2019春六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1《It was Daming’s birthday yesterday》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1《It was Daming’s birthday yesterday》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1《It was Daming’s birthday yesterday》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1《It was Daming’s birthday yesterday》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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TomorrowisSunday I mgoingtohaveapicnic Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow be goingto 动词原形 am is are 用来表示按计划或要发生的动作 有 准备 打算 的意思 一般将来时 I用am 复数 we they you 两人以上 都用are 第三人称单数 she he it 人名 都用is will 动词原形 Lastweekend IwenttoGuilin Whatdidyoudolastweekend 主语 动词过去式 其他 描述过去发生的事情或动作 句子中 通常会出现yesterday last ago等 一般过去时 基本结构 动词变过去式 规则变化 动词后面 ed 如 play played 不规则变化 规则动词的过去式变化如下 1 一般情况下 动词词尾加 ed 如 watch watchedplay played2 以不发音的 e结尾动词 动词词尾加 d 如 live livedhope hoped3 以辅音字母 y结尾的动词 把 y变为 i再加 ed 如 study studiedcarry carried4 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词 双写词尾辅音字母 再加 ed 如 stop stopped finishedgavemadethankedwas finish完成give给make制作thank谢谢is是 动词原形 动词过去式 am is was are were do did go went buy bought fall fell have had get gotlearn learntteach taughtsend sent give gavecan couldwrite wrotedrink drankdrive drovesee sawwear woremake maderide rodetell toldtake tooksay said 否定形式 was were not Iwasnotateachermanyyearsago 在动词前加didn t 同时还原动词 Wedidn tplayfootballyesterday 一般疑问句 Did 主语 动词原形 其他 DidyougotoNanninglastweekend 特殊疑问句 疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 其他Whatdidyoudoyesterday readbooks playedbasketball wentshopping wentswimming watchedTV Pleasesaytheactivities Itwasabookabout spacetravel earth地球 spaceship宇宙飞船 taikonaut宇航员 ItwasDaming sbirthdayyesterday Hehasgotmanypresentsfromhisfamilyandfriends AndSimon smumalsogavehimapresent Doyouknowwhatisit WhatdidSimon smumbuyforDaming WatchtheCDandanswer Sheboughthimabook WatchtheCDagain thenfindout ed words 请你在课文中找出动词过去式的单词 1 Whatwasitabout 2 DidDaminglikeit 3 WhatdidDamingandSimonseeinit Readthetextandanswer Itwasaboutspacetravel Yes hedid Theysawmanypicturesofspaceships Damingisvery spacetravel Simonwas thisbooktoo in interested interested in Damingaskedhimtoreadthebookwithhim Inthebook theysaw manypictures ofspaceshipsfromChina Russia andtheUS Theydecidedtomakea andgiveitto spaceship Simon smum paper buy 人 物品 buy 物品 for 人 给某人买 give 人 物品 give 物品 to 人 把 给某人 Iboughtthisbookforyou 我给你买了这本书 Iboughtyouthisbook Iboughtthiscapforyou Iboughtyouthiscap Igivethebiketoyou Igiveyouthebike Igavethiscaptoyou Igaveyouthiscap interested感兴趣的 短语 beinterestedin 对 感兴趣 如果后面接动词 要用ing形式 例如 IaminterestedinwatchingTV interested感兴趣的 interesting令人感兴趣的 区别 interested用来形容人interesting用来形容物体 例如 Iaminterestedinthisinterestingbook 我对这本令人感兴趣的书感兴趣 beinterestedin SimonandDamingwereinterestedinspacetravel Whataboutyou Iaminterestedintravel 学习几个短语 1 thenameof 的名字2 makeamodelof 制作一个 的模型3 take into 把 带入 ask 人 宾格 to 动词原形叫某人做某事 Damingaskedhimtoreadthebookwithhim OnLingling sbirthday Damingboughtherapresent Itwasakite OnDaming sbirthday Amyboughthimapresent Itwasacar OnAmy sbirthday Samboughtherapresent Itwashat 31 刘伯明 翟志刚 费俊龙 聂海胜 杨利伟 景海鹏 Russia theUS China 1 Whatisthenameofspaceship 2 WhendidittakeaChinesetaikonautintospace Readthetextandanswer ItisShenzhouV In2003 Homework CopythenewwordsandsentencesinModule6 Listenandrepeatthetext

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