
上传人:max****ui 文档编号:8112701 上传时间:2020-03-27 格式:PPT 页数:21 大小:2.75MB
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第六课时 Let schant Let stalk Whatdoyoudoontheweekend Iusually SometimesI Whataboutyou Ioften SometimesI Lookandsay Thinkandsay Whatcan tyoudoonarainyday Let splay Answerthequestions a WhatcanZoomdoonasunnyday b WhatcanZoomandZipdoonarainyday Let slearn What stheweatherliketoday WhatcanZoomdotoday Theweatherreportsaysit sgoingtoraintomorrow Intherain Zoomcan tplayfootball Zoomcan tgohiking either playfootball gohiking watchTV goshopping visitgrandparents watchTV Readandwrite Rearrangethewords a do what on weekend the do you b I hiking go sometimes c I watch usually TV go shopping and d play I often football Whatdoyoudoontheweekend SometimesIgohiking UsuallyIwatchTVandgoshopping Ioftenplayfootball Listenandorder 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hecanalwaysdependonme Thinkandsay Mike I mMike Rusty I mRusty I mMike sdog Clock Tick tock tick tock It s7o clock Mike Igetup Rusty Igetup too Mike Idomorningexercises Rusty Idomorningexercises too Mike Igotoschool Rusty Igotoschool too Mike Ising Rusty Ibark Oneday Clock Tick tock tick tock It s8o clock Rusty Wakeup Mike It s8o clock It stimetogotoschool Here sMike sschoolbag hurriestoschool Mike Oh I mlate Where smyschoolbag hurriestoschool Rusty I mwaitingforyou Mike Mike Thankyou Rusty Rusty Youcanalwaysdependonme Letmetry Discussingroup What stheweatherlikethisweekend Howdoyouknow x x Homework 1 Listentoandrepeat Readandwrite and Storytime 2 Copythefour skilledsentencestwice

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