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二年级下册牛津英语单词清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供一、单词kitchenkitin 厨房bedroombedru:m, -rm 卧室studystdi 书房bathroomb:rum 洗手间balconyblknigarager: 车库armchair:mte 扶手椅telephonetelifun 电话ownun自己的deskdesk 书桌closetklzit 壁橱nestnest 鸟巢fridgefrid 冰箱bamboobmbu: 竹子二、短语Living room 客厅Dining room 餐厅Teddy bear 玩具熊Knock off 碰撞掉Knock over 碰翻,打倒三、句子Is there a bedroom in your home?你家里有卧室吗?Yes,there is . 是的,有Is there a dining room in your home?你家里有餐厅吗?No ,there is not. 不,没有What is in the forest?森林里有什么?There is a tiger .有一只老虎。四、语法点 句型:there be .表示有.(客观上存在) Eg:there is a bird in the tree.树上有只鸟。 There are apples on the tree.书上有苹果。注(长在树上用on,不是长在树上的用in)Is there ? 有?Yes,there is/No ,there is not东六小学关于举行期末考试的通知根据中心校通知精神,决定于1月18日(周三)一天举行期末考试,现将有关事项通知如下:一、 时 间发卷和开始答卷时间由门卫打玲,收卷时间由姚教负责上午 第一场 8:408:45 分发数学试卷,学生填写校名、班级、姓名,读卷不答题 8:459:25 一、二年级考数学(实考40分钟) 8:459:45 三六年级考数学(实考60分钟)第二场 10:0010:05 分发英语试卷,学生填写校名、班级、姓名,读卷不答题10:0510:50 三六年级考英语(实考45分钟)下午第三场 1:001:05 分发语文试卷,学生填写校名、班级、姓名,读卷不答题1:051:45 一二年级考语文(实考40分钟)1:052:05 三、四、五年级考语文(实考60分钟)1:052:45 六年级考语文(实考100分钟)二、监 考镇调研考试科目为二数、三语、四语和五、六年级的三门学科,由中心校安排监考(见附表一);非调研考试科目监考由教导处统一安排(见附表二)。监考教师一定要严肃考试纪律。巡考安排:数学 王校; 英语 姜校; 语文 姚教;三、 阅 卷五、六年级数学和五年级英语由任课教师于当日下午1:00集中中心校阅卷,其他镇调研考试科目由任课教师于1月19日上午7:40集中中心校阅卷(阅卷地点见附表),非调研科目由各教研组长负责安排流水阅卷,阅卷时要坚持客观、公正、实事求是的态度。四、 领 卷所有试卷由中心校提供。调研考试科目由监考人员于考试当日早上7:40和下午12:20到中心校教导处领取试卷,非调研科目试卷在考前20分钟到教导处领取。五、 其 他1、各班主任在考前调试好录音机。2、上午考试结束后,一、二年级语文教师于9:30到教室组织学生复习,三六年级语文教师在英语考试结束后到教室组织学生复习。二年级因班主任老师外出监考,数学科目考前、考后的纪律由周红梅老师负责,班主任离校时做好交接。3、下午考试结束后学生的放学时间为2:40,学生离校前,在校任课老师要组织学生将教室内外的纸屑清理干净。1月19 21日学生在家休息,1月22日举行休业式,各位班主任要对学生加强安全教育。4、各教研组长要如实填写非调研考试成绩统计表,于1月19日下午报教导处,不得延误。5、各位教师要认真分析试卷和学生考试得失情况,填写好试卷分析表,上报教导处存档。小河东六小学教导处2006年1月14日附表一: 调研考试监考安排2006年1月18日附表一(1)、镇调研科目监考安排学校班级二数三语四语五数、五英中心校1刘丽建姚冬梅张巧华孙志庆2顾浩福王银浩姜金福朱成华3孙志平张茂方蔡连福陈玉英4许华珍万纯英巢鹏华汤纪青5杨芳芸杨见秋郑为娟彭步良6陈 凌汤琴华石桥1任春娣童明龙曹明娥恽志寅2马红芬金玉周纪新沈 旸3翁丽燕陈川何光明东六1潘彩萍刘勤松王学华何玉琴2董雪梅蔡云洪杨道金马 芬3姚玖金董忠银郑丽华徐伟平附表一(2)、镇调研科目监考安排学校班级五语六语六数、六英中心校1王敏浩黄文琴郑荣祥2朱国英潘国强张琴玉3王志洪汤红莲马智琴4车宇梅王红亚何荣军5唐玉娣徐红喜吴新华6柴金美唐 勤汤新华石桥1陈建群刘跃萍孙建顺2仇小亭束建国陈宇良3朱为华潘杏丽张益平东六1潘建强马丽花杨清波2王春香倪鸿琴蒋红霞3马 群徐飞燕陈毅敏附表二: 东六小学校内非统测科目监考安排2006年1月18日班级科目监考老师科目监考老师科目监考老师一(1)数学印红娣语文印红娣一(2)数学李琴芳语文李琴芳一(3)数学徐菊娣语文徐菊娣二(1)数学语文陈 凌二(2)数学语文许华珍二(3)数学语文杨芳芸三(1)数学孙道坤语文英语孙道坤三(2)数学陆红玉语文英语童明龙三(3)数学杨玉宏语文英语姚冬梅四(1)数学丁红霞语文英语蔡连福四(2)数学耿红亮语文英语张巧华四(3)数学陈桂琴语文英语陈桂琴附表三: 五、六年级英语阅卷教师名单五英马芬、沈Yang、汤琴华、李春花、祝亚清、马红芬、耿群芳、徐芸、翁丽燕六英朱惠娟、王雪梅、杨海华、陆红玉、丁红霞、李春花、祝亚清、潘平华、姚玖金、阅卷地点安排1月18日:六年级数学在小会议室,五年级数学和五年级英语在阶梯教室。1月19日:六年级语文在小会议室,五年级语文和六年级英语在阶梯教室,二年级数学在二(1)班教室,三年级语文在三(1)班教室,四年级语文在三(2)班教室。晨光小学六年级备考工作汇报今天我们六年级的所有任课教师及学校负责人齐聚这里,来参加六年级毕业班的备考研讨,我们来到这里,只有一个目的,就是拿出自己的诚心诚意,来学习其它各校备考先进经验和老师们的先进教学方法,来提升自我,达到共同进步的目的,下面我就我校的备考作法向大家作汇报介绍。一、基本情况 我校本级六年级共31人,由李益禄老师担任语文教学,我本人担任英语和数学两科的教学。实际情况就是两人包一班。二、备考的指导思想坚持科学发展观,以每一位学生都出成绩,全面提高三合率为根本,以教师角色、行为转变为特征,以学生学习效果明鲜为归宿。在教育质量巩固年活动中坚持 “全面、系统、扎实、灵活”的基本指导思想,瞄准目标,落实责任,夯实基础,突出重点,面向全体,分类推进,讲求实效,落实“抓中促优帮差”措施,增强质量意识,努力提高三合率。加大教学过程监控与质量评估的力度, 进一步规范教育教学管理,全面提高毕业班教学质量。三、工作目标1毕业班各考试学科成绩全面达到并超过学区责任书指标。2、全乡排名不能在去年的基础上有所下滑。3加强对优生的培养,学困生的补差,注重学生学习生活习惯和道德情感等综合素质的培养,使全体毕业生全面、和谐地发展。4不断改革教学方法,更新教学理念,达到轻负、优质、高效的教学效益。力争教师教有成效,学生学有个性,学校办有特色。四、具体措施一个提高三个转变四点要求一个提高全面提高师生的思想认识水平,营造良好的备考环境让每一位六年级科任教师首先认识到六年级的成绩直接关乎学校的声誉和命运,六年级的教学不仅负担重,而且责任大,需要的是每位科任教师负出最大的努力和承受非一般的压力,更需要每位科任教师在思想意识中有一种不同一般的奉献和敬业精神。教育每一位学生在高强度的学习状态下如何面对学习,如何在学习中得到自己应有的学习快乐,从而快乐地接受学习,更要教育每一位学生从爱校的角度出发,自已做为学校的一员,尤其是毕业班中的一员,自己的成绩的好坏直接影响到对学校的评价,让他们也感受到自己责任的重大,让他们也在思想上的认识提高到一个新的高度。我们把营造良好的备考环境,作为一项重要工作来抓。使学生经常身处浓厚的备考气氛中,时刻警示自己,抓紧点滴时间,备战统考。两个转变第一个转实现从“完成任务”到“达到目标”的根本根本性转变。我们教学往往养成了一个很不好的传统就叫做“完成了教学任务”,这也是我们教学质量提不高的一个根本原因,我们把应该达到的教学目标抛之脑后,取而代之的是无目的地完任务,有些教师为任务而“劳苦一生”,有些教师为完任务而费尽心机,有些教师千方百计地完任务,有些教师为了任务不择手段。然而很多情况之下我们完成的这些任务离我们的教学目标差之甚远。如果我们为了达到一个教学目标而费尽心机,千方百计,甚至“劳苦一生”也不枉然。第二个转变是实现从“教做题”到“指方法”的根本性转变。我们以往为了考试而大量做题,教师一一讲解,其目的是能够在做的这些题中见到考试原题,以达到备考目的,在我看来这种方法的出发点首先是错的,我们没有真正认识到到做题的目的,在我看来,做一道题要通一类题,通一类而成方法,最终达到触类旁通,这才是目的。第三个转变是上课实现从“从多条心”向“一条心|”的转变让一节课有效果的最根本的评价标准是让最多的学生接受和理解教师所授内容,要实现这个就必须得让我位学生都专注于教师所讲内容,但一个班有多少个学生就有多少条心,可能这多少条心在同一时刻却没有思想同一问题,这就是我们通常在课堂上所见到的注意力不集中的现象。所以,作为老师必须要从让每一位学生都专注于教师所授内容,真正实现一条心,跟着一条思路走上下功夫,我们把这作为一个教师上课的重要工作来抓。让教师真正成为导师。四个要求1、“心中有数”每位科任教师必须心中有一张表,这个表中反映着你所任学科以及与之相关的所有信息,要求我们十分清楚。这就是我们心中的数。教师都要预先设定好这张表,真正达到心中有数,不能盲目是从,更不能有走到哪儿算哪儿的思想意识。2、“步步为营”,也就是说一个教学环节也不能放松,一个学生也不疏漏,全面、扎实地打好基础,把考试中所可能出现的情况都考虑其中。3、“游刃有余”,也就是熟练,把每天的目标定为熟练掌握,熟练操作,熟练应用等,只有一种途径,就是训练,采取多种、多样的方法,把每一个知识点都训练到“1+1=2”这样的熟练程度。4、“千方百计”,也就是要常想合适、高效的方法,马上实践,在实践中改进,在改进中发展。2009-5-15杨斌晨光小学六年级备考工作汇报材料2009-5-15才子教育牛津2B测试卷姓名: 一、写出26个字母(14分)二、完成下列单词 (16分)绵羊s_ _ 猴子m_ _ 台灯l_ _ 桌子t_ _ 窗户w_ _ _ 脏的 d_ _ 沙滩b_ _ 沙发s_ _白天d_ _ _ 老虎t_ _ 晚上n_ _ 叉子f_ _ 骑r_ 水w_ 太阳 s_ _ 手表 w 三、选出每组中不同类的单词。(5分)( )1、A、pizza B、plate C、biscuit( )2、A、sun B、moon C、knife ( )3、A、window B、horse C、bear ( )4、A、dinner B、lunch C、soap ( )5、A、milk B、toothbrush C、juice 四、读一读,连一连。(16分)1、喝水 fly a kite 5、刷牙 get up2、放风筝 drink some water 6、洗手 brush your teeth3、睡觉 pick up shells 7、起床 go to school4、捡贝壳 go to bed 8、上学 wash your hands五、连出对应的英语句子。(20分)( )1、在地上画只鸭子。 A. I am hungry.( )2、请把门打开。 B. Draw the duck on the ground.( )3、我洗我的手用水。 C. Open the door, please.( )4、不要践踏草坪。 D. I wash my hands with water.( )5、我是饿的。 E. Dont walk on the glass.( )6、山姆,给我带来一个碗。 F. Lets go to the beach.( )7、让我们去沙滩吧。 G. Close the window, please.( )8、请关上窗户。 H. Turn on the tap , May.( )9、梅,打开水龙头。 I. The sun is hot.( )10、太阳是热的。 J. Sam, bring me a bowl.六、选词填空(16分)1、Its seven oclock. Lets have _ (lunch, breakfast)2、Dont _ (climb , fly) the tree. 3、Summer is _ (cold , hot)4、There _ (is , are ) two bags in the room.5、Bring _ (I , me )some water , please.6、The bird can _(swim , fly).7、I wash my hands with _(wash , water).8、Im _(hungry , thirsty). I want a hot dog.七、请将下列问答句配对连线。(10分 )( )1、What do you want? A 、Its two oclock.( )2、What do you see? B 、No, thank you .( )3、Four spoons? C 、I can skip.( )4、What time is it? D 、I see a big elephant.( )5、What can you do? E 、I want an orange。八、将正确答案的序号填在括号内(3分)( ) 1. There some water.A. is B. are( ) 2. There four sweets.A. is B. are( ) 3. There an apple.A. is B. are1. Listen, Jim _(sing) an English song in the music room.2. Wang Bing _(like) (make) model ships.3. I _(live) in Nan Jing , but my friend (live) in England.4. My father (like) (read) newspaper, but my mother (not)5. Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _ (have) an English class now.6. I like _(sing), she _(like)_(dance).7. What Helen often (do) at the weekends? She often (catch) insects.8. He _(do not) want (eat) bread for breakfast.9. I _(have) a friend. Her name _(be)Susan. She _(like) singing and dancing10. _Yang Ling (have) (some) hobbies? Yes, she . 11. Where (be) Helen and Tom from? They (be) from (American)? 12. She usually _(go) shopping with her mother.13. Whats (Nancy) hobby? She (like) (grow) flowers.14. Mr Smith _(come) from Australia. He speaks (England).15.Look, They _ (play) football in the playground.16. _(do) your sister (watch ) TV every day? No, she .17.Liu Tao can (swim) (good) . (he) mother can (dance) _(beautiful).18.I often go _(swim) on Sunday afternoon. But my mother (go) (shop)19. (Nancy) parents (be) from (Japanese). Theyre Japanese _(visit).20. How many (child) are there in your class? There (be) thirty.21. A chicken (have) two (foot) .22. Id like _(buy) some (peach) in the supermarket.23. Let (we) (help) (she) with (she) homework.24. We _(want) (go) (fish).25._ you _(skate) now? No, I (write) an e-mail to (I) friend.26. There (be) some milk in the bottle. 27. There (be) some (butterfly) and ( dragonfly ) in the park.28. What (be) (you) mother (do) now? She _(cook) in the kitchen. 29. I want to _(buy) some interesting books at the bookshop30. There (be) some (knife) and ( fork) in the cupboard. 31. I (like) (ski). I can (ski) (good).32. Liu Tao and Wang Bing usually _ (run) after school. Look, they _(run) in the playground. 33. This is (she) book. Those (be) (they) (book).34. Today (be) (teacher) Day . These (card) are for (they).35. I want_(write) a letter to my friend. He is (Australia).36. (be) there (some) bread in the fridge? No, there .37. Today is the _(one) day of the new term. 38. There any (student) in the classroom. They (paly) volleyball now.39. Mum and I _(have) (same) hobby.40. Shall we _(go) to the cinema by bike? All right.41. _ (do) your friends (visit) your family every week? No, they_(do).42. What _(be) one plus four? Its five.43. show (they) how (darw) firefly)44. Who (be) on duty today?45. Dont play the violin. Your father _(sleep) in the bedroom.练习(2)1.He usually_(go) _(shop) after lunch.2.He _(have) a family.3.My aunt often_(play) table tennis after school.4._(do)she_ (feel) tried?5.His brothers _ (surf) the Internet every day.6.He_ (not do) _(he) housework at the weekends.7.The_ (child) are _ (talk) about their weekends.8.My mother_ (like)_(dance).She can_ (dance) beautifully. And she often_ (dance) in the evening.9._(do)she _( sleep) early in the evening?10.My parent _ (have)a big apple tree.11.What_ (do) he usually_ (do) on Sundays?12.Her sister, Nancy, _(call)_(my) now.13.Can you_(make)clothes for _(I) daughter.14.How_(do) you spend your weekends? I often _(write)e-mails.15.Where is she from? She is from_. Shes _She (speak)_. (France)16. How_ (be) you? I_(be) ill. I _ (be) fine tomorrow, I think.17. _ (be) you free now? Sorry, I _ (be) very busy. 18. Listen, two _ (American) _ (sing) in_ (France).19. Lets _ (go) and _ (play) basketball .20. Look, Mike is_ (sit) _ (quiet). 21. _ (do) your father_ (watch) TV in the evening? No, he_ (not). 22. May I _ (speak) to Helen? This is Helen _ (speak). 23. Are these your _ (stamp) ? No, theyre _ (Yang Ling)24. Childrens Day is _(come), our parents would like _(buy)things for _(we).25. I _(be) late. Dont _ (late ) again. 26. Who _(teach)this class English? Miss Li does.27. Where _ your father _ (work)? He _ (work) in a hospital. 28. _ your father _ (play) table tennis over there now? Yes, he _. He often _ (play) it at this time.29. How _ (do) Yang Ling go to school? _ she go to school by bike? 30. _ your father often busy? Yes, he is.31. Does he _( swim) _(good)?32.Please (not write) on the wall. 33. My (friend) are at home today. I love(they) very much. 34. When your mother (get) up in the morning?35. Sometimes Wang Bing goes (swim).36. Why (be) Tom absent today?37. Miss Li is (us) teacher. We like (she).38. My coat is red and (Ann) is yellow.39. Are (this) your Japanese books? 40. Lets try (study) English (good). 41. They are in different (country). 42. Let me (clean ) the blackboard for you, sir. 43. There ( be) much water in the bottle. 44. Kate ( do ) her homework now? Its time ( have ) lunch. 45. Look at the children over there! What they (do )?46. Miss li ( teach )_ (we) English . Now, she (give ) us an English lesson. 47. Here ( be ) your trousers. 48. We have the same (hobby ) 49. How many _ (subject) do you have this afternoon?50. Show _ (they) how _ (make) a model plane.51. There are a lot of _ (dragonfly) in the park.52. The student uses a computer _ (write) music.53. My _ (sister) hobby is _ (collect) _ (stamp).54. The grasshopper with long _ (leg) can jump high.55. I am sorry _ (hear) that.56. How many _ (flower) stamps do you have?57. The _ (visit) are from the USA.58. _ (class) begin at half past seven. 59. Whats wrong with _ (he)? He _(have)_ (get) a high fever.60. Where _ you _ (go)? I _ (go) to the library.61. Dont _ (talk) to the strangers.62. Im sorry I _ (can) buy _ (some) _ (fruit) for you.63. After taking some medicine, my father feels _ (well) .64. I have a good friend. _ (she) name is Mary.65. He _ (have) a round face and blue_(eye). 66. Look at the _(beautiful) butterflies. They dance _(beautiful).67. Jims mother has some _ (China) friends. She _ (like) _ (write) stories about _ (they). 68. Listen to the teacher _ (careful) in class.69. Its a _ (story) and its _ sad. (real)用所给动词的适当形式填充1.Do you like _ (run) after dogs? No, I _(do). 2.What do you _(like)? I like _ (sit) on the ball. 3.What _ (do ) Liu Tao _ (have)? He _ (have) a towel. 4.What is Jack _ (do) ? Hes _(listen) to music. 5. Dont _ (draw) on the desk. 6.Dont forget _ (open) the door. 7.Id like _ _ (climb) the tree. 8.There _ (be) some chicken in the tin. 9._(not make) a model plane. 10.What_ (be) near the garden? There_(be ) a lot of houses. 11.I _ (not) have a telescope. 12 They like_ (fly) kites after class. 13._ you _ (like) milk? 14. Look, the bird is _ (sing) in the tree.15. Can Kate _(ski)? Yes. Look, She _ _ (ski) over there. 16. Here _(be) some change for you. 17. My parents like _ (drink) tea. Now, they _ _ (drink) tea in the room. 18. How many students want _(be) a doctor? 19. I like _ (have) noodles. Now I _ _ (have) noodles with my parents. 20. What can your brother _(do ) ? He can _ (write) in English. What _your brother _(do) now? He _ _ (copy) words. 21. _ (not read) the newspaper. _ (read) the magazine ,please.22. What _ the children _(have)? They _ (have) some cards.22. What _ the woman _(have)? She _(have) a storybook.23. The boy _ a yo-yo and his parents _ some books. (have)24. Lets _(make) a cake now.25. Would you like _(join) us?26. Shall we _(learn) the English song now?27. I dont know how _ (cook) rice.28. Please show us how _(clean) the window.29. Why dont we _(buy) a mask?30. Ill _(play) basketball with you.北 极 星 英 国 英 语 学 校六年级英语形容词比较级记忆口诀比较级是形容词,一好一坏要记牢,good更好是better, bad更坏是worse结尾有e只加r,nice变成nicer;双写目前有四个,thinner bigger , fatter 和hotter其余全部加er。形容词的比较级练习 (PEP Book 8 Unit 1 How tall are you?)形容词比较级的用法1、形容词比较级:在英语中,两者进行比较,强调一方比另一方,可使用形容词比较级than 结构2、需要掌握的形容词比较级的形式:tall, taller, short, shorter, old, older, young, younger, strong, stronger, heavy, heavier, long, longer, thin, thinner, big, bigger, small, smaller.3语法归纳(形容词比较级)情况 加法 例词一般情况 加er small-smaller以e结尾的词 加r large-larger以辅音字母+y结尾的词 变y为i,再加er easy-easier以一个辅音字母结尾的词 将这辅音字母双写再加er hothotterthinthinner fatter形容词比较级的练习I.Write the answers.(根据题意,写出答案。)1.The black dog is _ (thin) than the white dog.2.This balloon is _ (big) than yours.3.My bag is _ (heavy) than yours.4.John is _ (strong) than Mike.5. I am _ (short) than Lucy.II.用所给词的正确形式填空,每词用一次。Young long tall heavy old thin1.Monkeys tail is than the rabbits tail.2.Dick is 11 years old. Nina is 12 years old. Dick is than Nina.3.Im 140 cm .4.Im 40 kg. Youre 42 kg. Im than you.5.How are you? Im 45 kg.III.选择填空。1. How heavy are you? _.A. Im 48 years old. B. Im 48 kg. C. Im 48 cm.2. Tom is 120 cm. Jack is _. Than him. A. tall B. taller C. heavier3. How heavy is the whale? _.A. Its strong. B. Its heavier. C. Its 3600 kg.4. How _ are you?A. old B. older C. taller5. The monkey has a _ tail.A. tall B. long C. longer6. How big are your feet? _ .A. I wear Size 17. B. Im bigger than you. C. Im 17 bigger.7. Jim is 40 kg. Tom is 38 kg. Tom is _ than Jim.A. taller B. thinner C. heavier8. Im 11 years old. My sister is 2 years older than me. She is _.9. I am _ than my aunt.A. strong B. big C. shorter10. My father is _ than my grandpa.A. older B. younger C. smallerIV.写出形容词的比较级形式tall - strong - old- thin - heavy- big - V.连词成句。1. your, is, big, room how_2. Im, than, taller, 6 cm, you _


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