但公司三分之二的收益仍来自这部分业务。不过,该公司拥有巨额投资资产有价证券,每年租金收益超过5000万英镑。该公司已不再开展风险性大的开发业务项目,重新介入至少要等到局势好转以后。2.3东欧建筑市场竞争形势分析前言当前,东欧的经济改革引起了混乱,因此这些地区的贸易活动同新的经济体制相互冲突。分析专家们指出,从长远的观点看,采用市场经济政策会带来一个更稳定,更有利的经济环境。东欧政治经济上的改革将会为那些愿意来这一地区投资的公司创造一个很大的可赚钱的市场。如果保持目前的增长势头,要不了多久,东欧每年5640亿美元的建筑市场将会占国际建筑业市场的三分之一以上。这一地区的开放形势为世界范围的建筑业开辟了一块新天地。3 研究的目标目前研究的目标是要建立一个战路框架,使国际工程建筑公司可以制定出可行的策略方案,并可以对之加以评价。已推出的战略框架对于东欧以外的工程建筑公司在这一地区开展建筑业务很有帮助。为了衡量该地区市场机遇与挑战情况,我们发出了调查表并进行个人访谈,这有助于确认重要的成功因素或方面。从而阐明了工程建筑公司在确定他们的策略时必须具备的特性。通过这项研究建立起来的战略框架已运用于该地区的一项实际建筑工程,一家国际工程建筑公司正考虑承接这项工程),以检验这一战略框架在具体市场环境下的效果如何。4 研究结果分析住房一直是现代生活中最重要的需求之一。家庭对更宽敞、舒适的住房需求日益增加,且希望有更多的可自由支配的收入用在购房上。其结果是,独户家庭住宅变得非常昂贵。除此之外,新的人口统计数据表明目前需要将现有的房产转变为分套出售的住宅开发、娱乐性房产和退休人员的居住社区。商业和工业地产投资也很看好。为了在市场范围内判断哪些房地产比较紧俏,对市场进行认真的分析是很重要的。不过,许多投资的前景都很乐观。就经济的可行性而言,未来的房地产投资呈现出强劲的势头。不过在总的经济环境条件下,也不可排除它的“低潮”期。假如投资商能够制定出一个稳妥的策略,那么他们将会获得可观的收益。这些策略包括有效经营和管理地产,分析问题所在,并给予纠正,处理房主与承租者之间的矛盾,了解投资的作用及其对投资项目所产生的影响,把政府在限制产权方面所起的作用纳人计划之中。房地产的投资者能否主宰市场这个问题同房地产收益是否已超过普通股票收益的问题一样,也是一个老问题。实际上没有理由相信一个投资者会利用相同的市场信息和分析技能在长期的经营中能够获得超额利润。不过,利用内部消息,有效的数据分析和复杂分析方法,这样的投资者很可能能够做出比其对手更好的抉择。房地产市场继续为按房地产投资过程投资并减少“信息费”而获得较好成果的投资者们提供机会。可创收的房地产也可以按照收人水平和租金等级并根据地理位置分类。城区位置的经济影响对房地产价值产生的效果很大,因此对经济环境的分析十分重要。然而,某些位置的土地明显地更适合于特定用途。例如,在新开发的城市住宅区内,土地可能太昂贵,就不适于开发密度低的花园式的项目。由于很难用精确的方式预测将来要发生的事件,预测与实际结果间的差异可能导致一些严重的问题。过高地估计租金增长率或将来的出售价格,过低地估计营运费用,或未能充分确定设备更新费用都会引起产重的现金流动问题。未能履行债务义务或房地产课税留置权可能被强制取消。所有这几点都与投资者密切相关。Construction of the competition and competition strategyEngineering and construction firms from the United States dominated the global market for many decades but recent world events have altered their position.To investigate the driving forces and trends that will affect engineering and construction competition in the next decade, a research project, called the Anatomy of Construction Competition in the Year 2000, was sponsored by the Construction Industry Institutes Construc-tion 2000 Task Force- The project examined the factors that affect competitiveness, including the following,The shaping of corporate capabilities; vertical integration and horizontal expansion to increase corporate capabilities and market share, including acquisition and mergers by offshore conglomerates and the acquisition of foreign firms by U. S. companies.Financing options; the role of privatization, build-own-transfer projects, and the nature of project financing in future markets,Management, organization, and structure; future management and organizational approaches, structures, and techniques to attract personnel to perform in a global competitive environment.Work force characteristics; future availability of engineering and construction workers at the professional and craft levels.Technological issues:how technology will affect competition and be used to offset work force shortages.Research Objectives and ScopeThis research projects goal is to collect information, to adapt to the 2000 and the engineering construction after adjustment, formulate strategies needed to provide insight and formulate 2000 engineering construction of possible development plan. This study reviewed the project construction process of history, current development trend, to determine the impact of the industry, and the impetus to the future industrial enterprises are related to reshape the ability, privatisation and financing methods of potential function and management, organization structure, methods for future development direction.Research scope includes selected some of the company, the company has interviewed expertise personnel. The staff professional wide range, including commercial buildings, public buildings, industrial infrastructure, infrastructure construction, power, light industry. The production process and space science.Engineering construction competitive characteristicsEngineering construction of competition because the following reasons in change features:In the 1980s, and plan in the 1990s, the implementation of the project construction are guided from contradictory situation, to cooperate.Should be in a positive view of the new company to enter the international market, because of its construction increased global cooperation opportunities. Cooperation will make all the partners, because the American company benefit can be found in the country partner, likewise, foreign companies opportunities will break into the U.S. Market.Competitive strategyFuture strategyIn 2000, the company will strive to do:Provide the highest quality serviceCan assume any part of the worldIn order to reduce the split ground and risk controlOut in international market the most competitive priceIn order to achieve the ideal, engineering construction should be:Increase staff capital investmentThe knowledge and improve labor technology levelHave solid complete communications and transport infrastructureConcentrate on key research, product quality is guaranteed, fine, and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers, improve workers technology level.The 21st century is the main factor fractal ring will compete in the international market, including the integration of productivity, union salary to abate, reduce the power industry management and privatization.American company competition ability, largely depends on developing and effective use of technical innovation. American companies need not only use the technical innovation, domestic by other countries optimization improved technology. In the future will be popular technology innovation will not some big breakthrough, but the existing technology continuous improvements.British buildings company profileIn the early 1990s, the head of the flexible builders who dont make a building, but what else can do, making many buildings company suffered a serious blow the economic depression, experienced and excessive expansion of real estate industry also. But, when he saw them in the real estate industry (in the big money, most of them in order to disencumber the bet down again in the real estate market.By Alan cosmas indicopleustes under the leadership of Mr. Shaw ai enjoy in the old field company Mercks reputation can earn cash on the balance sheet, and can keep the balance. However, in some areas of the world, the company also man a dilemma, especially in the United States, the change from a Louisiana oil and natural gas market of recession, it is especially outstanding in Britain, the commercial and industrial real estate market, the company is faced with a difficult situation, with profits. And it also became worse.The companys development, walid UK early 1990s third big house builders, probably because London suburb will have a copy from the era of George sell buildings of former prime minister Margaret thatcher and world-famous. The companys character, chairman of the unique Laurie walid from Mr Often give iron lady public support. The approximate mythological blessing that he seemed destined to enjoy. In fact, the company also is different, the influence of the housing slump is strong in Laurie, under the leadership of the company now recover its stronger towards the financial status. Laurie retired charge again situation (1991 fall after his retirement he restored to the company recalled). As most of its business competitors, the industry in different market also suffered a serious blow, although the slump in 1993, the company is beginning to improve long-term credit rating IBCA institution of the first buildings company business development for a while.John, the company is different, have very good to withstand the latest world construction difficulties. They have abundant capital, clearly recognized that they have greatly reduced the book value of the asset. For example, in early 1990, they in real estate in the bank delimit lost 1 2m value. After that, they cut and labor. Despite their housing sales still quite good, but its profit is reduced. The company is in most lai attention is famous for its environmental problems.The status and the tower mike company walid special form bright contrast, in 1993, their credit rating agency reduced by IBCA. This company in the 1980s most time trying to prove to the world that they are the UKs biggest builders, the information being understanding, and either, but hopefully it never happened. They suffer from cope with high growth rate cuts, to build houses. But the company is still tower mike Britains biggest construction and building materials group company. October 1992, they closed the real estate business, and this is the will of the seven business to three (building, quarrying and residential building) part of the plan. Michael essien, Somerville, resistant to fly, the groups President, in the company after 22 years in the spring of 1992, sit on the seat of the hot ass. People think that the housing problem of exposure, this position has arrived at the point, which including several on a companys balance sheet of the large-scale joint enterprise, joint enterprise business, actually makes corporation debts machine more.Taylor wood of real estate industry recession Royce unpleasant experiences embodied in 1992, when the estate of autumn is Daniel Peter HeJi sudden resignation, it also happens in its predecessor, Peter trillion resigned after all shocked by only a few months. Home, then reverse, Taylor wood Rolls-Royce announced due to bad management, caused severe losses. Although construction contracting business increasingly important status in a recession, but company two-thirds of income from this business is. However, the company has a huge investment assets securities, rental income more than 5 year 2000 million pounds. The company has no longer conduct risky business projects, at least until the situation in better later.Eastern European architectural market competition situation analysisAt present, the economic reforms of the eastern Europe, thus caused confusion of these areas of business activities with the new economic system. Experts say, analyzed from a long-term perspective, using the market economic policy will bring a more stable, and more favorable economic environment. The reform of political economy in eastern Europe will be for those who are willing to invest in this area of the company to create a lot of money but market. If you keep the momentum, before long, eastern Europe 5640 billion dollars each year for the construction of international construction market will be more than one-third of the market. This area is open to the world situation inaugurated a new construction.The future trend of real estate investmentHousing has been the most important in the modern life of demand. Families with more spacious and comfortable housing demand has increased, and hope to have more disposable income in the house. As a result, households residential become very expensive. In addition, the new population statistics show that currently existing housing needs to sell the house of points, recreational property and retiree community. Commercial and industrial real estate investment is also very good. In order to judge what real estate market within the scope of comparative spruce, analyzed the market is very important. However, many investment prospects are very optimistic.The feasibility of the economy, the future of the investment real estate showing strong. But in general economic conditions, also do not exclude it low period. If investors can develop a safety strategy, so they will get considerable income. These strategies including effective operation and management, analyzes the problem, real estate and correct treatment, the contradiction between the owner and the occupiers and understand the role of investment and investment project, the influence of the government in property.The real estate investor can dominate the market this problem with real estate income has more than ordinary shares, the problem is an old problem. Actually no reason to believe that an investor can use the same market information and analytical skills in long-term operation can obtain excess profit. However, using internal message, data analysis and complex analysis method, so investors will probably make a better choice than its competitors. According to the real estate market, real estate investment process for investment and reduce costs and obtain good results provide the opportunity of investors.But the real income in accordance with the income level can rent levels and geographical location and according to the classification. The position of urban real estate value economic influence the effect of economic environment, so the analysis is very important. However, some places of the land clearly more suitable for specific purposes. For example, in the development of new urban residential area, the land may be too expensive, is not suitable for the development of low density garden project.Because it is so hard to use accurate way to predict future events, forecast and actual differences between the results may cause some serious problems. Overestimates rent rate or future price, low operation cost estimates, or to determine equipment renewal fee will cause serious cash flow problems. Fail to fulfill debt obligations or real estate tax lien may be compelled to cancel. All these things are closely related with investors.

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