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Unit6Familylife Period2 英语牛津深圳版五年级上 bathroom kitchen bedroom livingroom 根据给出例句进行对话 说一说你的家人正在做什么 A Whereis B He Sheisinthe A Whatishe shedoing B He Sheis earth n 地球 EarthHour地球一小时 全球性节能活动 star n 星星 bedtime n 就寝时间 story n 故事 syotr story bdeitem bedtime 教学目标 aerht earth atrs star 教学目标 教学目标 earth hour storybook bedtime star EarthHour 教学目标 1 2 Alice Hi I mAlice IusuallywatchTVwithmyparentsintheevening butnowI mlookingatthestars 教学目标 3 4 Sally Hi I mSally Iusuallydomyhomeworkatnight butnowI mplayingwordgameswithmyfamily Kitty Hello myname sKitty MybrotherBenandIusuallyreadstorybooksbeforebedtime butnowGrandmaistellingusastory WhatdoesAliceusuallydointheevening SheusuallywatchTVwithherparentsintheevening WhatisAlicedoingnow Sheislookingatthestars WhatdoesKittyusuallydobeforebedtime SheusuallyreadstorybookswithherbrotherBen WhatdoesSallyusuallydoatnight Sheusuallydoherhomework 教学目标 Manypeopleturnofftheirlights 许多人关上电灯 people人 本身是复数 turnoff关上turnon打开 教学目标 IusuallywatchTVwithmyparentsintheevening 在晚上我通常和我的父母看电视 intheevening在晚上inthemorning在早上intheafternoon在下午 教学目标 用inonatoff填空 1 Thereisapicturethewall 2 Sheturnsthelightandgotobed 3 Theygetup7o clock 4 Iusuallyreadbookstheafternoon on off at in 教学目标 Nowwe relookingatthestars 现在我们正在看星星 句子结构 现在进行时 主语 be 现在分词 其他 例子 Heisplayingthepipa 教学目标 1 It sEarthHournow Manypeopleturnontheirlights 2 Aliceusuallylookatthestars 3 Kittyusuallyreadstorybookswithherbrotherbeforebedtime 4 Sallyusuallydoherhomeworkatnight F F T T 教学目标 watching looking reading telling does playing 教学目标 根据给出的例子和短语 句子 进行对话 LondonBridgeisfallingdown bread icecream 面包 脆的 Brianlikesicecream Helikesbreadtoo HeputssomeicecreamOnthebread AndeatstheicecreamWiththebread 教学目标 判断下列红色部分是否发音相同 相同的打 T 不相同打 F 1 creambreak 2 crosscrisp 3 breadprince 4 brokedrink 5 greengreat 6 bridgebread F T F F T T 教学目标 1 She be readingbooks 2 Tonyis draw picturesathome 3 Lily go toschoolbysubway is drawing goes 教学目标 重点单词 earthstarbedroomstorybook 重点句子 IusuallywatchTVwithmyparentsintheevening butnowI mlookingatthestars 教学目标 1 重点单词抄写三次 2 背诵短文 Unit6FamilylifePeriod2 earthstarbedroomstorybook IusuallywatchTVwithmyparentsintheevening butnowI mlookingatthestars

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