三年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park课件 外研版.ppt

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Module8 Unit2Damingfliesakiteinthepark Listenandsay Thensing Tenbigbananasupthereonthewall Eightbigbananasupthereonthewall Tenbigbananasupthereonthewall Eightbigbananasupthereonthewall Twoforthemonkeyupinthetree Now Twoforthemonkeyupinthetree Now onlyeightbananasupthereonthewall onlysixbananasupthereonthewall Let ssingagain Lookandfill Thenaskandanswer behindtheball underthedesk onthedesk inthebox Whereistheman Heis Freetalk Whatdoyoulikedoinginspring summer Ilikeflyingakite Wheredoyouflyakite Iflyakite inthepark Let slearn Thereisapark park 公园 Thereisalakeinthepark lake 湖 Let slearn Iwalkinthepark walk 步行 Let slearn Iplayunderthetreeinthepark tree 树 Let slearn Hegoesfishinginthepark fishing 钓鱼 gofishing 去钓鱼 Let slearn Shefliesakiteinthepark flies fly的第三人称单数形式 Let splay Missinggame park lake walk gofishing tree Wherearetheanimals Listen pointandsay Thedogisinthelake Thecatisunderthetree Themonkeyisbehindthetree WhatdoesDamingdoinseasons Listenandsay Inspring Damingfliesakiteinthepark Insummer heswimsinthelake Inautumn hegoesfishingunderthetree Inwinter hewalksinthesnow 根据课文内容判断正 T 误 F Damingfliesakiteathome Daminggoesfishinginwinter Damingplaysinthesnowinwinter Damingswimsinthelakeinsummer Trueorfalse F T F T Look askandanswer A Whereistheapple B It sonthechair A Whereistheorange B It sonthedesk A Whereisthebanana B It sunderthechair Playthegame Askandguess 一同学面向黑板 另一同学将物品藏起来 然后让面向黑板的同学猜物品藏在哪 全班的其他同学告诉他 她 猜得是否正确 It sunderthebook Where sthepen Yes itis Look fillandsay InBedroomA thepenis InBedroomB thepenis InBedroomA thebagis InBedroomB thebagis InBedroomA thebookis InBedroomB thebookis onthedesk underthedesk onthechair underthechair onthechair underthedesk Listen repeatandtracetheletters red sun toy 字母排次序这是一个训练学生记忆字母顺序的游戏 教师点名 并出示一张字母卡片 被点名的学生立即读出这个字母 并说出一个包含该字母读音的单词接着由被点名学生的前一位学生说出这个字母的前一个字母 和一个含有该字母读音的单词 然后由被点名学生后面一位学生说出这个字母的下一个字母和含有该字母的单词 如 被点名学生 B bag 前面的学生 A apple 后面的学生 C cat凡说错或接不上的就给该组记负分 Let splay 课堂练习 一 翻译句子 夏天Lingling在河里游泳 冬天我在雪地玩 Insummer Linglingswimsinthelake Inwinter Iplayinthesnow 1 is behind the the cat tree 连词成句 Whereisyourpen 用onthedesk作答 二 按要求写句子 Thecatisbehindthetree It sonthedesk 三 选择题 1 Whereisyourball Itis A intheboxB mineC red2 She akiteinthepark A flysB flyC flies3 Hegoes inautumn A fishB tofishC fishing A C C Summary fliesparklaketreefishinggofishingwalk 2 Inspring hefliesakiteinthepark Homework 1 Readthenewwordsandthesentences 2 Listenandimitate Unit2 Module8Unit2Damingfliesakiteinthepark fliesparklaketreefishinggofishingwalk 2 Inspring hefliesakiteinthepark xx小学x年级x班 xxx


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