三年级英语上册 Unit 7 In the classroom(第2课时)课件 牛津上海版.ppt

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三年级英语上册 Unit 7 In the classroom(第2课时)课件 牛津上海版.ppt_第1页
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三年级英语上册 Unit 7 In the classroom(第2课时)课件 牛津上海版.ppt_第2页
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三年级英语上册 Unit 7 In the classroom(第2课时)课件 牛津上海版.ppt_第3页
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第2课时 ListenandsayPlayagame Module3Placesandactivities Unit7Intheclassroom Ipointyousay blackboard window door Cleantheblackboard Openthedoor Closethedoor Openthewindow Closethewindow Isayyoudo Lookattheblackboard please Closethedoor please Lookattheblackboard please 祈使句表请求 命令 以动词原形开头 加上please 表示客气或礼貌 Please位置较灵活 可以放句首 也可以放句尾 Closethedoor please Pleaseclosethedoor Lookattheblackboard please Pleaselookattheblackboard Openthedoor please Cleantheblackboard please Pleaseopenthedoor Pleasecleantheblackboard Openthedoor please Closethedoor please thewindow please thewindow please Open Close 反义词 open close Roleplay 在小组内 练习对话并表演出来 Fillintheblanks MissFang Kitty Yes MissFang Closethedoor please Fillintheblanks MissFang Lookatthe please blackboard Fillintheblanks MissFang Pleasecleanthe Kitty Kitty OK blackboard Fillintheblanks MissFang Peter Yes MissFang MissFang Thankyou Peter Openthedoor please 两人一组进行比赛 A先看写在纸上的指令 如Cleantheblackboard 这个学生要根据指令做动作 B根据A的动作猜指令 在最短的时间内猜对最多指令的一组获胜 Closethedoor please Cleantheblackboard please Openthedoor please Openthewindow please 两人一组 将一些表示动作的卡片放在桌子上 一名同学随意举起一张卡片 另一名同学用英语说出卡片上的指令 读一读 填空完成句子 1 attheblackboard 2 thewindow It sdirty 3 It scold thedoor please 4 It shot thedoor Look Open Close Open please 祈使句 Closethedoor please Lookattheblackboard please Pleasecleantheblackboard Openthedoor please 1 听录音 跟读课文20分钟 2 预习Sayandact和Learntheletters

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