2019秋六年级英语上册 Unit 3《Food and Health》(Part A)课件1 (新版)闽教版.ppt

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2019秋六年级英语上册 Unit 3《Food and Health》(Part A)课件1 (新版)闽教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋六年级英语上册 Unit 3《Food and Health》(Part A)课件1 (新版)闽教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋六年级英语上册 Unit 3《Food and Health》(Part A)课件1 (新版)闽教版.ppt_第3页
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FoodandHealth PartA 美食欣赏 Let sreviewthefoodwehavelearned 让我们复习下 我们学过的食物吧 eggs milk vegetables fruits hamburgers cakes fish hotdogs rice bread noodles dumplings coke icecream grapes chicken 好 不好 判断下面的food 对我们身体好不好 bag bad坏的 begoodfor 对 有益 bebadfor 对 有害 Theyaregoodforyou Theyarebadforyou Theyaregoodforyou Theyarebadforyou Theyaregoodforyou Theyarebadforyou Ben Benlikes Bendoesn tlike Listenandfind candy vegetables sweet Ben Benlikes Bendoesn tlike candy vegetables vegetables Theyaregoodforyou Theycankeepyouhealthy It sbadforyou It sbadforyourteeth candy atooth牙齿 teeth牙齿 foot的复数形式feet Read Candyisbadformyteeth Icecreamisbadforourteeth Chocolateisbadforourteeth WhereisKate WhatdoesKate smotherwant Readthetextaloneagainandanswertwoquestions WhereisKate Sheisinthekitchen 在厨房里 Youareeatingcandyagain Areyouinthekitchen WhatdoesKate smotherwant Shewantsabasket Bringmeabasket please basketball basket ring bring拿来 带来 take拿走 带走 Homework 作业 完成活动手册PartA部分 听力部分除外 Bringmesomecandy please Takeabasketwithyou bring take bring拿来 带来 take拿走 带走 Bringmeaglassofwater please Takeanumbrellawithyou aglassofwater anumbrella Whydoesshewantabasket Shewantstopicksomevegetables I mgoingtopicksomevegetables Don tpicktheflowersinthepark picksomevegetables I mgoingtopicksomevegetables Theykeepyourbodyhealthy Theykeepyourbodyhealthy 他们能让你身体健康 Whynotcomewithme 为什么不 ListenandfollowonPage16 Iread youlistenonPage17 Lookandsay T or F 1 Applesarehealthyfood 2 Riceandfisharehealthyfood 3 Candyisn thealthyfood 4 Noodlesaren thealthyfood 5 HamburgersandCokearehealthyfoodanddrink 6 Cokeishealthydrink饮料 7 Vegetablesarehealthyfood T T T F T F F Tips Notalldeliciousfoodishealthy Homework 1 听录音 熟读本课对话 2 抄写课文 单词 3 询问自己的父母都喜欢哪些食物 然后用英语告诉他们 哪些食物是有益健康的 哪些食物是不益于健康的

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