2019春三年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《How many apples are there in the box》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《How many apples are there in the box》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《How many apples are there in the box》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《How many apples are there in the box》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module7Unit1 Howmanyapplesarethereinthebox onlyonecrayon twochildren Thereis Thereare Readandwrite onlytwoT shirts But threechildren Thereare thereare thereisthereare Schoolbagshow书包秀Thisismyschoolbag Thereisa Thereare ruler小尺 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 eraser橡皮 book书 crayon蜡笔 Revision 18 13 wonderful 17 20 15 19 Let scount ten twenty thirty forty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety Readthesenumbers 数字 ten twenty thirteen fourteen fifteen eighteen sixteen seventeen nineteen 在个位数后加 teen 在个位数后加 ty thirty forty fifty eighty sixty seventy ninety Match twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety ten 10 60 30 80 70 40 90 50 20 1 Howmanyapplesarethereinthebox 2 Howmanypearsarethereinthebox Therearetwenty six Therearethirty Readandfill Readinpairs Let schant Numbersarehavingaparty Twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eightyandninety Allofthemaredancinghappily thirty Therearethirtydogsinthepicture forty Therearefortyorangesinthepicture Howmanydogsarethereinthepicture Howmanyorangesarethereinthepicture sixty Therearesixtybottlesofwaterinthebox seventy Thereareseventyeggsinthebaskets water Howmanybottleofwaterarethereinthepicture Howmanyeggsarethereinthepicture Look askandanswer A HowmanychildrenarethereinClass1 B Thereare HowmanypeoplearethereinLiuXing sfamily Therearefivepeople Lookandwrite HowmanypeoplearethereinLiuXing sfamily Thereare people Askandanswerinpairs Choose1picturetotalkabout 运用所学句型 小组内选择一个场景进行交流 Howmany arethere Thereare HappyFarm forty Therearefortyapples seventy Thereareseventybooks 1030 3535 ninety Thereareninetydogs sixty Therearesixtybirds 5040 2733 fifty five Therearefifty fivepears ninety seven Thereareninety sevenkangaroos 505 2770 onehundred Thereareonehundredtrees 2575 Howmanycanyousee A lionB bearC monkeys2 Therearesixinmyfamily A peoplesB peopleC apeople3 Weareandwearesinging A happy happyB happily happilyC happy happily 选择 4 Theresixboys andthereonlyagirl A is isB are areC are is5 Whatareyoudoing A I mhungryB Therearesixty C Wearehavingaparty6 Youboughtbooks A somuchB somanyC manyso 选择 Choose howmanyhowmuchthereisthereare1 pupilsaretheeinourclass 2 riceisthereinthebox 3 thirtysheeponthehill 4 sixteenbottlesofjuiceinthebox Howmany Howmuch Thereare Thereis Choose somanysomuchthereisthereare5 twentypupilsinourclass 6 Thereis cheeseinthebox 7 Thereare applesonthetree 8 thirtykilosofbeefinthebag Thereare somuch somany Thereis 3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine 30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety onetwothree fourfivesix seveneightnineten eleventwelve 100onehundred thirteen thirty fourteen forty fifteen fifty sixteen sixty seventeen seventy eighteen eighty nineteen ninety onehundred teen 13thir14four15fif 16six17seven18eight19nine thirteenfourteenfifteen sixteenseventeeneighteennineteen teen HowmanychildreninEngland Thirty thirty therewerethirty HowmanychildreninChina Fifty fifty therearefifty Thirty fifty thirty fifty Theyaredifferent Chant Matchthewordsandthenumbers hundredthirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety 40100307060508090 What splus ask answer twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyonehundred plus isonehundred 1 1 3 3 2 7 6 2 9 1 5 5 2 4 4 4 8 1 2 2 5 1 DoitinEnglish What splus missing3 9 Howmanyteachersarethereinmyoffice 办公室 Thereare9 Howmanymen 男 teachers Thereare4 Doyouknow Aretheremanywordsinmodule7 Yes thereare Howmanywordsinmodule7 Thereare8 Aretheremanymodulesinthebook Yes thereare Howmanymodulesinthebook Thereare10 Workingroups LookaroundtheclassroomandaskquestionswithHowmany arethere 仔细观察教室小组内做问答 Howmanychildrenarethereinyourclass Thereare children Howmanyboysarethereinyourclass Thereare boys Howmanygirlsarethereinyourclass Thereare girls Howmany Thereare Workinyourgroup 小组活动 DearAmy Howareyou I mveryhappyinChina Therearechildreninyourclass boysandgirls Nowthereare childreninmyclass aretwentygirlsand boys SoI vegotmore inChina Writetomesoon From Candy forty one twenty one twenty are There friends fifty two Onefroghas mouth eyesand legs Twofrogshave mouths eyesand legs Threefrogshave mouths eyesand legs Fourfrogshave mouths eyesand legs Fivefrogshave mouths eyesand legs one two four IQTest Workingroups LookaroundtheclassroomandaskquestionswithHowmany arethere 仔细观察教室小组内做问答 guessinggame Aretheremany inyourbag Howmany arethereinthebag

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