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上海版八校2020届九年级下学期英语期中测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Is that orange? Yes. it is. Its big orange. A . a:aB . an;anC . a;anD . an;a2. (2分)Life the 1900s was very different from what it is now. A . inB . onC . fromD . by3. (2分)Mike, I cant find my pen. Could you please lend me ? A . youB . yoursC . yourD . yourself4. (2分)Listen! Can you hear a baby ?A . cryB . cryingC . criedD . to cry5. (2分)Unluckily, villagers died in this earthquake. A . two hundredsB . hundreds ofC . two hundreds ofD . hundred of6. (2分)Im sorry youve missed the train. It 10 minutes ago.A . leftB . has leftC . had leftD . will leave7. (2分)Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the zoo this Sunday if it _?Sorry, I have no idea.A . will go; is fineB . goes; is fineC . will go; is going to be fineD . goes; will be fine8. (2分)Hi, Alice. Could you come to my party next Friday?Sorry, I _. I will go travelling with my parents.A . cantB . couldntC . dontD . didnt9. (2分)_ invention the wheel is! I cant agree more. It is an invention that changed the world.A . What a usefulB . How usefulC . What a uselessD . How useless10. (2分)Mr. Green is sitting _ the car and driving it to work. A . in front ofB . in the front ofC . on front ofD . on the front of11. (2分)The film is so _ that every child is _ in it.A . interested; interestingB . interesting; interestedC . interested; interestedD . interesting, interesting12. (2分)_ the way, did you meet Danny _ your way home yesterday afternoon?Yes, I did.A . On; byB . By; onC . On; inD . By; in13. (2分)Pollution is a serious _ in China . PM2.5 has been increasing in recent years. A . wrongB . questionC . problemD . matter14. (2分)Could you tell me _?He rides his bike.A . how does he go to workB . how he goes to workC . how he went to schoolD . where he goes15. (2分)Would you mind me turning on the air conditioner?_ Its really hot today.A . Yes, please.B . No, please dont do that.C . Not at all. Do as you like.D . Sorry, I dont know.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。A young painter had just completed a beautiful painting. To get peoples opinions about his painting skills, he put his 1at a crossing on a busy street. And below it a board read, Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. 2Im new, I might have made some mistakes in my work. Please put a cross 3you see a mistake.When he came back in the evening to 4his painting, he was completely shocked to see that the whole painting was filled 5crosses. And some people had even written their opinions on the painting. 6 , he ran to his master and said to him, Im 7and if this is what I have learned to paint, Im not worth teaching. The master 8and suggested, Ill let you know that you are a great 9. Now go to paint the same painting once again and give it to 10.Then they went to the same street the next morning and put the same painting exactly at the same place. Now the master 11another board which read, Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. I might have made some mistakes in my painting. I have put a box with colors and 12just below. Please give me a hand. If you see a 13, pick up the brush and correct it. The master and the young painter went back home. Two days later, they came back to the place. The young painter was 14to see that actually there was not a single correction done!Its easier to criticize(批评) but difficult to improve. If you want to help people 15 their behavior, youd better learn how to help people change their attitudes or skills. Also, always remember not to judge yourself by someone elses criticism and feel upset.(1)A . discovery B . invention C . writing D . painting (2)A . When B . Since C . If D . Although (3)A . whoever B . wherever C . whenever D . however (4)A . collect B . draw C . find D . buy (5)A . of B . at C . with D . in (6)A . Luckily B . Sadly C . Normally D . Clearly (7)A . useless B . nervous C . afraid D . angry (8)A . smiled B . agreed C . shouted D . argued (9)A . engineer B . programmer C . artist D . nurse (10)A . them B . him C . her D . me (11)A . fixed up B . took out C . handed in D . gave away (12)A . rulers B . erasers C . brushes D . pencils (13)A . picture B . hole C . word D . mistake (14)A . pleased B . proud C . careful D . surprised (15)A . improve B . enjoy C . teach D . doubt 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读下面短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。Look at this mail-order advertisement:SUNSHINE COMPANYProducts for a Safe EnvironmentA2477-HAND SOAP (肥皂)Youre going to love this natural soap. There are no chemicals in it. It is very good for your hands and face.D4545-GARDEN SPRAY(喷雾剂)Insects(昆虫) are going to run away from our new chili garlic spray. Its safe and natural.B2377-HOME CLEANER(清洁剂)Youre not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!A2104-CANVAS BAG (帆布包)Youre going to say, No paper or plastic! You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag.ItemCode(代码)PriceItemCodePriceHand soapA2477$1.00Garden sprayD4545$2.50Home cleanerB2377$2.25Canvas bagA2104$4.00Postage(邮费): $3.50(1)How many products are mentioned in this advertisement? A . 4.B . 5.C . 6.D . 8.(2)Dr Clean is . A . a strong man who can clean everythingB . a newly-invented machineC . a can of cleaning powderD . a magic cloth for cleaning(3)According to the ad, where can you mail your letter if you want something to kill the ants? A . D4545 Garden Spray.B . Sunshine Company.C . A2104 Canvas Bag.D . The Dr Cleans.(4)Youre going to the natural soap, because . A . it is cheapB . it smells sweetC . there are no chemicals in itD . it is powerful(5)According to the ad, how much do you have to pay for 10 hand soaps and 2 canvas bags totally? A . $13.25.B . $21.50.C . $14.50.D . $18.00.18. (10分)阅读理解So, lets imagine you are walking down the street drinking a box of tea. You finish drinking the tea. Now, what do you do with the box? Do you drop it on the ground? Or, do you do the right thing and drop it in a trash can? Hopefully, you drop it in the trash can because, besides harming the environment, littering is also very impolite.Recently, a magazine published a list of the most polite cities in the world. They looked three things: did people litter, did shop clerks say thank you and did people hold the door open for the person behind them? The top three politest cities were New York, USA, Zurich, Switzerland, and Toronto, Canada. Hong Kong, China was number 35. Shanghai wasnt even on the list.Does that mean that Shanghai is not apolite city? Well, maybe. There are different ways to judge(判断) politeness but the survey was looking at how a visitor to a city would feel when walking around its public places. Visitors dont like to step over empty tea boxes as they walk down the street. They dont like it when they buy something and the shop clerk doesnt say thank you or even give them a smile. They also dont like it when someone lets a door slam(砰然关上) into them instead of holding it open.Shanghai is a nice city but it is not always the most polite city. I dont think this is intentional(有意的). I think its just a lack of awareness(缺乏意识). China is becoming a popular place for tourists to visit. When they come to Shanghai they will find a friendly city: it would be nice if they also found apolite one. And, remember, being polite makes you feel good, too. Its nice to be nice.(1)The following cities EXCEPT _ are on the list of the most polite cities in the world.A . ShanghaiB . TorontoC . New YorkD . Zurich(2)How many cities are mentioned in this passage?A . Four.B . Five.C . Six.D . Seven.(3)Why is Shanghai not always the most polite city in the survey?A . Because people there dont realize the importance of politeness.B . Because people there are not friendly enoughC . Because the food there is not delicious.D . Because the city is too old.(4)In the survey, it is looked to be impolite _.A . to give visitors a smileB . to drop tea boxes into the trash canC . to say thank you to visitorsD . to hold the door closed for visitors(5)The writer mainly wants to tell us _.A . not to drink tea in the streetB . to hold the door open for anybodyC . to remember to be polite in public placesD . to travel to the most polite cities more often19. (10分)阅读理解It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education dont. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But not all the people agree with this idea.Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education in order to make more money in the future. This was probably one of the earliest purposes of education. In fact, if education is just a way to make a living, people dont need to spend so much time in school. They can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone. And people dont have to learn maths and languages so carefully. So it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.So what is education for? Education is wellrounded and it should improve a man in many ways. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities. After that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human. Education is to make a man lead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all, take an interest in the world.I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the only reason.(1)People with better education usually _. A . have fewer chance to choose a good jobB . have more chances to get a good jobC . make less money than othersD . spend the best years making money(2)The earliest education was probably to _. A . teach a man to think creativelyB . teach people to read good booksC . improve a man in many waysD . help people make more money(3)What does the underlined word “wellrounded” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A . 圆满的B . 崭新的C . 全面的D . 公平的(4)It is expected that educated people will be able to _. A . write good books by themselvesB . learn all the subjects very wellC . take an interest in the worldD . lead a richer life than others(5)The passage mainly tells us that _. A . making a living is not the only purpose of education.B . people can get education in a short time.C . people should study hard to get better paying jobs.D . all subjects are very important for a way of living.四、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共20分)20. (10分)任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成下面的表格,每空一词。If you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver(勇敢的), just try the following things:Be open to others. Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide(掩盖) it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more comfortable i n talks.Try to smile more. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings, too; and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make you want to keep talking to that person?Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games. Dont waste time worrying about your look or whether(是否) people like you or not. You will become relaxed and find its not so ha rd to talk with others.Take one small step at a time. Each time when you say “Hi!” or smile at someone, say to yourself You can make it. Keep trying and one day youll never feel shy when you talk to others.Advice on _to be a little braverAdviceReasonsBe _to others.If you tell people you are shy, they will understand you better. It is _for you to feel more comfortable in talks.Smile more.People dont _the one with an angry-looking face.Start a conversation with _words.People will feel great and want to _to you.Pay more attention to ways to enjoy_or games.You will become relaxed. Its _to talk with others.Encourage yourself to say “Hi!” or _at someone.Keep doing this and youll not be _to talk to others in the future.21. (10分)Is there someone you hate? Well, maybe you dont really hate them. Butyou get really angry every time you think of them. If you dont let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness(痛苦)Bitterness appears when we cant forgive(原谅) someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But Instead of controlling the anger, we keep it deep inside. Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think were hurting that person by criticizing him or her often, but were really only hurting ourselves.Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, but also hurt our relationships with friends and family members. No one enjoys being around an anger person for very long.If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.Accept itInstead of trying to deny your anger, make it clear to yourself and accept it. See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it.Stop making excuses for itYou may feel you have a right to be anger. You may think youre right and the other person is wrong. You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad. But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person. The bitterness will hold you back, and the other person will go on with his or her life.Forgive and forget itYou probably cant completely put the anger out of your mind. But you can decide to forgive the other person. Forget it and move on. Youll enjoy better health and peace of mind.阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(1)According to the passage, we might get angry when someone _.bitterness comes from_.A . holds us backB . forgets usC . doesnt like usD . does hurt us(2)bitterness comes from_.A . our health problems like heart diseaseB . the anger that lives deep inside our mindC . the person who says something that hurts usD . our relation with friends and family members(3)The underlined word deny”in the passage means _A . 误解B . 否认C . 疏远D . 减轻(4)The best way to deal with the bitterness is to _.A . make the person who hurts us look badB . hate the person who hurts us very oftenC . accept that you are hurting the other personD . forgive the person who hurts us and forget it(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . We should enjoy someone who hurts us.B . We should pay more attention to our friends.C . The peace of mind is more important than the hurt itself.D . Its better to let bitterness go along with the other person.五、 词汇(每空一词)。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)单词拼写:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1)Today is Lindas birthday. She wants to have a birthday _ (聚会) at home.(2)They have two _ (节日) this month.(3)- Lets go on a _ (旅行) to the park.- That sounds great!(4)Alice is very _ (忙碌) now, so she cant go with us.(5)- When do we have an English _ (测试), Bob? - This afternoon.六、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共14分)23. (10分)(1)Our classroom is clean. _(They) is clean, too.(2)My cousin Kate likes swimming. She is a good_(swim)(3)Peter is a good student. He can sing and dance very _(good).(4)Jacks _(one) teacher is Miss Fang.(5)The flower shop is usually_(close) at weekends.(6)Little Tom is such a _(有礼貌的) child that everybody likes him.(7)Christmas is coming. People are all_(忙的) getting ready for it.(8)What are your _ (业余爱好), boys and girls?(9)We often go to some small _(餐馆) nearby for dinner.(10)The Great Wall in China is _(真的)wonderful.24. (1分)The program was so funny that all the children couldnt stop _. (laugh)25. (1分)She did her best _ (learn) English well.26. (1分) What will British people do if you are in their way? They are too _ (polite) to push past you. They will wait till you move.27. (1分) Hi, Wilson. This is the second time you_(forget) to bring your book. Sorry, I wont do that again, Mr. Green.七、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)阅读填空,阅读下面的短文,根据每个空格中所给的词首字母填入适当的词,使短文意思完整。Photography can be a great hobby for kids Kids can use photography strictly for fun They also can make a l_ of the fun things of their lives Or they can keep one of the photos a_ an art form Either way, photography can be a great hobby for kidsThe digital camera has really made photography b_ a hobby of kids They dont need to worry about taking a bad picture or making m_ Kids can do experiments and try t_ all kinds of pictures to see what they like and what they enjoy recordingKids can l_ about the science of light, learn how to tell a story, how to express emotion in art, and much more, Photography can be easy a _ the beginning and kids can grow with the hobby To those who really come to love photography, it can be a hobby for life and can even be a j_ later on in his lifeYou can take photographs for whatever you are i_ in Be sure to keep the hobby fun and enjoyable You dont need to always take a great photo Even the best photographers take hundreds of photos to g_ that one great shot八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)写作我们学校举办以“家乡的变化”为主题的英语征文活动,请你根据下表提示,以“The Changes in My Hometown”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。过去1. 生活贫困,房屋破旧;2. 污染严重;3. 交通不便现在1. 生活:住房宽敞明亮,许多人都有了自己的汽车2. 环境:山更绿了,水更清了,天更蓝了3. 旅游:每年都有成千上万来自世界各地的游客将来请你展望家乡的未来第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单选选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 任务型阅

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