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美联英语提供:美联英语:医疗保险 口语情景对话小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0对于上班族来说,生大病的时候医疗保险很重要,保什么,不保什么可得弄清楚。今天我们来通过英语对话了解一下美国公司员工享受的医疗保险福利。Andy向同事Jane咨询公司医疗保险的事。Andy: Hey, Jane.are you familiar with our companys insurance policies?Jane: Umm.I think so. Whats up?A: Ive never really paid attention to thefine printof our insurance policies.but it looks like Im going to need to make a claim.J: Really? Are you OK?A: I have aslipped discin my lower back and the doctor says surgery is probably the best option. Does our worker insurance cover this kind of thing?Andy问Jane熟不熟悉公司的医疗保险条款,insurance是保险,policies是条款,医生说他腰椎肩盘突出,可能要做手术,需要向保险公司make a claim,提出医疗赔偿。Andy说,自己从没仔细研究过公司医疗保险的fine print(规定细则),不知道做腰椎肩盘手术,保险公司是不是出钱,这里动词用cover, to cover this kind of thing 意思是保险涵盖这类治疗。J: If the injury is workplace related Im sure its completely covered.A: Hummm.I think Ill have to talk to the doctor again about that. Anyway.now that Im going to have to make some claims, I think Id better try and understand how the system works. Would you mindbreaking it downfor me?J: Sure. Basically we have two insurance policies for employees.workmans compensation and medical insurance. The company pays the premiums for workmans compensation, and for a significant part of the medical coverage, but you pay part of that premium, too.Jane说,如果病情起因跟工作有关,那保险肯定是管的,她还给Andy做了进一步解释,这里用的break something down意思是把一件事情分成几部分,详细说明。Jane说,公司有两种保险,一种是workmans compensation(工人抚恤金保险),保费由公司出;另一种是medical coverage(医疗保险),公司出一大部分保费,其余由员工出,在医疗保险中,保费是premium。A: Thats the charge for insurance I see on mypay slipeach month, right?J: Yep. Every country in the world has a different system, but here we buy insurance from a private provider.A: So workmans compensation is if I slip and break my arm while working in the office or on the job, right?J: Thats right. The company pays for all your medical bills and there is also some financial compensation if you have to take days off to see doctors or spend timerecuperating.Andy说,自己每月工资单上都会有一栏扣的就是医疗保险的保费,工资单在英语里叫pay slip. Andy又问,workmans compensation是不是只管在工作场所或是工作期间受的伤,Jane回答说,没错,在这种情况下,不仅一切医疗费用都由公司出,而且如果员工需要take days off请假去看医生,或是休养(recuperate),还能得到某些经济补贴。Jane向同事Andy介绍了公司的医疗保险,看起来她对保险懂得特别多。ANDY好奇地问:A: It seems you really know a lot about insurance.J: Well, Im pretty serious about insurance. I have two life insurance policies as well as casualty and accident insurance.A: Wow. I only buy insurance when Im forced to. I have auto insurance, but thats required by law.J: You should think about doing some research. Sometimes you can find policies that are actually a pretty good investment. Some policies allow you to pay for say, 20 years, and then you can collect a monthly check from the insurance company.Jane说,自己不仅有医疗保险,还有两份人寿保险,life insurance policies,和意外伤害保险,casualty and accident insurance。她建议Andy不妨找找看,因为有时保险也是一种不错的投资,比如说,有些保险付满20年后,就可以每月从保险公司领取一张支票。A: Thats very interesting. I think youmissed your calling! You should have been an insurance agent!J: Actually, I worked for an insurance company when I was in my 20s.A: Right.no wonder youre so knowledgeable. So what about things like braces for my crooked teeth? Can I claim that from my company policy?J: This company only provides limited dental coverage. If you broke a tooth on the job, that would be covered, but things like braces or teeth-whitening are considered cosmetic procedures and you have to pay the lions share.Andy开玩笑说,Jane应该去卖保险,她真是选错了职业,you missed your calling,calling在这里是职业的意思。Jane说,自己20几岁时确实在保险公司干过,No wonder she is so knowledgeable(难怪她知道这么多)。ANDY又问,如果是牙齿整形,公司的医疗保险管不管,牙齿不整齐,可以说crooked teeth, 牙齿矫形器是braces。Jane说,公司的牙齿保健保险很有限,整形和漂白(teeth-whitening)都属于cosmetic procedures(美容),大部分钱要由个人出,you have to pay the lions share. lions share 意思是主要部分。A: So how should I go about finding out if the medical procedure I need is covered?J: You should probably speak to your doctor and get some paperwork describing what you need. Then you can talk to the insurance company. But remember, some of your medical expenses wont be covered and youll have to pay them yourself.A: I understand. Thanks a bunch. I think I understand the process better now.Jane建议ANDY先去找医生开证明,然后拿着证明去找保险公司问,这样就知道哪些是保险公司负责的,哪些要自己掏钱了。美联英语:www.meten.com

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