六年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China课件 外研版.ppt

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六年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China课件 外研版.ppt_第1页
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六年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China课件 外研版.ppt_第2页
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六年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China课件 外研版.ppt_第3页
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Therearelotsofcomputersintheclassroom Therearelotsofdesksintheclassroom Therearelotsofchairsintheclassroom Unit2 TherearelotsofbeautifullakesinChina theWestLake theHuangshanMountain theGreatWall theChangjiangRiver TheHuangshanMountainishigh TheChangjiangRiverislong TheWestLakeisbeautiful TheGreatWallisstrong 一 组内讨论解决问题 小组汇报讨论结果 1 Where stheHuangshanMountain 2 HowlongisTheChangjiangRiver 3 Where stheWestLake 4 HowlongisTheGreatWall 一 组内讨论解决问题 小组汇报讨论结果 1 Where stheHuangshanMountain It sinAnhui 2 HowlongisTheChangjiangRiver It smorethansixthousandkilometreslong 3 Where stheWestLake It sinHangzhou 4 HowlongisTheGreatWall It smorethantwentythousandkilomterslong Listenandread Presentation TherearemanymountainsinChina There safamousmountaininAnhui It stheHuangshanMountain 1 Listenandread Presentation ThisisthefamousChangjiangRiver 2 It smorethansixthousandkilometreslong Listenandread Presentation 3 TherearelotsofbeautifullakesinChina ThisistheWestLake It sinHangzhou Listenandread Presentation ThisistheGreatWall 4 It smorethantwentythousandkilometreslong 1 TherearemanymountainsinChina 2 There safamousmountaininAnhui 3 TherearelotsofbeautifullakesinChina Therebe结构 There is 可数名词单数 不可数名词 are 可数名词复数 Thereisafatcatunderthetable Thereisacakeonthetable Therearelotsofdogsunderthechair Therearelotsofbooksonthetable 完成下列的练习 Practise 一 选择题 1 There abookonthetable A isB are2 thereanappleonyourdesk A areB is3 There somestudentsintheclassroom A areB is4 There apencil abookandtwopensonthetable A isB are5 There twoapples oneorangeandonebananaonthetable A isB are 6 Arethere picturesonthewall No therearen t A any anyBsome anyC some some7 Arethere housesneartheriver Yes thereare A some someB any someC any anyD some any8 Thereis bookinhishand A noBnot二 用恰当的be动词填空 1 There alotofsweetsinthebox 2 There somemilkintheglass 3 There somepeopleunderthethebigtree 4 There apictureandamaponthewall 5 There fourcupsofcoffeeonthetable 6 There somepencilsinthebag 7 There mypostcardfromChina TheEnd Thankyou


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