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主谓一致考点 一 就前一致 即谓语动词与前面的中心词一致 名词A 名词B这样的结构做主语 谓语动词仅与A一致 1 Mary togetherwithherparents 去过 theSummerPalacetwice 2 Theteacheraswellasherstudents fondofpopularmusicverymuch 3 AllbutTom know thetruthsofar with togetherwith alongwithbut except besidesincluding aswellas inadditiontonot ratherthan like hasbeento is haveknown 4 He ratherthanyou 应受责备 二 就后一致 即谓语动词与后面的中心词一致 名词作主语时 谓语动词取决于后面名词的数1 Onethirdofthestudentsinourclass girls 2 Seventypercentofthesurfaceoftheearth coveredwith bywater 分数 of 百分数 ofsomeof partof halfof mostof therestof istoblame are is 3 Halfoftheproject complete inthepasttwomonths 4 Somestudentsarestudyingintheclassroom whiletherest enjoyingtheperformances 三 就近一致 连接的词作主语 谓语动词与最邻近的主语一致 or either or neither nor notonly butalso not but Therebe hasbeencompleted are 1 youorhetoattendtomorrow smeeting 2 Eitheryouorhe mistaken 3 NeitherMarynorherparents inforrockmusic 4 There apenandsomebooksonthetable Are is go is 六 分两种情况对比掌握 1 集合名词如family team class group population作主语 如果作为一个整体看待 谓语用单数 如果指集体里每一个成员 谓语用复数 1 Ourclass abigone Ourclass fondofmusic is are 2 ThepopulationofChina farlargerthanthatofJapan EightypercentofthepopulationinChina farmers 2 单复数同形的词如sheep deer Chinese Japanese means 方法 手段 works 著作 工厂 作主语 谓语动词应根据上下文取决单复数 1 Everymeans beentriedtosolvetheproblem Allmeans beentriedtosolvetheproblem is are has have 2 There anewly builtchemicalworks 3 一些总是以复数出现 成双成对的事物如trousers shoes glasses gloves等如果单独出现 谓语用复数 如果前面有a this thatpairof修饰 谓语用单数 1 Thetrousers mine 2 Thispairoftrousers mine is stands are is 类似地 Applesofthiskind sell well Thiskindofapples sell well sell sells 4 1 Anumberofpeople own carsnow 2 Thenumberofpeoplewhoowncars increase everyyear 5 1 Theaged beingcaredforinthecommunity 2 Thebeautiful notalwaysgood 6 1 Asingeranddancer beeninvitedtotheparty 2 Asingerandadancer beeninvitedtotheparty own isincreasing are is has have 7 Tomisoneoftheworkerswho firedbythecompanylastweek Tomistheonlyoneoftheworkerswho firedbythecompanylastweek 8 Alargequantityofwater wastedeveryyear Largequantitiesofwater wastedeveryyear were was is are 9 下列句子有什么特点 1 Whatweneed hardwork Whatweneed suitablematerials 2 Such whathetoldme Such hiswords 3 Thefollowing hisadviceonlearningEnglish Thefollowing sometipstolearnEnglish is are was were is are 链接高考答案 1 5 ABBCD6 10 BAABC11 15 DDCAD16 18 DCD Good bye Wishyouapleasantholiday

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