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六年级英语小报内容一、 找出每组中不同类的单词。(5分)( )1. A. engineer B. policeman C. cleaner D. uncle ( )2. A. bank B. bookstore C. cinema D. Saturday ( )3. A. bike B. subway C. country D. bus ( )4. A. writer B. newspaper C. magazine D. dictionary ( )5. A. sing B. playing C. collecting D. watching 二、按要求写单词。(10分)1. write(职业名词)_ 2.know(同音词)_3. dive (ing形式) _ 4.west(对应词) _5.read(单数第三人称形式)_ 6.swim(ing形式) _7.left(反义词) _ 8.clean(职业名词) _9. does not(缩写形式) _ 10.do (单数第三人称形式) _三、读句子,选择合适的介词填空。(5分) by on about with for1. Her sister watches cartoons _ TV.2. Go straight _ five minutes. 3. I want to buy a magazine _ plants.4. I live in China _ my mother and father.5. I go to school _ bike.四、选择题(15分)( )1. How do you ? A. go there B. go to there C. get to there( )2.Usually I go to school on foot, because my home is _. A. near B. far C. not near( )3.Sarah, Lets _ to the park this afternoon. A. goes B. going C. go( )4. _ is the cinema? Its next to the hospital. A. What B. How C. Where( )5.Turn left _ the cinema, then go straight. A. in B. on C. at( )6. _ are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book. A. Where B. What C. When( )7. Are you going to use _ books? A. any B. some C. many( )8. I want _a science teacher one day. A. to B. to be C. be( )9. The bird lives _ a tree. A. in B. on C. at( )10. He likes _. A. draw pictures B. drawing pictures C. draws pictures( )11. Does your pen pal _ in Shanghai? A. lives B. living C. live( )12. What does your mother do? She is _. A. an actor B. a actress C. an actress( )13. How does she go to work? _. A.She goes to work by bike. B.She go to work by bike. C.She goes to work by plane.( )14. The rain _ from the clouds. A. comes B. come C. coming( )15. Thank you _ . A. Youre welcome B. Im OK C. Thats right五、补全句子。(5分)A:What are you going to do tomorrow?B: _A:_B: Sure, if you like.A:_B: Its next to the park.A:How can we go there?B: Lets go by bus. _A:Good idea! See you at 8:30.B: _ A:Wheres the cinema? B: See you then.C: Im going to the cinema. D: Can I go with you? E: Its fast.六、连词成句。(10分) 1often, I, foot, on, to, school, go ( .) 2. I, should, What, do, ( ? ) 3. going, I, buy, books, am, some, to, comic,( . ) 4. she, teach, Does, English, ( ? ) 5. your, What, do, does, mother, ( ? ) 七、阅读短文。(共20分)A.(每小题2分,共10分 ) I have a new English teacher, Miss Liu. She is very beautiful. Her home is near, so she goes to work on foot. She likes dancing and singing. She likes playing ping-pong, too. She often plays with us after class. We all like her. Tomorrow we are going to play ping-pong together. ( )1. We have a new _ teacher. A. Chinese B. math C. English ( )2. Miss Lius home is _. A. far B. near C. near to ( )3. Miss Liu goes to work _. A. by bus B. on foot C .by bike( )4. Whats Miss Lius hobby?A. She likes dancing. B. She likes singing. C. She likes dancing, singing and playing ping-pong.( )5. Tomorrow were going to _ together. A. play football. B. play basketball. C. play ping-pong.B.阅读短文,然后判断句子正(T),误(F),(10分) My name is Li Jun. I have a new pen pal. Her name is Amy. She lives in England. Her father is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by car. He likes playing chess and reading newspapers. Her mother is a nurse. She goes to work by subway. She enjoys watching TV and listening to music. Amy is a student. She goes to school on foot. She likes writing emails.( )1. Li Juns pen pal lives in Australia.( )2. Amys father works in a car company. ( )3. Amys fathers hobby is playing football. ( )4. Amys mother is a doctor.( )5.Amys mother goes to work by car.

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