2019春五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《You can use the computers》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《You can use the computers》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《You can use the computers》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 2《You can use the computers》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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welcometoourclass Youcanusethecomputers Module3 Unit2 Let splay puppetgame Ican playbasketballdomyhomeworkusethecomputersplaythedrumsreadbooks Ican t playthefluteflykiteslistentomusicplayfootballwatchTV Doyouknowhim Iwillgiveyousomeriddles 谜语 aboutplaces Canyouguess WegotherefromMondaytoFriday wecanstudytogetherwithmanystudentsandteachers Welikethere school Therearemanydifferentthings suchasfood drinks fruitsandsoon Wecanbuymanythingsfromthere shop Therearemanyanimals youcanseetigers monkeys elephants lions it sagoodplace Welikethere zoo It sashop therearemanybooksinthisshop butwecan tborrow 借入 借来 wecanbuymanyinterestingbooksinthisshop bookshop park It sagoodplace Wecanseealotofbeautifulflowersandtalltrees Inthisplace Wecanjump wecanflykites wecanplaywithourfriends Therearemanydifferentgoodbooks wecanborrowbooks videosandCDs butwemustgivethembackontime 按时 library libraries 复数形式 Welldone Thankyou Whatisitabout It saboutlibraries It saboutparks Listenandchoose Wecandomanythingsinlibraries Butdoyouknowwhatyoucandoandwhatyoucan tdoinlibraries can t You borrowbooks CDsandDVDs You usethecomputers You doyourhomework You talktoyourfriends can can can can can t Listenandchoose Let ssay Youcan Youcan t borrowbooks CDsandDVDs doyourhomework usethecomputers talktoyourfriends borrowbooks CDsandDVDs doyourhomework usethecomputers talktoyourfriends borrowbooks CDsandDVDs doyourhomework usethecomputers talktoyourfriends borrowbooks CDsandDVDs doyourhomework usethecomputers talktoyourfriends borrowbooks CDsandDVDs doyourhomework usethecomputers talktoyourfriends Youcandoit Let sretell Youcan Youcan Youcan Youcan Butyoucan t lookandsay Groupwork Therearedifferentrulesindifferentplaces Whatcanyoudoandwhatcan tyoudointhefollowingplaces Youcan Youcan t library Youcan Youcan t school Youcan Youcan t zoo Youcan Youcan t bookshop Youcan Youcan t park Youcan Youcan t shop Youcan Youcan t Welldone Groupwork Doyouknowyourclassrules eg we Ican we Ican t Let swrite Writedownyourclassrules Wecan wecan wecan Wecan t wecan t wecan t Soyoumustobey 遵守 therulesindifferentpublicplaces 公共场所 Tobegoodchildren Thankyou Seeyou

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