2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We should learn to take care of ourselves》课件7 (新版)湘少版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We should learn to take care of ourselves》课件7 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We should learn to take care of ourselves》课件7 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 3《We should learn to take care of ourselves》课件7 (新版)湘少版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3Weshouldlearntotakecareofourselves 我们应该要学会照顾自己 care关心 呵护Takecareof lookafter 照顾 照料 照看 Forexample 例如 Weshouldtakecareof lookafter ourgrandparents because 因为 theyareoldandweak Washourhandsbeforeeating Washourfaceeveryday Washourbodyeveryday Keep 保持 ourbodyclean eathealthy hel 健康的food Doexercise eks sa z 锻炼everyday run jog d g 慢跑 Swim游泳 GroupworkTwoSspracticethedialoguefromthepictures 每两个同学从下图挑选出有利于我们健康的活动练习对话 A whatshouldwelearntotakecareofourselves B weshould Sum 总结 Weshould 动词原形Weshouldeathealthyfood Weshouldbehappy Should 动词原形 I he she you theyshould Review 复习 thewords Healthyfood健康的食物doexercise做运动Washourhands洗手washourface洗脸Washourbody洗澡jog慢跑Takelongwalks远距离散步feelhappy感觉开心Takecareof关心 照顾 照料 HedoesTaichi 太极 atthepark 1 Listenandcatchthemainidea 听录音 找主旨 Mrlin shealthyhabits 习惯 方式 inlife 2 Readthestory 1 年龄表示法An80 year oldmanAn80yearsoldman 表示年龄有扩折号时 year不加s 没有扩折号则加s Early Late Then Next Around Afterthat Havearest 早的 迟的 然后 之后 接着 然后 周围 环绕 在那之后 After 在 之后 Before 在 之前 休息 好好休息 Haveagoodrest Gotobed 去睡觉 Hour 小时 一个小时 Anhour 两个小时 Twohours 频率副词复习 Usually 常常 Sometimes 有时 always 总是 Often 经常 Never 从不 1 Listenandcatchthemainidea 听录音 找主旨 2 Checkyouranswers HowoldisMrLin Heis80yearsold b WhatdoesMrLindoeverymorning Hedoestaichi c Whatdoeshehaveforlunch Hehasricewithvegetables fishandchicken 2 WhatdoyoulearnfromMrLin a F b T c F d T e T that sall thankyou

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